The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 895 King Jin's mouth is still so annoying

"Since it's a competition, it will be exciting enough to show a lottery!"

"Yes, yes, yes! If you win, there must be some rewards anyway!"

Envoys from various countries expressed their desire to compete.

Almost all of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty have drank health tea!

Health tea is not a kind of tea, but a variety of teas with health functions!

Is there any tea in this world that can compare to health tea?

They don't believe it!

So the Manchu civil and military officials said one after another:

The Minister of Rites: "Your Majesty, since all countries want to see whether our health tea and Ning's new tea are better or worse, let's have a try!"

Honglu Siqing: "The emperor came from various countries to make the right point. It's more exciting and interesting! How about we use a city as the lottery? Whoever wins, the one who loses will give the winning side a city. !"

The Minister of War immediately said: "This is a good idea! Just one city is the lucky draw!"

Nalan Jinnian added indifferently: "A city? I'm afraid the Southern Border Country can't afford to lose."

If you want to talk about which country Nalan Jinnian hates the most, it must be the Southern Border Country!

Because they tried to kill the little girl!

There are too many small movements, which are annoying!

Take them a city and teach them a lesson.

The emperor smiled and said: "Since the envoys from all over the world want to compete, I have no opinion, I can do whatever! After all, this is the birthday of the southern border country, so I am happy! It depends on whether the southern border envoys are willing or not. It's a test!"

The envoy of the Southern Border Country has not yet figured out how to speak.

At this time, the envoy of Beiming Kingdom deliberately provoked: "Nalan Kingdom is not what it used to be! People are fat now, and a city is only a drop in the bucket! Southern Border Kingdom messengers, you should think about it. Now! Do you dare to bet on a city?"

The envoy of Dongling Kingdom said loudly: "Nalan Kingdom is worthy of being a big country, as soon as you make a move, you will use a city as a lottery! The sixth prince of the southern border, Ningjia tea is famous all over the world! The champion of tea! Don't be afraid to try one. Fan!"

The envoy of Xihua Kingdom also said: "Since Nalan Kingdom dares to take a city as a bet, it shows their confidence in health tea! But Ning's tea has been famous in the world for a long time, and the tea that Master Ning Mu personally frys is even better. Jin Yiliang! New tea is only released once in a few years, and every time a new tea is made, people look forward to it! The century-old tea king is not so easily defeated, I think Southern Border Country can give it a try!"

Amber looked at the envoys of the Southern Border: "Friends of the Southern Border, you are expressing your position! A city as a lucky draw? Dare to compete?"

Dongling Country: "How dare you not? It's only a city, and Nanjiang Country can't afford to lose! Besides, Ningjia Tea is the best in the world, will it still lose?"

Amber looked at Zhu Qinghua: "I don't think Southern Border Country can compare!"

The third prince of Dongling: "Sixth prince, you are talking!"

Zhu Qinghua was indeed hesitant. Originally, he asked Ning Yu to offer tea, which was also meant to be a test.

That's why I communicated with the people of Dongling Kingdom privately and let them contribute to the flames.

However, the officials of Nalan Kingdom were obviously very confident, and even offered to use a city as the lucky draw.

Officials who are familiar with Nalan Kingdom know it!

The officials of the Nalan Kingdom have always been conservative, and they act in a forward-looking way.

Moreover, the items in the Nalan Country Health Series are said to be planted by the master of Hui'an County.

Hui'an County Lord

A bit wicked.

Zhu Qinghua was still hesitating, a city was no child's play.

Ning Yu whispered to him: "Sixth prince, let's try it, it's not a kind of tea."

She just needs to learn from Princess Hui'an's appearance and try a variety of tea leaves.

There is only one kind of health tea, but there are many kinds of Ningjia tea!

Still can't win?

Zhu Qinghua's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said casually: "It's really exciting to use the city as a lottery head! I thought this little competition didn't need such a big lottery head, but if this prince shouldn't go down, everyone I am afraid that we will not be able to play in the Southern Border Country! If so, let's have a try!" Nalan Jinnian's mouth was lightly raised, with a smile that was not a smile: "The Sixth Prince of Southern Border is really refreshing and generous!"

Zhu Qinghua smiled: "I don't know who Nalan Kingdom sent to participate in the competition? Could it be the Hui'an County Master again?"

The third prince of Dongling Kingdom: "It's Hui'an County Master again? No way! It's Hui'an County Master again, I think there is no one else in this Nalan Kingdom!"

Nalan Jinnian's icy eyes were cold, and he said with a half-smile, "You two think too much, and few people are qualified to drink the tea that Hui'an County Master personally brewed."

The implication is that they are not qualified enough to make tea with Princess Hui'an!

Two people: "."

King Jin's mouth is still so annoying!

Di Junxian looked at Wennuan: "Does Princess Hui'an understand tea art?"

Warm: "I understand a little. The world loves to drink tea, and there are many people in Nalan who understand the tea ceremony."

Both grandfather and grandfather in the previous life liked to drink tea, so she learned a little.

Now Nalan Jinnian loves tea so much. When he is free, he also likes to make tea by himself, with warmth by his side, so he also learned to share tea.

Di Junxian: "Indeed, but not everyone is proficient!"

He also loves tea, but he doesn't know how the tea that Hui'an County Master brews?

Kind of want to try it!

The Eighth Princess: "My family is warm, there's nothing wrong with it! But making tea is always done by maids. As a master, the tea is not something that anyone can have the luck to taste. So this fight Tea, any maid and palace maid will do! Come on stage, Zi Yan! Zi Yan is an apprentice trained by Nuan Nuan!"

Because I had long known that there was Ning Yu from the Ning family in the envoy of the Southern Border Country, this time Nuan brought Zi Yan into the palace.

in case the emergency.

The craft of making tea by Ziyan was taught by Wan Yun.

Warmth was also mentioned some time ago.

She has talent, and she has the true inheritance of the two!

Nalan Jinnian, who is so picky about her mouth, also said that the tea she brewed was good.

Ning Yu's face was a little ugly. Send a maid to compete with her on stage?

She couldn't help but said, "Isn't a maidservant not enough to stand on the stage? After all, our competition is a city as the lottery! What if this maid loses the competition, what if you don't admit it?"

Ning Yu wanted to compete with this Princess Hui'an.

After all, Hui'an County Master can be said to be famous all over the world.

If he wins against her, then her talent in various countries will spread far and wide!

This is very beneficial for her to become the next successor of the Ning family!

The emperor waved his hand when he heard the words: "Don't worry, Miss Ning, whether it's a maid or a master, they are all people of Nalan, and they are all my subjects! Otherwise, there will be people who suspect that we are all in Nalan, right? But we accept Lan Guo is full of talents! Let the maid of the Hui'an County Master take the stage in this competition! No matter whether we win or lose, I will never deny it!"

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