The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 917 Princess Hui'an is really smart!

The eighth princess was also frightened by this golden dazzling ceremony!

She asked curiously, "A lot of gold mines in Lanling Country?"

Amber: "No. Lanling has no gold mines!"

It's just that Lanling Country is a transportation hub between the two continents. Although the country is small, it still earns a lot of money.

The eighth princess was a little moved when she heard the words. There was no gold mine, but he gave such a generous gift, which showed that he was sincere.

"Too precious!"

Amber smiled: "It's not expensive. The things outside your body are not as precious as you! You are the priceless treasure!"


Princess Eight's face couldn't help but turn red!

"Haha. Well said!" The emperor looked at Amber as if he were looking at a moving golden mountain!

The more you look, the more satisfied!

Still son-in-law!

What son, what imperial brother, they are all debt collectors, what's the use? !

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian with disgust!

He should have a few more daughters, and each son-in-law should send a few more into the mountains, so he won't have to worry about it in his life!

Nalan Jinnian received someone's contempt, he neatly tidied up his sleeves, and said lightly: "I don't know if this birthday ceremony and brother Pingli are satisfied. The younger brother said that the royal brother likes those shiny golden things. I don’t know if it’s all wrong?”

The emperor's disgusting eyes were instantly withdrawn.

He patted Nalan Jinnian on the shoulder with a look of relief: "I know more than the seventeenth emperor's brother! I have the seventeenth emperor's brother by my side these years, I am really lucky for three lives!"

Nalan Jinnian: "Don't you dislike it?"

The Emperor: "How come? I have never disliked the Seventeenth Emperor Brother!"

The emperor whispered to Nalan Jinnian again: "I still have a little princess who is not married! I can have a few more in the future!"

Excellent warmth for hearing: "."

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the blue sky, and said lightly: "It's getting dark, brother Huang, let's go to sleep! There is everything in your dreams!"


This emperor brother is not cute at all, what's the use of it!

At this time, Eunuch Li came over and said excitedly, "Your Majesty, the Jade King has come out!"

The emperor's eyes, the emperor's brother and the son-in-law have forgotten!

When he saw Xiao Lizi's excitement, he knew that his golden mountains and silver mountains were coming!

He stroked his beard and pretended to be calm: "Oh? It's already out?! Bring it up! Let everyone see it!"


Soon someone presented the two pieces of jade that had been opened.

At a glance, everyone was attracted by the relatively large jade!

The whole piece of jade is pure purple, the quality is like condensed fat, and it is translucent! Not a trace of impurities can be seen!

The Dongling envoys looked at the relatively large purple jade in disbelief!

The two pieces of jade are both purple jade, but they don't even need to look closely, just look at it from such a distance, they know that one is the king of jade!

how can that be!

How could their jade master possibly identify mistakes?

More than a dozen very experienced jade masters identified together!

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce walked to the jade king with a few strides. He bent down and put his head close, his eyes widened, worried that he would not be able to see clearly: "Good jade! Good jade! How can this purple jade be so purple? Pure? It's rare in the world!"

Several people who love jade followed closely to take a closer look.

Some people even nearly put their faces on it!

"This is purple jade? How can there be such a pure purple jade? Is it dyed!" The man said while wiping it with his hand to see if it would fade!

"Good jade! Good jade! Delicate, warm, and free of impurities! It is comparable to the white suet jade in purple jade! It is worthy of being the king of jade!"

The crowd's praise came one after another.

Purple jade is rare, rare, and purple jade is generally rouge or gray-purple, and some are mixed with some purple in white jade.

But this whole piece of purple jade is purple!

It is very smooth and silky, and there is no impurities on the surface!

So beautiful! !

After praising Ziyu, the Minister of the Household began to praise Hui'an County Master: "Hui'an County Master has a good vision! At a glance, it can be seen that this piece is the king of jade!"

The Minister of the Household has decided that he wants to invite the Lord Hui'an to eat meat buns!

Meat buns at that bun shop on Jade Street!

He is willing to give his entire net worth-five pennies to invite the Lord Hui'an to eat meat buns!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing made the most generous decision in his life!

Other officials also echoed:

"Yes, in such a large pile of rough stones, picking out two of the best stones at a glance is simply beyond your reach!"

"It's really amazing, isn't it! Lord Hui'an, your eyes have been opened, right? I don't know which temple you went to to invite which master to open the light?"

"Master Hui'an, teach me to look at jade! I want to worship you as my teacher!"

The third prince looked warm, and his eyes were extraordinarily eager. Princess Hui'an has such a skill to distinguish the quality of jade from bad. After she became his own, why should he worry about not having money?

He couldn't help but praise: "Hui An County Master is very capable!"

Nuan Nuan was dumbfounded by everyone's words. To avoid trouble, Nuan Nuan said with a cheeky face and a guilty conscience: "No, I'm relying on luck! I don't know how to distinguish jade! I just saw the eyes of the third prince of Xihua, and The eyes of Xihua people always fall on these two pieces of jade, and the Zihua County Lord dare not look at the two rough stones, so I chose these two pieces! And the jade stone, of course, the bigger one The better! So, I picked this big piece as the Jade King!"

Of course, it is not false to say this warmly.

The messengers of Xihua have indeed seen these two jade kings!

Everyone: "."

Does this work?

Princess Hui'an is really smart!

When everyone heard the words, they looked at the Xihua messenger group.

The Third Prince of Xihua: "."

He just glanced at it, all this was discovered by Hui'an County Master?

Zihua County Master: "."

Is Princess Hui'an a human being?

She deliberately didn't look at the Jade King, did she see it?

Xihuazhe Group: "."

After all, they took a look or two, and this was discovered by the Princess Hui'an!

The Xihua messenger group glanced at the black-faced third prince of Xihua with a guilty conscience!

If they knew that Hui'an County Master could choose the Jade King from their eyes, they wouldn't even look at them if they were killed!

It's just that this Princess Hui'an is also very lucky!

They were clearly looking at the small piece of rough jade, but she chose the big one!

We never know what the rough jade will look like until it is released.

Even the most powerful jade masters will sometimes misunderstand.

When the rough stone was opened just now, people from all over the world were sent to testify, so no one suspected that Nuan Nuan had played tricks on the rough stone.

After all, that's not something mortals can do!

Everyone didn't believe the warm words at first, but seeing the expression of Xihua messenger's guilty conscience and being struck by lightning, they couldn't help but believe it.

Princess Hui'an is not only smart, but his insight into people's hearts is also amazing!

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