Feng Di couldn't help lowering her head and smiled sarcastically: "I'm over my own power. How could a woman who can be favored by King Jin be just a peasant girl with a fake appearance? That marriage will be announced to the world. No prince of Nalan country has ever had such a big battle to marry, which is enough to show that the emperor of Nalan country and King Jin attach great importance to this Hui'an county master! The seventh prince found out that she was a peasant girl, not to say that it should not be one Ordinary peasant girl? Otherwise, King Jin doesn’t like it? Now it seems that he is still King Jin’s favorite, and the two always look at each other, and they are in love with each other!”

So what if you like it, people already have famous flowers! Feng Di silently added a sentence in her heart.

Di Junxian paused as he turned the wrench.

In love with each other?

Nalan Jinnian has always been fortunate to be able to marry a woman like Hui'an County Master early in the morning.

After a long while, he nodded and sighed: "Well, I know she is not ordinary, but I didn't expect it to be so ordinary. Even you won!"

Feng Di: "."

Heartbreak is probably what it feels like!

Feng Di's face was white, and he didn't speak any more.

Jia Jingxuan held her hand and comforted her in a low voice:

"It's okay, Master Zhang hasn't come to power yet! We can think of other ways for the emperor's task!"

Di Junxian took back his emotions and comforted again: "It's really not a big deal, there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people."

When it was over, he turned to Zhang Qianfan and said, "We have to find another way to do the royal father's task. The two Master Zhangs, I'm afraid I'll have to rely on you at that time!"

This time, two brothers from a family of craftsmen, Zhang Qianfan and Zhang Qianhang, who are known as the first master craftsmen in Beiming, also came to Beiming.

One of them is a bridge master and the other is a shipbuilder.

The two held hands and said, "Subordinates must do their best!"

The eldest princess of Beiming, who was beside Di Junxian, didn't speak. She kept staring at the emperor on the dragon chair and admired her, and suddenly spit out a sentence: "When this palace becomes the queen of Nalan, what do you want? !"

The envoy of Beiming State: "."

Di Junxian was also taken aback by the sudden follower of the imperial aunt!

The queen of Nalan?

Aunt Huang, she's kidding!

Seemingly aware of everyone's silence, the eldest princess of Beiming Kingdom glanced at everyone: "What? Isn't the back seat of Nalan Kingdom vacant? It just so happens that our two countries are married! The emperor brother wants to produce thousands of kilograms of rice and wheat seeds per mu. , When Ben Gong gets married, Ben Gong will send it to Beiming Kingdom as soon as possible!"

She found that the monarch of Nalan Kingdom was very different from the monarch she had ever seen!

Must be a funny person! Another king of a country!

Although Nalan Kingdom is a little smaller, it is barely worthy of the eldest princess of Beiming Kingdom!

Everyone: "."

Ha ha

Everyone just smiled as a joke to deal with this eldest princess who wanted to raise the Emperor Nalan as her head!

Although Nalan Kingdom is not as good as Beiming Kingdom, the emperor of Nalan Kingdom is the king of a country after all!

People are in the limelight now, and the queen's position is impossible to give to a princess of another country who has left and raised her face all day long!

Isn't the emperor of Nalan not afraid of the green on his head?

Of course, these words, the Beiming Messenger Group only dared to slander them in their hearts.

And the emperor sitting on the dragon chair said happily at this time: "Seventh prince of Beiming, the Hui'an county master won this competition. Ten thousand Menghan BMW stallions, don't forget!"

Di Junxian smiled slightly: "Speaking of a gentleman! Besides, there are messengers from all over the world! How dare this prince forget! With only ten thousand horses, our Beiming Kingdom can't afford to lose!"

The emperor smiled and said: "The Seven Princes of Beiming Kingdom really have the style of being a father! I toast you! Many thanks for the birthday gift given to me by the envoys of Beiming Kingdom!"

The emperor raises a glass to Di Junxian!

Di Junxian picked up the wine glass in return!

The two drank.

Di Junxian put down his wine glass and looked at the envoys of the other countries: "Our Beiming country has already offered birthday gifts. I wonder if the other envoys have prepared birthday gifts?"

What Dongling Kingdom prepared this time was a beast fight, and it needed a different venue to watch it. The third prince of Dongling smiled politely and said: "Shouli is naturally prepared, but we are preparing a beast fight this time, and we have to change the venue. Other Give it to the Three Kingdoms first! Southern Border Sixth Prince, why don't you all go first?"

Zhu Qinghua didn't refuse either. He cupped his hands and said, "Royal father knows that King Nalan likes to drink tea, so he specially prepared a new tea for King Nalan."

There are several places in southern Xinjiang that are rich in famous tea, and the tea produced by Ningjia Tea House is the best!

The emperor stroked his beard and said with a smile: "The lord of the southern border has a heart!"

Zhu Qinghua said to a woman in white next to him, "Ning Yu, go and make a few pots of new tea for King Nalan and everyone to taste!"

Ning Yu stood up and blessed: "Yes!"

Zhu Qinghua said to the emperor again: "Mr. Nalan, Miss Ningyu's family is a family of tea artisans, and this new tea was invented by her family. This new tea has the functions of alerting the brain, relieving cough and reducing phlegm, regulating Qi and regulating health. The girl's skill in making tea is very good, and the emperor specially invited her to make a pot of tea for the emperor to taste!"

The emperor smiled and said: "Oh? It's so amazing, it's not like our health tea, it has health benefits! Then you have to taste it! I take the liberty to ask, what is the relationship between Ning girl's surname Ning and tea master Ning Mu? ?"

As a tea master, Ning Mu planted tea trees, made tea leaves, and brewed tea.

Southern Xinjiang Ningjia tea is famous all over the world!

The tea made by Master Ning Mu himself is worth a tael of ten thousand gold!

Ning Yu: "Back to King Nalan, Ning Mu is my father!"

The third prince of Dongling Kingdom said with a smile: "Master Ning Mu is actually the father of Ning girl? This time we have a good time! Ning's tea is too rare!"

The fifth princess of Dongling shook her head: "Brother Three Emperors, that's not a good word, Ningjia tea is indeed rare, but the health tea that King Nalan said! I heard that drinking it can strengthen the body and prolong life. People who have drunk it say that It is more fragrant than the tea made by Master Ning Jianing, which refreshes the mind and brain. After drinking it, the whole body feels comfortable, the energy is clear, and the minor illnesses and pains in the body are cured! Therefore, this tea is in addition to the health tea. The name, the people who drank it also named it Shenxiancha."

The third prince of Dongling looked surprised: "Oh? Nalan country actually has such a powerful tea? I just don't know who is the most powerful tea and Ning's new tea?"

The fifth princess of Dongling: "Brother Sanhuang wants to know, it's not easy? You can't know if you compare the two types of tea! Do you think it's right? Do you want to try which of the two types of tea is better?"

The emperor smiled and stroked his beard, watching the two sing along.

This is for a test, right?

Want to compete with the health tea researched by Hui'an County Master?

Ouch, the guts are really fat!

Messengers from various countries echoed:

"The idea of ​​the five princesses of Dongling is good! We have heard about the health tea in Nalan country for a long time! We just haven't had the chance to try it!"

"The competition is good! Simply tasting tea is too boring! The competition is exciting..."

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