The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 910 Why is the seventh prince so angry?

The third prince of Dongling Kingdom glanced at Nalan Jinnian and said, "This lucky head is for the birthday of the King of Nalan, and the Kingdom of Dongling is a vassal of the State of Nalan, and it is appropriate to show more filial piety to the King of Nalan, so we East Lingguo can come up with Yongding Salt Lake as a lucky draw.

But if our country of Tangling wins this competition, we would like to ask the daughter of Duke An of your country to help our country of Tangling heal a person. "

Yongding Salt Lake? ! ! !

Yongding Salt Lake is not very big, but the quality of the salt is very good, and the salt that comes out is of tribute quality!

Exclusively for the royal family of various countries!

The envoys from various countries thought to themselves that this lottery was indeed big enough.

Salt! It's a must for everyone every day!

But Dongling Kingdom only needs Nalan Kingdom to cure one person!

If they were the monarchs of Nalan Kingdom, they would agree to this test with their eyes closed.

For Nalan, there is no loss at all.

However, everyone looks at the warmth, the daughter of Duke An is the Princess Hui'an!

The Hui'an County Master of Nalan Country knows medical skills, they know it, and they have found it.

But there are some good things about medicine and some bad things.

No one has seen it, and no one knows its true strength.

The emperor stroked his beard, but without a word of promise, their Nalan Kingdom will soon be running out of salt!

"Who does the third prince of Dongling want the Lord Hui'an to heal?"

The third prince of Dongling: "The one who wants to heal is Master Zhou Lei of our Dongling country, but we are not inviting the princess of Hui'an, but the youngest daughter of Duke An of your country."

The last time Duke Ang went to Dongling to ask for 50 million taels of gold, it was because he took out a pill to save the emperor's brother.

Otherwise, how could the father give five thousand taels of gold and two cities!

An Guogong said at the time that the pill was made by his young daughter.

After everyone heard the words, they finally understood why Dongling Kingdom was willing to take out a salt lake as a lucky draw, but as long as Nalan Kingdom helped to heal one person!

This week, Zhou Lei is the national teacher of Dongling. He knows astronomy and geography. It is rumored that he can even call the wind and call the rain!

It once avoided many natural disasters for the Tanglin Kingdom.

Tanglin State is so powerful today, and he is indispensable.

No wonder he is willing to come up with a city as a lucky draw!

The envoys from various countries were even more surprised when they heard the words. How did Duke Ango of Nalan country give birth to a daughter, and why are both of them so promising?

Even the Manchu civil and military officials and wives of the Nalan Kingdom looked at Wen Jiarui and the Wu family.

How could this An Guogong couple have a child like this?

Two sons, one champion and one third flower! They are all dragons and phoenixes!

The daughter is even more incredible, the princess proclaimed by the emperor, the general! Female hero!

Now they actually heard that the envoy of the Tanglin Kingdom took a tribute salt lake as a lucky draw, and asked his youngest daughter to help heal the Tanglin state teacher!

Can't you come up with a miracle doctor in this An Guogong's child?


It's not the Princess Hui'an!

The emperor stroked his beard: "Are you sure it's the youngest daughter of Duke An, not the princess of Hui'an? And Miss Jia from the Valley of Magical Doctors is here. Why didn't you ask her to heal? Didn't she help your country cure the plague?"

The emperor glanced at Jia Jingxuan, and then at Warmth.

Well, take this opportunity to help County Master Hui'an correct his name!

This country of Dongling is too ungrateful!

This girl from the Magical Medicine Valley is too unkind!

Hearing this, Jia Jingxuan's heart beat faster, her brows subconsciously twitched, and she soon looked like she didn't care, but her hand under her sleeve was clenched tightly.

The third prince of Dongling glanced at Jia Jingxing, and said after a moment of silence: "Miss Jia, she is to the monarch of the country Nalan, the previous plague was reminded by Hui'an county master first, but I didn't believe it at the time."

Having said this, he stood up and clasped his fists to the warmth: "I have always wanted to say thank you to Hui'an County Master. Thank you Hui'an County Master for the reminder at the time, the prescription left in the pharmacy, and the great help from Jia Shenyi from the Valley of Magical Doctors. , let us the people of Dongling escape from the sea of ​​misery!"

In fact, he didn't want to offend Jia Jingxuan from the Magical Medicine Valley. At that time, Jia Jingxuan worked very hard in Dongling, but she did mislead everyone that the recipe was hers.

It's the credit for taking the master of Hui'an!

It's just that the recipe has been changed a little bit, some of the medicines have been a little heavier, and some medicine has been added, so people who know it didn't say anything.

After all, she was the one who stayed there to give free medical consultation to the people of Dongling.

They also didn't want to offend the people in the Magical Medicine Valley for no reason.

But for patients in other places, the father at that time prepared and distributed the medicinal materials according to the prescription of Hui'an County Master.

The epidemic in Tanglin Kingdom was quickly brought under control.

But Jia Jingxuan is helpless to the illness of the national teacher, and now the emperor of Nalan is obviously asking the teacher to ask the guilt.

In front of Hui'an County Master, the third prince of Dongling had to tell the truth.

The envoys from various countries couldn't help but look at Jia Jingxuan with complicated eyes.

Now that the Third Prince of Dongling has said this, what is there for everyone not to understand!

Hui'an County Master even left behind the prescription, why is it that Jia Jingxuan is the only one in the rumors?

There is only one possibility!

This genius doctor Jia didn't make it clear, and deliberately took the credit of the master of Hui'an!

Jia Jingxuan was caught on pins and needles by everyone's eyes!

Di Junxian looked at her, his face a little ugly: "Is the prescription of Hui'an County Master?"

Jia Jingxuan blurted out, "No!"

Feng Di is angry, is the seventh prince questioning Jia Jingxuan for the Hui'an County Master?

What if Jia Jingxuan deliberately took credit for that Hui'an County Master?

Why did she leave a good reputation in various countries, isn't it also for the big dream of Beiming Kingdom unifying the Central Plains?

She couldn't help but said: "Why is the seventh prince so angry? No matter what, sister Jingxuan is also for the good of Beiming."

Di Junxian: "."

Indeed, he shouldn't be angry, but he just couldn't help being angry!

He couldn't control the emotion.

After talking about the cold and inquiring eyes of God Junxian, Jia Jingxuan squeezed the veil: "The prescription is only for prevention, I can prescribe it, and then I prescribe another prescription, it is the treatment!"

She didn't panic!

"The medicine for treating the Plague Magic Valley is also similar! Hui'an County Master's medical skills are still learned from Senior Brother Feng! Her sister is also! Their medical skills are taught by Senior Brother Feng!"

Di Junxian was surprised when he heard the words, is Princess Hui'an still Feng Nianchen's apprentice?

That is the same source as the teacher, and it is not surprising that the prescription is the same.

He couldn't help but look at the warmth again.

What else does she have that she doesn't know?

And Nuan waved his hand: "The third prince of Dongling is polite. I have to remind your country morally. As for the medicine, it's good to save people."

Healers know no borders. As a doctor, when he saves people, he generally does not consider which country he is from, whether he is a bad person or a good person.

Only consider whether that person is a patient!

Besides, warmth has also benefited from the Dongling epidemic, that is, her purple energy is obviously richer.

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