The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 899 This pair of mandarin ducks is really a perfect match!

Zhu Qinghua was carefully sipping on the Longjing Health Well, and all the envoys from various countries had spoken, but he was the only one who had not spoken.

Everyone looked at him.

Eyes with a little sympathy and schadenfreude!

A city!

This time, the Southern Border Country has suffered a big loss!

And the emperor smiled and asked knowingly: "How does His Royal Highness the third prince of Nanjiang think of our Longjing health preservation in Nalan?"

Zhu Qinghua put down the cup of tea that he had drank without a drop: "The nectar of the world! This Longjing tea, we in Southern Xinjiang believe that it is not comparable!"

Some things are so good that it's hard to say bad things about it!

Otherwise, as soon as you say it, you will degrade your own personality!

As a prince of a country, Zhu Qinghua disdains deliberately stepping down on others to elevate himself.

He has lofty aspirations, and his personality is charming. A charismatic person will have a friend who will follow him to the death.

Zhu Qinghua wouldn't be stupid enough to damage his personality when so many envoys from the country were there!

The emperor also had to be humble: "The third prince of the southern border is polite! In fact, the Ningjia Longjing King is also a very good tea! I have always liked to drink it! This health-preserving Longjing is good or good, and the fairy dew in the world is not an exaggeration, but It is too difficult to grow! So the output is relatively small, and it is not enough to drink every year. Therefore, although it is better than Ning’s Longjing Wang, it will never compete with Nanjiang Longjing Wang for business, because there is no sale! Don’t worry! Other varieties The same is true for health tea. The output is too low, so we don’t sell it! And all the health products in our Nalan country are sold domestically and will not be sold! We won’t steal your business from southern Xinjiang, and we will still buy from southern Xinjiang. tea!"

Zhu Qinghua wanted to roll his eyes, is this really a comforting speech?

He felt more like falling into a hole!

Being mocked by others, how could anyone not mock him back?

He smiled and said without a smile: "King Nalan is joking, everything will be surpassed one day, and nothing or anyone can always be the first! Our southern border country's tea is not afraid to be surpassed, because southern border country is not afraid of being surpassed. It is rich in various teas and medicinal materials, and has a natural geographical advantage! We believe that we have the strength to surpass it! Besides, this is only the Longjing tea that has been compared, and there are four other teas that have not been compared! We have one that has been compared very much. It's normal, otherwise if all five kinds of teas win your country, then your country will be too miserable! Speaking of which, there is nothing rich in Nalan, and the production of tea is low, and we know it."

For a long time, compared with the other four countries, Nalan country really has nothing special compared to the other four countries, except for the large amount of fields and products.

The emperor has a little snack again!

No way, Nalan's products are indeed not rich!

So I can only get a name for spiritual things like ritual and music!

In the past few years, Liyue was almost surpassed by others.

Nalan Jinnian was playing with the purse of the spread-winged eagle, and he said without raising his head: "In Nalan, everything is expensive and not too expensive, just enough! Besides, there is not much else. Too big a relationship, more food is enough!"

Messengers: "."

It makes sense, food is the foundation of the country!

A thousand jins of rice can be produced per mu, and a thousand jins of wheat can be produced per mu!

envy, envy!

Wen Nuan nodded: "It was really not rich before, but now there are a few more pools, which is much better! It's not just winning another city today, it's a little richer! I have to thank my friends in Nanjiang for this!"

Southern Xinjiang's friend Zhu Qinghua: "."

I can't even get up in my heart!

The messengers of other countries who have lost the city are not much better!

The fiancée sang one after another, blocking the messenger group in the southern border, and the messenger group who lost the city, and their faces were indiscriminate!

The emperor's heartbreak is gone!

The mood was a relief!

This pair of mandarin ducks is really a perfect match!

The emperor said with a smile: "Hui An County Master said yes!"

Ning smiled: "Hui An County seems to be very confident in health tea! You must have never drank tea from our Ning family?!"

Nodding warmly: "I have never drank it! For the stomach of this county lord, except for health-preserving ingredients, all other food will be ready, and this county lord's stomach is not happy! So everything this county lord eats, all All of them are health-preserving foods, and the rest are not eaten unless necessary!"

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in Nalan, including the emperor, all looked at the warmth with envy.

Simply a tyrant!

In fact, their stomachs are unwilling to end it, but there is no way!

They can't grow healthy food!

Only now I know that those who can farm are the local tyrants!

He smiled warmly and continued: "By the way, the sixth prince of the Southern Border and Miss Ning should not know that among the health teas in Nalan Kingdom, the health-preserving Longjing has the worst taste! As far as this county master knows , the king of the Ning family's Longjing, but the king of the Ning family's tea!"

The kings have all lost, is there any chance of other assistants winning?


Ning Yu was blocked so much that he couldn't speak for a while!

This Hui'an County Lord is really too arrogant and arrogant!

King Jin of Nalan Kingdom was blind, so he saw this arrogant and arrogant woman!

What the stomach is unwilling to settle down!

If she has the ability, don't eat anything else!

This is probably because he was born too low, and then once he gained power, he deliberately pretended to use everything well and eat well to cover up his inner inferiority!

She has seen many such people!

Ning Yu was both angry and disdainful.

Di Junxian turned the wrench in his hand, looked sideways at the warmth not far away, and there was an appreciation in his eyes that he didn't even know to show.

The charming little mouth of Hui'an County Lord can really read poetry and swear!

It can be exported as a chapter or a shrew scolding the street!

It also makes life unpleasant!

On the contrary, she feels that when she speaks well, she is noble and refined, sacred and inviolable; when she smiles at others, she is full of vigor, elf and cute, just like the sister next door, people can't help but want to get close!

Feng Di saw the admiration in Di Junxian's eyes, and her heart was blocked.

She couldn't help but said: "Hui'an County Master is so confident! But the words are clear enough, can I have a test? Let's see if the health tea in Nalan country is really that good, I think Everyone can't wait to find out, right?"

When Di Junxian heard the words, he turned his head and glanced at her lightly, and warned in a low voice, "You don't have to talk too much about other countries bickering."

Feng Di: "."

Do you really think she talks too much?

He was dissatisfied with himself saying that Hui'an County Master saliva is more than tea!

However, the county lord Hui'an is the county lord of the enemy country. Does he know who he is protecting?

Feng Di became more and more aggrieved, she gritted her teeth and said, "Yes."

Warmth knows that she is wrong and can change it: "Miss Feng is right! It's time for a test!"

The emperor smiled and said: "Not much to say, let's continue the competition! This tea has to see the true chapter on the field!"

So Aster and Ning Yu started the competition of the second tea.

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