The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 916 This son-in-law is so rich!

The eighth princess was silent for a long time, and the officials of Nalan Kingdom waited, waited, and couldn't help but mention it!

Why didn't the eighth princess answer?

The Minister of Industry said in a low voice, "Could it be that the eighth princess wants to refuse?"

This marriage was decided by the first emperor! If she refused in front of so many envoys, where would she put Lanling? Even if the family is a small country, they still have to face!

Besides, isn't our Nalan country a perfidious country?

These eight princesses are really willful and reckless, and they are all condoned by the emperor and the empress dowager!

Be a person, do things, no rules, no responsibility and no responsibility!

To learn without knowledge, even his daughter can't compare!

And the royal princess!

The third prince couldn't help frowning: The Eighth Emperor was really spoiled by the father!

On weekdays, there are no rules at all, lawless and willful!

Every day I know to run out of the palace to play!

Where is the lively where to join in!

There's no modesty of a royal princess at all!

If she rejects King Lanling's marriage proposal in front of the envoys from the five kingdoms, the two countries will definitely be at odds in the future!

In the future, the Lanling Kingdom will not allow the Nalan Kingdom's caravans to pass through the Lanling Kingdom, which will have a great impact on the taxation of the Nalan Kingdom.

He didn't want to lose such a big source of income from the treasury when he took over Nalan Kingdom.

But he has always been happy and angry, and he is good at hiding himself. He is used to knowing: "The Eighth Emperor is a woman, so of course you have to be restrained! This is a marriage set by the previous emperor, and even the father and emperor can't go back on it."

Even if she agrees, it's okay if she doesn't!

She is married!

The seventh prince folded his hands and said, "Marriage is a major event in life, of course Xiaoba has to think carefully about it! If the king of Lanling Kingdom has no patience, then the oath he just swore is false! What is the use of marrying such a person? Eight? Huangmei, think about it carefully, marry if you want, it doesn't matter if you don't want to! Don't wrong yourself!"

Grandfather is so confused!

Why do the princesses of their Nalan Kingdom need to marry!

Prince An and Prince Ning both nodded.

"That's the truth! What if you wait a minute? Our princesses from Nalan don't have to worry about getting married!"

"Yes, a woman's marriage is a lifetime event. She stays in her parents' house for more than ten years, but she will stay in her husband's house for decades. Don't make the wrong choice!"

After the seventh prince finished speaking, he was worried that the eighth princess would really refuse to marry, and the royal father asked him to settle the account. He looked at Nalan Jinnian and said to please: "Uncle Seventeen, don't you think so?"

"Yes." Nalan Jinnian nodded, and answered again.

The third prince was almost killed by these popularity!

If the Eighth Princess does not marry, after he ascends the throne, he will tie her to Lanling Kingdom!

The emperor was not in a hurry, he stroked his beard and waited for the eighth princess to answer.

He had told the eighth princess before that after she saw King Lanling, she would let her marry whether she wanted to or not!

Nalan country can still afford to pay, even if it pays for a city!

If you want to come to Lanling Kingdom, you will be happy to have a city in the Central Plains.

The emperor had already prepared for the worst.

Other countries come to make a good-looking expression.

And some of them can't help but open their minds.

It seems that the eight princesses of Nalan Kingdom want to regret their marriage!

If the Eighth Princess of Nalan Kingdom withdraws from her relatives, then the king of Lanling Kingdom will definitely become angry, and they will have a chance at that time.

If they can get the pass token of Lanling Kingdom, then the income of their treasury will definitely be doubled!

Nalan Kingdom is relying on this engagement, the caravan was able to pass through Lanling Kingdom, earning countless silver.

Otherwise, the Nalan Kingdom would have perished due to the emptiness of the treasury a few years ago!

Amber was not in a hurry, he knelt there on one knee and waited for the eighth princess to answer.

When he was a child, he saw the eighth princess for the first time, and he just thought this little princess of Nalan was very cute! I like it very much.

At that time, he didn't know what love was, but because he knew that he had a marriage contract since he was a child, he knew that he would marry the eighth princess of Nalan Kingdom as his concubine when he became an adult. People in Lanling Kingdom only loved one person in his life, so he grew up in most of his life. I didn't look at the other women.

Just waiting to grow up to marry her.

After so many years of waiting, Amber doesn't care about waiting so long.

In fact, he had already come to Nalan Kingdom, and he spent a few days in the capital disguised as a merchant before leaving to join the welcoming team.

I ran into her once one of these days, and she was as cute as she was when she was a kid!

The eighth princess stared at him blankly and didn't let him wait too long, she just wanted to know if what he said was true.

She moved her lips: "Is what you said true?"

Amber said immediately: "Of course, half a word is true!"

The eighth princess nodded: "I believe in you! You and I have been married since childhood, and the people of Nalan have always made great promises! If I don't marry you, who will you marry? Only, I want to wait for my two good sisters to get married. Then get married again, they will get married in more than half a month, are you willing to wait for me?"

The Eighth Princess still wanted to use this half month to get to know this person well.

Marrying someone is not marrying, that's just what she said when she was angry in her heart.

The third prince secretly breathed a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, Eight Emperor Sisters did not refuse!

It's just that she was deliberately delaying time?

Hope Amber won't say yes!

Amber couldn't help showing a bright smile: "Of course! I've waited for more than ten years, do I still care about this half month? Thank you, the Eighth Princess, for being willing to marry into our Lanling Kingdom and become my princess!"

Third Prince: "."

This king of Lanling Kingdom is also a fool!

What is there to wait for!

Who knows what happened in half a month?

He did not miss the schadenfreude expression of the envoys from other countries just now!

The eighth princess was relieved to see that he agreed readily, and couldn't help but smile at him.

Amber saw the eighth princess smiling, and he smiled even more brilliantly: "Eighth princess, this is my gift to you, I hope you like it!"

After Amber finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at his personal guard.

Then the rest of the silk cloth was ripped off!

Another golden piece!

The dazzling eyes made everyone unable to open their eyes for a long time!

After getting used to it, everyone opened their eyes. The first thing they saw was a castle made of gold and gems. It was beautiful and glittering!

Then there are boxes of rare treasures, jewelry, and many other rare treasures from overseas. There are everything, and there are countless pieces!

But these courtesies are enough to show how much Lan Lingguo wanted to marry the eighth princess this time!

The warmth couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Local tyrants! Local tycoon! Simply inhumane!

Could it be the desert where the Lanling Kingdom is located, and all those sands are golden sands?

Should she follow the past to pan for some gold?

The emperor was also dazzled by the gold!

This son-in-law is so rich!

After he abdicates in the future, he must go to Lanling Kingdom to play and see if the sand in the desert is all made of gold!

Fortunately, in addition to gold, Amber also sent some jewelry, jade ornaments, and many Western things, otherwise the emperor would suspect that Amber wanted to marry him, not his daughter!

It made the emperor want to marry him!

Don't worry about no money!

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