Aster went to the backyard to pick a small basket of warm and particularly favorite fruits, washed them and put them in the house.

"Girl, the strawberries in the shed are better today. I've cleaned them. Would you like to try them?"

Nuan Nuan was reading a book. She was reading a book from the Southern Border Country. Hearing that, she picked up one and put it in her mouth, and asked, "Did you give some to other yards?"

"It's all delivered."

Wen Nuan handed one to Aster: "You can eat it too! Try it, this time it's even better than last time!"

As the purple energy in that piece of land condenses more and more, this kind of thing naturally becomes more and more delicious!

"Thank you, the county master!" Aster was not polite and took it over.

Nuan thought that Ziwan got a mansion as a reward, and said, "Aster, you can visit your mansion when you have time. Do you plan to move in there?"

The mansion is not big, only two entrances, but the location is relatively good, but in a place like the capital, it is also worth ten thousand taels!

Aster heard the words and shook her head quickly: "I don't want to live in the past. Princess, I want to stay by your side and serve you!"

She didn't want to leave the big family of Anguo Gong's mansion, let alone the two-entry house, she was alone, how dare she!

Seeing her anxious face, Nuan said: "You don't have to worry, you don't want to live, it's fine to live in the An Guogong's mansion, I just ask, but you have to go and see if you don't live. See if there is anything to fix, after all That house has been on hold for a while, otherwise if there is a leaking place, it will easily collapse over the years."

Today's houses are all roofs made of tiles, which are repaired every year to prevent rain leakage.

"I know, I'll check it out tomorrow."

Warmly reminded: "The mansion rewarded by the emperor is glory, it must not be resold, and it is not suitable for renting out. Otherwise, if you rent it out, you can earn one or two hundred taels per month! You can only leave it to live after you get married. But you have to take care of it on weekdays, otherwise it will be relatively old."

When the house was in the name of the imperial court, the imperial court would send someone to maintain it on a regular basis.

Aster nodded: "I see!"

Nuan also reminded her, and she asked casually, "Is sister Tingya gone? Let her bring some strawberries back before she leaves."

"I've already gone back."

Aster thought of what Lin Tingya's maid had just said to herself, and that Nuan had mentioned to herself before. If she found out that Miss Yingmei had behaved abnormally, she would tell her.

She didn't know if that was an unusual move, but she understood why the princess said so.

After all, in every government, the servants are very careful.

What's more, General Lin is the general's mansion, and there are many secrets in it.

Yingmei's origins are a bit too coincidental.

If it is made by other countries, it will be troublesome.

She said: "The county master."

"Huh?" Wen Nuan looked at her.

"Sister Yingmei told me today." Ziwan said what Yingmei said to herself.

Including the tone of voice are learned wonderfully!

After all, a sentence with a different tone has different meanings!

Wen Nuan's eyes turned cold when she heard the words, and she nodded: "I know, tell me everything she tells you in the future. But don't worry too much, everyone is more or less jealous."

Nuan also did not let Ziwan be on guard against Yingmei. If that Yingmei was a nail placed by others, how could Ziwan's Taoism be deep enough for her, and it would be troublesome if she was exposed.

Lin Tingya's mind is not deep enough, she still has to talk to Lin Tingxuan about this.

And have to send someone to watch her secretly.

Nuan suspected that Yingmei had bad motives from the beginning, but she has been quiet during this time.

Now that the envoys from all countries are here, so her master is also here, is she a little anxious?

Aster nodded: "I see."

There are so many people in this world that they can't see the good of others. Some people congratulate you and bless you on the surface, but they may not know how to curse you in private. She has known these things for so many years now.

"I don't need anyone to wait here, you are too busy, go and rest!"

"Yes!" Aster responded immediately, and then stepped back.

She knows that Nuan has always liked being alone, especially when she is reading and painting.

After Aster walked out, Wen Nuan picked up the pen, wrote a note, and asked Xiao Hei to send it to Lin Tingxuan.

Then they called Chen Huan and Chen Xi over.

"Chen Huan, you will be mainly in charge of my affairs in the future, Chen Xi, pay attention to Yingmei, the maid next to Sister Tingya, and also prevent her from contacting my cousin, especially Miss Wen Ling. Got it. ?"


After Chen Xi and Chen Huan warmly explained to them, they said to them again: "Go down and help me call the maid and servant who are in charge of serving the guest house."


Many people came to the warm courtyard one after another.

Warmth gave everyone a silver or two as a reward.

She said the same thing to every maid or servant: "It's been hard to serve me during this time! This is the reward for half a month. My mother intends to help our cousin and cousin, and my cousin and the others are here. We are looking for a marriage in the capital. Although the foundation of our Anguo Gongfu is shallow, there are many people who want to make friends. I am worried that when they go out privately, they will meet some people and be deceived. Now there are many envoys from other countries. There are many military planes in my yard. Sometimes my cousin and the others come, and I can't clean up. I'm also worried that they accidentally bump into some nobles when they go out. So every time they go out, what do they do, what people say to them, You have to tell me when you come back! No matter how big or small it is! Whether it is an acquaintance or a stranger, just tell me, nothing else needs to be done, understand? Good work!"

Nuan was worried that they didn't understand the importance of things, so he spoke in more detail.

The people who were dispatched to the guest house were relatively clever, and they knew when Wen Nuan said so.

Then happily took the reward and went back to serve.

Before the new year, Nuan Nuan had already given them two taels of silver reward, but I didn't expect that there would be one or two silver rewards in less than half a month. Can you all be unhappy?

The next day, Nuan Wen went to Jade Street with the Eighth Princess, Liang Ziyun, and Lin Tingya.

Tenderness and warmth did not go out because the wedding day was approaching.

Wu Jingmei and Wen Qian didn't want to go either, and Wen Ling didn't follow either.

So only a few of them go.

When going out with warmth, except for those who drive the carriage, they generally don't like to bring maids by their side.

The eighth princess, Liang Ziyun and Lin Tingya all know the habit of warmth, and they didn't bring it with them.

Yingmei secretly rejoiced in her heart, so that she would stay in the Anguo Gongfu for a longer time.

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