The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 907 How confident is the Princess Hui'an?

Because it happened to be the rough stone in her hand, the lingering purple energy was the most obvious!

Just now she felt that this rough stone should be good.

But it also takes a closer look to confirm.

Fortunately, my eyesight and intuition are still good!

Of course, there is another piece of purple gas lingering on it that is also very shallow.

And the rough jade stone is relatively large, while the one in her hand is relatively small.

Nuan took the stone out and put it aside. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a trace of panic on the face of the county master of Xihua Kingdom.

Zihua County Lord was shocked when he saw Wen Nuan pick out this jade stone!

Does Princess Hui'an really understand or is she lucky?

After just one glance, the Jade King was picked out?

Are her eyes open?

The envoys of Xihua Kingdom all shrank their pupils!

They don't show their faces, but their hearts start to be confused!

isn't it?

He even glanced around a pile of rough stones and picked out the Jade King from the pile of rough stones?

Even the Stone Gambler Master took nearly half an hour to pick it out!

Zihua County Master asked with a smile on his face: "Have you chosen Huian County Master? Once you have chosen it, you are not allowed to go back on it! But I think this rough stone is also very good!"

Only half-truths can make the other party uncertain.

Wen Nuan glanced at her, thinking of the big man not far away, and suddenly his heart moved.

Or, she can win something more!

She shook her head: "Not yet! I just think this piece is not bad! Take it out first and compare it later."

After saying that, Nuan let go of his hand and stood up.

The Princess Zihua breathed a sigh of relief, but she couldn't be careless. This Princess Hui'an seemed to be really capable!

This time, Nuan went directly to the larger rough stone. She pointed her finger at the rough stone, and then glanced at the guard standing by her side waiting for the order: "Move this rough stone out."

The original stone is a bit large, and the warmth is not immovable, but it will stain the clothes. In such a banquet, if the clothes are dirty, you have to change them, otherwise it will be too rude.

Warm too lazy to toss back and forth.

The two guards immediately stepped forward and carried the original stone out.

Zihua County Master: "."

The most experienced stone gamblers in Xihua all agreed that the two rough stones were of the best quality.

Hui'an County Master actually walked around this pile of jade stones and picked it out!

Does she really understand?

No, even if you really know how to identify rough stones, you can't be so powerful!

Are these eyes able to see through?

The envoy of Xihua Kingdom was also so shocked that he almost sprayed alcohol!

The Hui'an County Master of Nalan Country is not a human!

How did you pick out the two best rough stones that the master said at once?

Princess Zihua's expression was well hidden, and her surprise was fleeting, but the warmth was still captured!

Warm in her heart, she began to touch the rough stone calmly, as if carefully observing its texture.

At the same time, the purple gas was continuously sent out.

Then Wen Nuan deliberately glanced at the small rough stone that was just picked out. There was hesitation in his eyes, as if he was having a hard time deciding.

Zihua County Master's heart was raised, she pretended to be calm and said: "Hui'an County Master has a good vision, these two rough jade stones are said by many masters in our Xihua Kingdom that the quality of the jade is very good! Hui'an County Master, please choose carefully. Choose, maybe the Jade King is in one of these two pieces!"

He smiled warmly: "I saw it at a glance!!"

When Wennuan spoke, the purple air didn't stop, but it flowed faster.

Zihua County Master: "."

This time, County Master Zihua's smile was a little stiff, but his tone was still indifferent: "Then County Master Hui'an thinks which of the two rough stones is the Jade King? Didn't you say that you can see it after a glance?"

Looking at the gradually thinning purple air, Nuan nodded: "Yes! Didn't I pick out these two rough jade stones at a glance? As for the jade king"

Wen Nuan paused when he said this, looked back and forth at the two rough stones, and then took a chance and gritted his teeth: "This big piece, I think this big piece is the Jade King!"

Zihua County Master secretly breathed a sigh of relief!


The envoys from Xihua almost jumped up and cheered!

The cultivation method of wheat and rice that yields thousands of pounds per mu is here!

In the future, the people of Xihua will no longer have to go hungry!

Although this Hui'an County Lord has some skills, he is too proud!

Didn't even look carefully!

But it's no wonder that she is so proud that she can pick out two pieces of jade with the best quality among so many rough stones at a glance. No one else has the ability.

Fortunately, she has the ability, but she is young and arrogant and carelessly lost Jingzhou!

That small piece is the real Jade King!

Officials on the side of Nalan

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing was excited: "The Princess Hui'an was picked out so quickly! It's amazing!"

Another day, he invited Hui'an County Master to eat meat buns! It's the meat bun shop in Jade Street!

That meat bun is delicious!

The Minister of Works frowned: "It's not that I don't want County Master Hui'an to win, but she's just a little too casual, it's obviously just a matter of two stones! This gambling stone is like this! The gods don't even have her. So fast! It's a big deal, how could she be so kidding!"

The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce looked at his purse with a smile: "Master Huang doesn't believe in Princess Hui'an? Why don't we make a bet?"

Minister of Industry: "."

Just crazy about money!

"Do not hit!"

on stage

Princess Zihua's heart blossomed with joy, but the smile on her face stiffened for a while. When looking at her with warmth, it quickly disappeared. She also glanced at the rough stone that she had chosen, and of course she quickly retracted her gaze. With a face that doesn't care, he said, "The Princess Hui'an has really been chosen? You won't regret it, will you?"

Wen Nuan accelerated the output of Zi Qi, and said with a firm face: "I have chosen, I will never regret it! I promise this must be the Jade King!"

"Since the choice is made, then you must not regret it!"

Zihua County Master finished speaking to the Emperor Fu Yifu and then said: "King Nalan, since you have chosen, please let someone cut these jade stones to see if Hui'an County Master chose the Jade King!"

The emperor smiled and said: "Okay! Come on, carry all these jade stones down and drive them out!"

At this time, Nuan said: "Your Majesty, wait a minute!"

Zihua County Lord frowned: "Huian County Lord, it's too late to regret it now!"

Wen Nuan shook his head, reached out and brushed a strand of hair that fell out, and said with a smile, "Zihua County Master is worrying too much! How can I go back on it!"

He patted the "Jade King" with his warm hand, and then put his hand back on the original stone, and the purple energy continued to flow out: "I can guarantee that this is the Jade King! I just want to add a little more color!"

The people in the entire hall were in an uproar when they heard the words!

Officials of Nalan: How confident is Hui'an County Master!

Still want to add a lot of money?

The chapter I owe is still working hard to code~

I remember~????

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