The emperor stroked his beard and said cheerfully: "Come here, take all these rough stones and drive them out!"

The emperor's tone was calm, but he couldn't wait to peel off the skin of the jade king picked out by the warmth immediately!



But if you want to know whether it is the Jade King that Wennuan picked out, you must open the original stone! It takes a while to open the rough stone.

It is impossible to cut it out in front of everyone on the scene.

And Dongling Kingdom hasn't presented the birthday gift yet, so it can't be delayed for too long, the time is not enough, so the emperor naturally has to let people take all these rough stones.

Zihua County Lord heard the words and said: "Actually, the two rough stones that Hui'an County Lord picked out are of the best quality in this pile of rough stones. Hui'an County Lord is really discerning, so he only needs to open these two rough stones, Just look at which piece is the Jade King! Our masters in Xihua all agree that this small piece is the real Jade King!"

Rough cutting is very exciting.

Going down one knife at a time will make people's heart beat faster, and it will also make people completely disappointed.

Zihua County Lord wanted to let the people of Nalan Kingdom and Huian County Lord feel how they lost a city in Nalan Kingdom and gave their hands to the breeding method of rice and wheat with a yield of thousands of pounds per mu.

Thinking that when their Xihua Kingdom lost a city, the entire Xihua Kingdom was suppressed for a long, long time!

Today, I can finally raise my eyebrows and return all these shame and oppression to Nalan Kingdom!

The envoys of Dongling Kingdom glanced at the sky outside. Their birthday gifts in Dongling Kingdom were quite special. It would take a lot of time for these two stones to be cut out.

He then said: "King Nalan, the lord of Dongling Kingdom has also prepared a birthday gift for the king of Nalan. The birthday gift is a performance of beasts, which takes more time. Why don't you watch it while waiting for the jade king to cut it out?"

The emperor had this intention, so he nodded: "Yes!"

Although the envoy of Xihua Kingdom wanted to watch the jade cut out, it did take a lot of time to open the jade, so he had to give up!

It's just that the jade is not cut out under their own eyes, they are worried that someone will change the civet cat to the prince!

Nuan was worried that the people of Xihua would have an excuse not to acknowledge the account and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you invite the envoys of various countries to watch the birth of the Jade King?"

The emperor also thought the same, to avoid someone saying that Nalan country cheated, the emperor said: "What Hui'an County Master said is, then ask the envoys of all countries to send one person to watch the birth of the Jade King! Such a large Jade King is also Once in a century!"

The West China Mission sighed in relief.

All the people from the five countries sent one person out.

After all the jades on the stage were cleaned up, the envoy of Dongling Kingdom said, "King Nalan, this is Xu Yan, our animal trainer from Dongling Kingdom."

Xu Yan stood up and clasped his fists in a salute: "Caomin has seen King Nalan."

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian both looked at the words, it turned out that this Xu Yan was a beast trainer!

He thought to himself, no wonder that when I saw him at the time, I felt that there was a body odor of a sub-animal.

The envoy of Dongling State went on to say: "The king of Nalan is the emperor of the heaven and the king of the four kingdoms! Look at the palace of Nalan, on this cold and freezing day, a hundred flowers are blooming to celebrate birthday! It is like a spring day. It shows that King Nalan is the king of all things!"


What the hell is the king of all things? Although he is the Son of Heaven, he dare not call himself the king of all things!

The emperor smiled and said: "I'm just the emperor of Nalan! The envoy of Dongling is wrong!"

The envoys of other countries have also served the envoys of Dongling. Is this flattery enough?

Get into the topic now!

"King Nalan is humble! You are the king of all things! When the rebellion of the King of Huainan was quelled, there was a wolf king who opened the way for the king of Nalan, and now there are hundreds of flowers blooming to celebrate his birthday. We have never heard of such a thing, we have never seen it! Is Lan Guojun not the king of all things?! Now that there are flowers, there are still hundreds of beasts, and it happens that what Dongling country has prepared for Nalan Guojun is the Beast King congratulations, so it is perfect!"

The emperor smiled and said: "The lord of Dongling has a heart! I really want to see what the Beast King He Shou looks like."

Weird to see it!

He doesn't want any Beastmaster He Shou, Immortal He Shou!

There is so much salt in Dongling Kingdom, and I will be satisfied by sending me ten or eight salt lakes!

Jing is thinking of things that don't cost money!

Can't you just send some money directly to honor one or two?

In this convenience, Xihuaguo did a good job this time!

The emperor murmured in his heart.

Beastmaster congratulations?

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother and Hui'an County Master also prepared a hundred beasts to congratulate me, what's so rare?

The emperor waited for them to ask for a test.

This kind of thing has been tacitly acknowledged on the longevity festivals of various countries.

Anyway, it is indispensable!

It has never been so powerful before, but since the last Qianqiu Banquet, various countries have begun to use that city as a lucky draw.

That's also because of the uneven distribution of resources in the Central Plains. Except for Beiming, which is vast in land and resources, the other four countries are either lacking or lacking, so naturally they want to get them from other countries.

No country has the strength and confidence to win the second country in one fell swoop, so they can only rely on some competitions to win the city.

That way the losses are minimal.

But this kind of thing is very rare in history!

The warmth is incredible.

The envoy from Dongling looked at Xu Yan: "Master Xu, please!"

Xu Yan walked to the stage and bowed: "King Nalan, I heard that during the Huainan King Rebellion, your country's generals commanded the wolf king to lead the army of tens of thousands of wolves to annihilate the enemy's grain transport team! This guy who wants to come to your country This general is also a very capable animal trainer! Since all countries have competed, it is very exciting, and our Dongling Kingdom can not be left behind. I wonder if we can invite that general to come out and have a test?"

Everyone knows that the army of the wolf king was warm and took 10,000 female soldiers. With the help of the wolf army, they successfully robbed the enemy's food and captured the enemy, laying the foundation for the victory of the battle to quell the Huainan king's rebellion. .

After the war ended, it was no longer a secret in various countries.

So when Xu Yan said this, everyone looked at the warmth.

It can be said that Dongling Kingdom suffered heavy losses in this civil war in Nalan. Not only Dongling Kingdom, but also the other four countries suffered heavy losses, so this time, they were fully prepared to save the losses!

But so far, no one seems to have recovered the loss.

Dongling Kingdom has suffered heavy losses again and again without warmth. Of course, they are here for warmth this time.

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian: "The seventeenth emperor, the Hui'an county master was the one who led the army. Who was the wolf army commander? Is he willing to come out and accept the challenge of Dongling Kingdom?"

Nalan Jinnian leaned on the back of the chair and said indifferently: "What is the prize for the competition? If it's not big enough, then it's fine!"

Da Hui has always been his secret weapon, and he is easily reluctant to let people know about it.

Although after the last time, I can't hide it.

So just take this opportunity to rectify its name!

Originally, Nalan Jinnian planned to correct the name of Da Hui and the wolf army on this longevity festival.

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