Someone saw Da Hui coming back and immediately said: "The wolf is back! He also brought many wolves with him! It turned out to be going to rescue soldiers!"

"Haha. This wolf is very smart. He knows he can't, so does he find a companion to save the field?"

"I guess the wolf was afraid that he couldn't beat the tiger, so he was timid, so he found a companion to fight together!"

"Ha ha."

Da Hui took the nine-headed wolves to the iron rope. It jumped first, jumped up, and stepped on the iron rope with all four feet!

The laughter on the terrace stopped abruptly!

The tiger just walked up slowly.

At this time, Lin Feng threw the hydrangea.

Da Hui raised his head and raised his mouth, and then the hydrangea was pushed into the air by it.

Lin Feng threw another hydrangea at it.

Big gray headed, and the second hydrangea was pushed into the air by it. At this time, the other hydrangea fell, and its head was again!

Then Da Hui walked the iron cable and headed the ball.

Walking steadily all the way, the two hydrangea never landed!

After Da Hui took a few steps, another wolf jumped onto the iron rope!

Lin Feng continued to throw hydrangea on the side, the wolf imitated Da Hui while carrying two hydrangea while moving forward!

The second wolf took a few steps, the third wolf jumped up, followed by the fourth and fifth wolf.

When Da Hui reached the end of the rope, ten wolves were walking on the rope with two balls on their backs!

They walked at the same pace, and the hydrangea above their heads fell at the same time, and at the same time they were lifted up in the air.

The action is uniform!

That height is the same!

The scene was amazing, shocking!

on stage

"Okay!" The Minister of the Ministry of Finance couldn't help shouting!

The other officials of Nalan Kingdom came back to their senses and echoed: "These wolves are too powerful! How did they achieve such a tacit understanding!"

"Simply well-trained!"

"Walking on a tightrope is like walking on the ground! You can still wear two hydrangea! Too smart!"

"A pack of smart wolves in the ice and snow!"

Envoys from other countries also praised them one after another: "No wonder the wolf fell asleep just now! It turns out that the tiger's performance was too monotonous!"

"No! That wolf is disdainful! Haha. This wolf is really smart!"

"How did the animal trainers in Nalan tame these wolves, this taught them too sensible!"

The faces of the Dongling envoys froze!

on the square

When Da Hui walked to the other end of the iron rope, it pushed its head hard, and a hydrangea fell into the basket!

One more top, so that a hydrangea also fell into the basket!

Then its vigorous wolf body jumped!

This jump, the speed is very fast, everyone saw a gray figure passing by, one ring, two rings, three rings!

Quickly pass through the three fire rings, and then a wolf will land firmly outside the three fire rings!

The tiger just now jumped with a ring of fire!

"Okay!!!!" The minister of the Ministry of Commerce couldn't help shouting again!

It's even more energetic than a warrior!

"Good! Good! Good!" The Minister of War couldn't help shouting!

"it is good!"

Countless people shouted hello!

This wolf is so awesome!

Then, just like the wolves behind Da Hui, they put the hydrangea back into the basket, and then jumped!

One head, two heads, three heads.

One ring, two rings, three rings.

All ten wolves passed through the three rings of fire at once!

"it is good!!!!"

"it is good!!!!!!"

The cheers continue to rise!

After Da Hui finished jumping the three rings of fire, he immediately jumped the four overlapping rings of fire. That vigorous figure was as fast as lightning!

The other wolves followed behind it, just as fast!

Simply dizzying!

I can't see through both eyes!

After jumping the fire ring, then swinging for a thousand years, fancy skipping rope

All are difficult moves!

"it is good!"


"Good, good, good"

Screams and cheers come and go!

Best of all, ten wolves stepped on ten stone balls at the same time and circled in a circle!

They came to the center, lined up in a neat straight line, and at the same time spat out the banners in their mouths.

There is one word written on each banner, and it is a sentence: Happy birthday to the emperor and endless longevity.

The emperor happily said loudly: "Good! Haha. Good!"

Then the ten wolves jumped from the stone ball to the ground at the same time, their two front feet were put together, and then they squatted on the ground and bowed to the emperor!

Everyone was surprised!

"Are these wolves salute?"

"Like it is! Oh my God! This pose is so standard!"

"How did you train this to even know how to salute?"

"It's amazing! These wolves are so good!"

The emperor became more and more happy: "Haha. All the wolves love you!"

Everyone: "."

Wolf loves you?

The emperor really dared to say it!

After Da Hui saluted, he took his subordinates and stepped back with graceful steps!

Da Hui deliberately took the wolves through the iron cage, and then gave a provocative look at the tiger in the cage: Compared with Lao Tzu? You are so close!

The nine-headed wolf behind it also gave the tiger a disdainful look!

It just pissed off the tiger in the iron cage!

The tiger roared, and the huge body slammed into the iron cage!

Everyone looked at the ten wolves with forty legs, and they were amazed again and again when they stepped back in a uniform pace!

The training is so good!

When I watched the wolves try to provoke the tigers, I thought these wolves were really funny!

"Haha. This wolf king is taking the wolves to show off in front of the tigers!"

"So proud! But I like it! Are wolves so cute now?"

"Mother, I want to buy those wolves to take home, I don't want tigers! That tiger is too stupid!"

"Yes, yes, that tiger is too stupid, too stupid! Wolves are powerful! I want wolves too!"

Listening to everyone's comments and the children's childish words, the faces of the Dongling envoys were a little ugly.

They lost!

And lost a bit badly!

The king of beasts is no better than a wolf!

The emperor looked at the third prince of Dongling country: "How is the third prince of Dongling absolutely trained by our wolf?"

The face of the third prince of Dongling is also ugly, he lost a salt lake!

No one will be in a good mood if this is left on!

He replied with a stiff smile: "Well-trained! Admire! Admire!"

He couldn't help but glance at Lin Feng, was he the one who trained the wolf so well?

I have never heard of anyone around King Jin who knows how to tame animals!

At this time, Nuan smiled and said to the Dongling messenger group: "Thank you for the salt lake in Dongling country! Thank you, the king of beasts, for accepting it! Or next time you bring a few more tigers, maybe you can win!"

The face of the Dongling envoys was even more ugly!

Wen Ran said with a pity: "I knew there was no time for me to shoot!"

The third prince of Dongling froze, and this time he brought all the national teachers here. This person must be rescued.

Just lose, I am afraid the price to pay is a bit big!


The story is purely fictional by the author. If you think it is exaggerated, let's watch it for fun and enjoyment?

Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing it! This chapter is full of words with a smile code~~

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