The Minister of Industry blew his beard and stared: "Even so, how old is the Hui'an County Master? What kind of eyesight can you have! This stone-gaming eye can't be trained in a day or two! She's too tender!"


Who said that young people can't know more?

The Minister of the Household said with a smile: "Master Huang, why don't we make a bet, five hundred taels, I'll bet on Hui'an County Master to win!"

The Minister of Rites moved his ears and looked flattering: "Master Huang, I also bet, five hundred taels, that Hui'an County Master will win!"

The Secretary of the Ministry of War moved in his heart, this is an opportunity for heaven to fall pie! Why don't you pick it up if it's cheap? He couldn't wait to say: "Master Huang, I also bet, five hundred taels, Hui'an County Master will win!"

The Minister of Punishment raised his hand eagerly: "Master Huang, I, I also bet."

"And me, Mr. Huang..."

When other officials heard it, they also joined in, betting that Hui'an County Master would win!


The Minister of Industry was stunned!

These people are crazy!

pissed him off!

There's even crazier to come!

When the emperor heard the words of those officials, his heart was itching, and he glanced at Eunuch Li!

Eunuch Li immediately walked to the minister of the Ministry of Industry: "Master Huang, let's make a bet with the family, 10,000 taels, and bet on Hui'an County Master to win!"

Minister of Industry: "."


He can't even afford to go bankrupt!

The minister of the Ministry of Industry hurriedly said: "What a formality! This old man is a gentleman, and I bet that this kind of thing will never be done!"

At the same time in everyone's heart: cut~

A gentleman and a ghost!

The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce looked regretful, and glanced at his colleagues: It's all to blame for them, so what are you kidding me!

Scared everyone away!

No, he lost another five hundred taels!

If you missed this opportunity, where do you go to find someone like the Minister of Industry and Trade!


the other end

The envoy of Xihua Kingdom heard the warm and so casual sentence "Okay~"

Their heart skipped a beat!

The envoy of the Xihua Kingdom: "The Hui'an County Lord of the Nalan Kingdom can't even gamble with stones, right?"

The third prince of Xihua frowned: "I didn't expect that the Hui'an county master of Nalan country would even be able to gamble on stones! Isn't this kind of stone gambling only something that men like to play?"

The envoy of Xihua Kingdom looked at Zihua County Lord: "County Lord, what should I do?"

The county master Zihua waved his hand and said with a calm look on his face: "It doesn't matter, even our master of stone gambling in Xihua can't guarantee that he can recognize the Jade King 100%! "

Everyone also thinks it makes sense!

After finishing speaking, Zihua County Master stood up and walked to the stage.

Warmth has come to the stage.

Princess Zihua strode to her side.

Wen Nuan glanced at Princess Zihua, with a polite smile on the corner of his mouth: "Can you pour out these rough stones and take a look?"

"Of course!" Princess Zihua made a gesture of invitation.

Wen Nuan looked at the guard: "Pour it all out!"

The guards immediately started pouring out boxes of rough stones.

While waiting, Lord Zihua glanced at County Lord Hui'an who was standing beside him.

The people of Nalan, especially the women, are the most petite among the Five Kingdoms!

But Hui'an County Master was actually one or two centimeters taller than him!

And Princess Hui'an is very beautiful. Looking at her so closely, she realized that she didn't even put on makeup, but just painted her eyebrows. Her complexion was white and rosy, moist and smooth, even better than her powdered skin. !

She was looking down at the jade stones that were poured out, and the side face was so beautiful!

How amazing!

She experienced it for the first time!

It's no wonder that King Jin of Nalan Kingdom likes her as a peasant girl.

Zihua County Master sees Nuan and takes it seriously, even if she stares at her, she doesn't care at all.

She couldn't help but ask, "The Princess Hui'an really knows how to identify rough jade stones?"

Wen Wen Yan turned to look at her politely, and replied, "I know a little bit."

In the previous life, the grandfather's family owned mines and made his fortune by making jade. As one of the heirs, is it normal for her to understand?

Zihua County Lord: "Huian County Lord is humble, you can come up and prove that you must know how to distinguish! These rough jade stones have been carefully selected by our Xihua country stone gambling masters, and the pieces are all fine! You choose Pick and see, which one is the Jade King? If you choose, we will send you a jade mine from Xihua Kingdom. If you don't choose, you will tell us how to cultivate rice and wheat that yield thousands of pounds per mu! Let's agree on this matter. It's time! Don't go back on your word!"

It is not easy to identify the rough jade stone. She actually doesn't believe that Wennuan can find the jade king.

Nodding warmly: "Of course, this county master has always made great promises! It is the county master who found the Jade King, and Xihua Kingdom should not regret it!"

Zihua County Lord patted his chest and assured: "So many people testify! I will never regret it! Hui'an County Lord please! After all, it takes a lot of time to pick the rough stone."

"It doesn't take long, you can almost see it with one or two eyes!"

Zihua County Master: "."

This is really bragging!

Aren't you afraid that the bull won't blow it up later, smash it down, and smash yourself to death?

Some of the envoys from various countries twitched the corners of their mouths, and some secretly rolled their eyes.

Most people don't believe that warmth can be seen at a glance.

Feng Di couldn't help but said: "Hui'an County Master is too confident! Who can find the Jade King with just a glance or two! Her eyes are too bright?"

Di Junxian has never left Nuan since he stood up and walked to the stage.

At this moment, when I heard Wen Nuan uttering nonsense, I didn't think she was bragging, but felt that she was telling the truth.

Of course, he didn't say what was in his heart either, it was inappropriate.

on stage

Warm eyes fell on the pile of stones again.

The pieces are all fine, that's fake!

She has already seen that a piece is not!

And these rough stones are not high-quality products, but only a few pieces of jade are of high quality.

Jade is priceless, real good jade is a treasure!

Jewels like Heshibi are even more valuable!

Which country is willing to send so much?

However, these rough stones are indeed selected rough stones, at least each one is a real jade!

Rough stones are infinitely possible and impossible before they are mined!

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with what the county lord of Xihua Kingdom said.

The rough stone is good, but not every piece is good jade.

Warmly walked around the pile of stones and walked around, and I had a general idea in my heart!

So many stones, looking for the Jade King one by one, is really a waste of time!

Although Warm is confident that he can find the best jade king among the pair of rough jade stones.

But there is a better way, why does she have to work so hard?

Then he squatted down, put his hand on a certain stone, and the purple air slowly flowed out, and soon covered the pile of stones.

Warming only needs to see which stone has less purple energy lingering on it, then that rough stone must be the king of jade!

Because the purple gas lingering on it is thin, it proves that it needs to purify less impurities, and it must be the king of jade!

Soon, the warmth takes back your hand!

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