The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 898 Tea is like a person, it is unparalleled in the world

At this time, Aster had already started to read the eighth poem.

The official of Nalan made a mute gesture: "Shh! Don't talk, listen to the poems written by Miss Aster."

"Blow tea in a wind stove. Cut a melon with a frost knife." ([Song] Mi Fu)

After reading the nine poems, it was the last step that the bamboo tress brushed the tea soup, forming a scene.

"Yujian plays the pipa. Ask if you want to drink incense mash." As soon as Ziwan finished speaking, she raised her hand gently and put down the bamboo stalk.

There was a scene of a crane standing on a pine tree on the coffee-colored tea soup.

Mr. Ribu looked over and couldn't help but praised: "What a picture of Songhe to prolong life! Miss Aster's craftsmanship!"

Aster stood up and said with a smile: "Xianhe celebrates his birthday, wishing the emperor's birthday and Tianqi, good luck and good luck!"

The emperor said loudly: "Haha! Okay. Bring it up!"

Eunuch Li immediately carefully presented the tea.

Moreover, he deliberately passed the messenger group with the tea bowl in his hand, so that they could see the pattern on the tea bowl!

In the end, the pattern on the tea went to the emperor's place and gradually dispersed.

Aster continued to divide the tea. She moved quickly and ordered six cups of tea at once.

The maids personally delivered the remaining six cups of tea to the messengers of various countries.

At the same time, Ning Yu's Tea Hundred Opera also took shape!

Libu Langzhong said: "The girl from Nanjiang Guoning ordered a gentleman like orchid. This orchid is also lifelike!"

It's just that compared to orchids and pine cranes, children know who is more difficult to come out!

"The emperor said happily, I like orchids the most! The national flower of Nalan is the orchid! Miss Ning has a heart! Bring it up!"

Ning Yu also prepared seven cups of tea, which were also sent to the envoys of various countries by the maids.

When everyone looked at the pattern of the two cups of tea in front of them, they knew that this time Ning Yu lost!

Obviously, Songhe is more difficult to come out!

And soon, the orchids scattered, and the pine crane pattern was still there. When the orchids were gone, the pine crane pattern began to disperse!

This is enough to prove that Ning Yu lost quite a bit!

The civil and military officials of Nalan Kingdom said excitedly: "Miss Aster is good at tea art, and this pine crane is formed earlier than the orchid! But the orchid has already dispersed, and it has only begun to disperse! It's amazing!"

"This is the longest tea ceremony I've ever seen! Admiration, admiration!"

Aster shook her head: "My crafts are all from the county bishop, but I am not good at learning.

Less than one-tenth of the county owner and King Jin! "

The crowd complimented again: "Sure enough, it is a famous teacher who has produced a master apprentice!"

"Girl Ziwan said that, we all want to see the tea distribution of Hui'an County Master!"

And the emperor was sitting farther away, so Ning Yu's cup of tea was presented in front of him, and it had completely dissipated!

But he was not at all unhappy, but even more happy!

The emperor smiled and said: "Oh, it's all gone! It's okay, I will personally go down and watch the tea hundred dramas shared by Miss Ning Yu!"

Ning Yu's face was extremely ugly!

Her tea hundred opera pattern has been maintained long enough, how could there be someone longer than hers?

But facts speak louder than words, and she is powerless to refute!

He only said: "The Tea Hundred Opera is just one of the competitions. Let's try the taste of the tea!"

Both of them chose Longjing tea this time.

Longjing has four characteristics of "green color, fragrant, sweet taste and beautiful shape"!

The Longjing of the Ning family, especially the Longjing made by Master Ning Mu, has always been known as the King of Longjings!

It is the No. 1 Longjing tea in all regions and tea houses!

Aster and Ning Yu each made a pot of tea and distributed it to more people.

For a time, the whole hall was full of tea fragrance.

Everyone could not wait to taste it.

The people of Nalan always taste health tea first.

The messengers from other countries all tasted the Ningjia Longjing first.

After all, Ning's tea has long been famous. Master Ning Mu's tea is very rare.

The messengers from various countries took a bite and praised them one after another: "As expected of the King of Longjing, Master Ning Mu's craftsmanship is getting better and better!"

"The soup is green in color, sweet and fragrant, sweet and delicious, good tea! I haven't had such a good Longjing for a long time! It's still Master Ning's craftsmanship!"

And the officials of Nalan Kingdom, they are still tasting it carefully, they have no time to speak!

Ning Yu's brows and eyes finally got a hint of a smile, and she said to Ziwan: "No matter other fancy techniques, tea is all about taste in the end. Miss Ziwan, don't you think?"

Aster smiled and said nothing.

This sentence, she will return it to her in a while!

At this time, the messengers of various countries have put down their teacups and began to taste the health tea of ​​Nalan!

They took the teacup close to their nose and smelled it, and everyone couldn't help but raised their eyebrows and took another look at the brown color:

Fragrant as orchid!

The soup is clear and crisp!

It looks even better than the King of Ningjia Longjing?

They took a sip with curiosity, and then their eyes lit up!

The envoys from various countries glanced at the tea in the teacup again!

Then everyone took another sip and tasted it carefully.

Good tea!

This tea is simply the best of the best!

Then he took a sip, and drank one after another.

Everyone didn't speak for a while, just sipping tea.

After a cup of tea bottoms out, I still feel unsatisfied!

The most important thing is that after eating a cup of tea, I feel that my whole body is warmed up immediately, and my whole body is comfortable!

Breathing is fine!

Everyone's eyes fell on Aster unconsciously, there should be some tea left there!

Seeing everyone's reaction, the emperor knew that they were also captured by the health tea!

No one can reach the charm of healthy things!

The emperor smiled and said, "Which tea do you think is better?"

Nalan State official: "Of course it's health tea!!"

The third prince of Dongling Kingdom squeezed the teacup and said with a smile, "This prince has always thought that the King of Ning's Longjing Tea is the best tea in the world! I just learned today that the health-preserving Longjing of Nalan Kingdom is the best in the world."

The production of thousands of pounds of rice per mu and the production of thousands of pounds of wheat per mu are health ingredients that can make people healthy.

Nalan Kingdom is the rhythm of going to heaven!

Emperor Junxian: "This health-preserving Longjing, sweet and fragrant like orchid, quiet but not stinky, at first taste it is slightly indifferent, the breath of harmony permeates the teeth and forehead, the tea fragrance faintly reveals the fragrance of plum! Refreshing! Wonderful!"

After he finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at the warmth again.

This health-preserving Longjing, was she planted and fried by herself?

Tea, like its people, is unparalleled in the world!

Di Junxian couldn't help but put the bottomed teacup to his nose and smelled it.

The scent of tea is charming, as charming as someone!

Amber: "This health-preserving Longjing is simply incomparable to tea! It is the best in the world! The aroma is overflowing and the taste is mellow! It tastes good and smells good. After drinking it, the whole person feels very comfortable! King Nalan hides it well! That's it! Good health Longjing, we are actually tasting it for the first time! Let’s have another cup!”

The third prince of Xihua Kingdom: "This is the first time I drank such a good Longjing tea. This kind of good tea is rare in the world! I finally understand why your country calls health tea a fairy tea!"

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