The envoys from the four kingdoms gave Dongling Third Prince a sympathetic look.

It's just that everyone is not much better, after all, they also lost!

At this moment, everyone's mood is lost!

But everyone in Nalan is different!

Simply refreshing!

Finally, it was Lanlingguo's turn to offer birthday gifts.

Lan Lingguo came to marry the princess this time, and it wasn't a feud, so there was no challenge.

Amber is here to celebrate his birthday and give him a cuddling gift!

In the center of the square, there are hand-pulled flatbed trucks one by one, and these cars are a bit large and obviously customized.

The things above are covered with silk cloth with intricate and exquisite patterns!

Although you can't see what it is, just from the appearance, it is huge!

It's as tall as a mountain!

Nuan couldn't help but said to the eighth princess: "Guess what the king of Lanling Kingdom gave? Could it be Jinshan Yinshan?"

The eighth princess shook her head: "No way? Someone gave Jinshan as a gift? Maybe it's a big Buddha shaped by a golden body?"

Liang Ziyun: "Even if you give away the Buddha, you won't give so much, right?"

Nodding warmly: "Maybe I will send all the Eight Immortals across the sea!"

Wen Ran shook his head: "It's not just the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, it's simply the golden bodies of the gods from all walks of life in the Tiangong!"

So many scooters!

Warm shook his head: "It's not like. Maybe it's a castle!"

Others also speculated on what Lanlingguo sent.

The square that can accommodate tens of thousands of people is full!

Amber didn't know when he walked down, but at this moment he knelt on one knee in the middle of the square and cupped his hands: "King Nalan, this is a birthday gift from our Lanling Kingdom to Lord Nalan, wishing Lord Nalan Hongfu Qitian, Long live and long live! Long live, long live, long live! Nalan country's mountains and rivers are forever, prosperous, long-term stability and long-term stability, solid as a golden soup!"

A series of good words!

Father-in-law must please!

After Amber finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the person behind him.

Behind him stood two guards, who immediately tore off the silk cloth.

A golden light burst out from the sun.

The dazzling golden light made people unable to open their eyes.

Everyone subconsciously reached out to cover their eyes.

After getting used to it for a while, he lifted his hand, and was stunned by the sight in front of him!

What a big golden mountain!

It's as high as a floor!

Glittering gold!

It's just that there are many scooters behind this golden mountain!

Don't know what's in there?

Nuan was also stunned by the golden mountain in front of him!

This gift is too simple and rude!

But the emperor should like it very much!

The emperor seems to like Jinshan and Yinshan the most!

He took a warm look at the emperor, and sure enough, the emperor's dragon eyes were big!

His beard trembled, obviously excited.

Wen Ran's eyes are straight!

She couldn't help but said to the eighth princess: "Eighth princess, your future husband is a local tyrant gold!"

She loves this gift!

When will she be able to build such a golden mountain with the money she saves?

Wen Ran couldn't help but touched her purse, and then she thought that she was wearing a palace dress today to avoid unnecessary trouble. She didn't even wear a sachet around her waist.

Everyone was stunned by this golden mountain!

How much gold does it take to build such a big golden mountain?

The country of Lanling is indeed rich!

Everyone was still shocked by a golden mountain, and Amber continued: "King Nalan, this time, in addition to congratulating you on your birthday, you are also going to marry the eighth princess of your country! Those are the gifts for the eighth princess! Lord Nalan, please betroth the eighth princess to me! I, Amber, the sixteenth king of Lanling Kingdom, swear to the **** that there is only one princess, the eighth princess, in this life and this life. Noble sharing! I will love her, protect her, respect her, and believe in her all my life! No matter health or illness, no matter the changes of the world or the vicissitudes of life, I will always love her, cherish her, and be loyal to her until the end of my life!"

Amber watched the Eighth Princess speak earnestly, and many women and ladies present were moved by his words!

When the women of Nalan Kingdom got married, those men did not make such a promise in front of so many people!

Moreover, I heard that the people of Lanling Kingdom believe in gods very much, and swear to the gods that no one dares to violate!

The people of Lanling Kingdom do not take oaths easily, but the oaths they make are not unfulfilled.

Some people looked at the Eighth Princess enviously.

The Eighth Princess has also studied the customs of Lanling Kingdom these days, so she knows some things.

Just swear that for the people of Nalan, it is a commonplace meal!

It doesn't really matter at all!

The Eighth Princess is someone who swears to taste like lettuce, so she doesn't feel anything.

Who wouldn't say something nice!

But the eighth princess knew whether she felt that she was destined to marry him.

Because she is the princess of a country and has enjoyed more than ten years of honor!

She has a burden on her body and a responsibility on her shoulders!

Everyone is born with their own mission and responsibility. Compared with those soldiers who died for their past, the eighth princess felt that she was just marrying a person, or becoming the queen of a country and continuing to enjoy the glory and wealth. One person is less than ten thousand people. , already very happy!

There is no dissatisfaction!

The eighth princess subconsciously glanced in the direction of Wen Hou.

Seeing her looking over, Wen Hou turned his head to speak to Wen Chun in a low voice, avoiding the sight of the Eighth Princess.

The eighth princess smiled. Anyway, the person she likes doesn't like her, so who is not to marry?

The emperor is very satisfied. He knows more. The geographical location of Lanling Kingdom is not good. It is a small country in the desert and the environment is harsh, so the fertility rate is very low, and I don’t know if it is because of the environment. Girls are naturally weak. , the girls there have a relatively low survival rate, so the status of women is more noble than that of the Central Plains countries.

Of course, it is only more noble, and it is still patriarchal.

However, the Lanling Kingdom practiced monogamy, and many men treated their wives like jewels.

Of course, some are quite unreasonable, except for the shrew who is messing around!

The most satisfying thing for the emperor is that this son-in-law is caring!

It is a golden mountain, how can he not like it?

Of course, if this Amber is not good, and there are gold and silver mountains, the emperor will not marry the eighth princess to her.

Even if it goes against the emperor's marriage.

After all, among so many daughters, Xiaoba is the one he loves the most.

It's just this Amber, the emperor thinks it's very good!

The emperor said cheerfully: "Haha. Good! You and the eighth princess have a marriage contract since childhood, and I entrusted her to you. You must always remember what you said today! Otherwise, if my daughter suffers a little grievance! I will definitely send troops. Step on your Lanling Kingdom!"

Amber smiled and bowed: "Thank you, King Nalan, for your accomplishment!"

Amber's dark blue eyes looked at the eighth princess affectionately: "Eighth princess, are you willing to marry me and become my princess?"

Everyone heard the words and looked at the eighth princess.

The eighth princess stared at him blankly, but did not speak for a while.

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