The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 900 Carrying the test to the end

The tea tested this time is Biluochun.

It is also the same as fighting tea while making tea orders.

Aster still carried the poem without any haste, and brewed tea skillfully and gracefully.

No more, no less, also after reciting nine poems, the tea was divided.

Another step faster than Ning Yu!

The tea scene of the second type of tea is ready!

Aster stood up and gave a blessing: "A magpie climbed a branch and gave it to the emperor. I wish the emperor a series of happy events and good luck in Nalan!"

The Emperor: "Haha. Good!"

When everyone looked at the picture of the magpie climbing the branch in front of them, they all praised: "Girl Aster is a good craftsman!"

"This pair of magpies is really alive! I can almost hear them singing on the branches!"

After some praise, everyone began to taste the health-preserving Biluochun and Nanjiang Ningjia Biluochun!

Biluochun is famous for its fragrance, freshness and sweetness.

The Biluochun tea from the Ning family is more fragrant than the Biluochun tea grown in other countries, and has a faint fruity aroma.

After drinking, the sweetness is long and mellow!

Known as the Queen of Biluochun!

At this moment, everyone tasted Nalan Kingdom's health-preserving Biluochun, and then tasted Queen Biluochun of the Ning family, but they felt weak! It's almost tasteless!

The most important thing is that the refreshing feeling of nourishing Biluochun after drinking it makes people feel that the whole person is nourished and refreshed like nectar in a long drought!

The whole person has a very comfortable feeling!

Health tea, worthy of health tea!

There is no doubt that the unanimous vote, this round, Zi Yuan wins!

Then came the third type of tea, Lu'an Gua Pian, and Shiwan finished it one step faster than Ning Yu!

Aster stood up and blessed a blessing: "A picture of bamboo to report peace, and send it to the emperor, wishing the emperor good luck and peace, and the people of Nalan country live and work in peace and contentment, and rise step by step!"

This time, Aster’s message is Bamboo News of Peace, and Ning Yu’s is Bamboo News of Peace!

But Aster's bamboo seems to be more energetic and tougher than Ning Yu's!

And for a long time!

Lu'an melon slices are loved by the world for the characteristics of the soup color "clear and bright green, high aroma and long aftertaste".

Moreover, Lu'an Gua Pian has the effect of clearing the mind, improving eyesight, refreshing and relieving fatigue, so it can be said to be a real health tea.

The characteristics of Lu'an melon slices made by Ningjia are particularly prominent.

But everyone also tasted Nalan Guo's Health Lu'an Melon Slices first, and then tasted Nanjiang Ningjia's.


Those originally prominent features are weaker than Nalan Guo's Health Lu'an Melon Tablets!

The Lu'an melon slices in Nalan country are not only fragrant, but also sweet after drinking, which makes people unforgettable!

When the banquet arrived here, everyone had been sitting for more than two hours, and they were already a little tired.

But after drinking the three kinds of health tea, especially after drinking the Lu'an Gua Pian, I feel that my body's exhaustion has completely disappeared!

The whole person is as comfortable as if they have eaten and slept enough.

This health-preserving effect is so strong that envoys from all over the world are moved by it!

There is no doubt that this game is another Nalan National victory!

Of the five types of tea leaves, three were won by the Nalan Kingdom.

The emperor was so happy that his beard cocked up: "Thanks to everyone's support, our health tea in Nalan has won three consecutive victories! The latter two teas don't have to be compared, right?"

Those are health teas!

Saving two is two different things!

If it weren't for a city, the emperor would be reluctant to take it out for these outsiders to drink!

Ning Yu's face was ashen, his eyes were full of disbelief.

How could the tea of ​​the Ning family not win at all!

How is this healthy tea in Nalan country made? !

How can it be so delicious, and the health benefits are so obvious?

Even if she tasted it, it is undeniable that Nalan's health tea really has health benefits.

At least, after drinking it, the whole person is different!

Especially when people are tired, sleepy, and thirsty, they feel especially obvious!

The messengers of various countries were not happy to hear it.

The envoy of the Dongling Kingdom said, "King Nalan's remarks are wrong. Although it is three consecutive victories, is it not good to win five consecutive championships in one fell swoop?"

Di Junxian: "There are not too many good things. Winning a grand slam in a tea fight is unique among the five countries! It can all be passed down as a good story! King Nalan should also try the last two teas! Achievement A good story is also good!"

He wanted to taste the craftsmanship of Hui'an County Master more.

Truly a surprise again and again!

Amber: "King Nalan, let's go through the competition to the end! Take a grand slam and take the title of tea emperor!"

"Yes, Lord Nalan"

One or two have asked to carry out the test to the end!

The most important thing is that everyone will feel like being scratched by a cat if they don’t finish drinking the five kinds of tea!

You can't give up like this!

Drinking half of it will not let people drink it, and it will whet the appetite of others. This is too immoral!

The emperor can also understand everyone's mood. Although he is reluctant to bear those health-preserving tea leaves, the Grand Slam, the five-game winning streak, the one that became the story, the tea emperor, every word touched him one by one!

The emperor waved his hand generously and said, "Then let's continue the competition! Southern Border Sixth Prince, Miss Ning, you two have no opinion!"

If you lose, you can't lose too badly!

Show an attitude of indifference and indifference!

Although a city was lost, this Southern Border Sixth Prince was anxious, flustered, and filled with all kinds of negative emotions, but he still said calmly:

"Since we've already lost, it's better to try two things, so that we can know ourselves and others, and improve in time!"

Zhu Qinghua knew that at such a time, speaking in a low profile would make people look up at him.

Otherwise, if you lose even your bearing, then you really lose everything, which is even more despised!

The people of their southern border country are not that kind of evil!

Zhu Qinghua glanced at Ning Yu, the last two things, he couldn't lose no matter what, he could gain some face and reputation!

Otherwise, Ningjia Tea will really be discounted in the future!

After all, tea and medicinal materials are an important source of income for the southern border treasury!

Most importantly, they wanted to see the effects of two other health teas.

Naturally, Ning Yu knew that she couldn't lose the last two. This was an opportunity to regain a little dignity. She took a deep breath, and then pretended to be relaxed: "Nalan's health tea is really good, Ning Yu admires it! The little girl is happy to Zhiji will continue to experience the power of Nalan's health tea! Please enlighten me, Miss Ziwan!"

Looking at the envoys of the Southern Border Country warmly, the attitude of the Sixth Prince of Southern Border and Ning Yu's ability to lose is truly worthy of admiration and admiration!

The envoys from various countries also praised: "The Sixth Prince of Southern Border and Miss Ning really have tolerance! Admiration! Admiration! There will always be winners and losers in this competition, and no one can guarantee that they will always be the first! Right? Lose It's no big deal!"

"That's right, it doesn't matter if you lose this time, you can keep the green hills without worrying about burning wood! The Ning family's tea art is the best in the world. Maybe after this challenge, they will develop tea that is more powerful than health tea!"

The emperor followed with a smile and said, "The envoys from the southern border have extraordinary bearing, and this spirit is really admirable! Since this is the case, let's continue the competition!"

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