The Jade Street is quite chaotic. There are many merchants coming and going, and most of them are men. Therefore, Wen Nuan suggested that they dress up as men to facilitate their movement.

The eighth princess likes to disguise herself as a man the most. After changing her clothes, she looks at the makeup that Wennuan helped her paint.

The eighth princess said excitedly: "Nuan Nuan, you must help me pick a piece of handed down precious jade in a while!"

Nodding with a warm smile: "Okay!"

The carriage arrived outside Jade Street in less than a quarter of an hour.

This street is full of jade and jade items.

Except for a tea house, a restaurant, and a steamed bun shop, there are no other types of shops.

The Minister of Hu came to the entrance of Jade Street and waited for the carriage of Duke Anguo's mansion.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing recognized Chen Huan. With his unusual presbyopia, he recognized Chen Huan who was driving the carriage from a distance.

So Chen Huan drove the carriage to the side when the Minister of the Household came over.

"Aunt Wen."

! When the mother-in-law saw several handsome young men in the carriage, she suddenly silenced.

Isn't this the carriage of the Princess Hui'an?

Wen Nuan lifted the curtain of the carriage and was about to get off the carriage when she saw the dumbfounded Minister of the Ministry of Finance. She smiled and said, "Master Fang, didn't you recognize it?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing's eyes widened, Princess Hui'an turned out to be a woman disguised as a man?

However, the appearance of Hui'an County's female disguise as a man is really too handsome!

And he also felt a little familiar, as if he had seen it there!

It's just that he can't remember!

The minister of households looked at the eight princesses in the carriage, Liang Ziyun and Lin Tingya.

Because the make-up was thicker, the Minister of the Household couldn't recognize it for a while.

The eighth princess winked at Shangshu Tobu mischievously, and then deliberately made her voice deep: "Master Fang! Guess who I am? Guess right, I asked Nuan Nuan to pick out a peerless gem!"

Peerless Jewel!

The Minister of the Ministry was smashed by these words and his beard almost turned into a cannonball: "So naughty and cute, innocent and lively, considerate, everyone loves it, it must be the Eighth Princess!"

The eighth princess touched her beard like the emperor, not much, but her chin: "Aiqing is indeed very wise! This peerless jewel is yours!"

"Ha ha."

Several people couldn't help but laugh.

Nuan continued: "Master Fang, you can guess these two again. If you guess right, I will give you a rough jade stone!"

Early this morning, he deliberately went out two quarters early to drag Qin Tianjian out of his bed and do the math for himself!

He said he could make a fortune today!

Sure to make a fortune!

Even in terms of appearance, the Minister of the Ministry of Household couldn't bear the appearance of Lin Tingya and Liang Ziyun.

But the person of County Master Hui'an said that the good thing is that he has a quieter temperament, and the ugly thing is that he is relatively withdrawn and does not like to socialize with people!

She only has so few close friends in the capital, so the two must be Lin Tingya and Liang Ziyun.

The heights of the two are different. Liang Ziyun is a little taller than Lin Tingya. Although it is only a little bit taller, as a minister of households, he is naturally observant, and Liang Ziyun's hair is longer than that of Lin Tingya. Lin Tingya's darkened a little bit, so the Minister of the Household guessed it at once: "This is Miss Lin, this is Miss Liang!"

The eighth princess couldn't help but pouted: "Nuan Nuan, your makeup skills are too naive! You were recognized at once!"

The word "caiji" was learned by the eighth princess from the children of the village when she was in Shengping County!

He smiled warmly: "Master Fang is so fiery, naturally he can't stop him! Well, it's getting late, let's go in!"

Several people walked in together.

The Nuan people walked in front, and the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce followed behind them.

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce looked at the girls in front of him and suddenly secretly rejoiced. Fortunately, Princess Hui'an and the others disguised themselves as men.

If this matter is passed back to Madam's ears, then he really has to jump into the Qinglong River to be washed away!

Of course, he doesn't have to jump into the Qinglong River, but he has to hand over all the spoils of war today!

In the end, he will choose to jump into the Qinglong River to make his death clear!

Warm came to the first shop.

At this time, a finished product shop did not sell rough stones.

The Eighth Princess, Lin Tingya, Liang Ziyun and the Minister of the Household came in and walked to the boutique area.

Only Warm went to the cheapest counter.

She glanced at the jade bracelets and jade pendants placed on them, and she picked out all the ones that had no cracks and were well-carved.

As for jade quality, she can actually ignore it at all.

But reality doesn't allow it.

Nuan picked up more than ten, and said directly: "The shopkeeper helps me wrap it up!"

The shopkeeper was dumbfounded: "All?"

Could it be that this girl is blind, and she wants that when she touches it?

She can afford so many pieces of inferior jade, of course some of them are not bad. After all, the carvings are good and they look good. One piece will cost from one to five taels, and these ten pieces add up to nearly one hundred taels. It would be better to buy a piece of jade pendant with a better quality, which is more valuable!

These low-quality jade were bought for the people who could live a good life, but were not rich.

Jade feeds people, and people feed jade.

A good jade, some people can wear it close to the body to keep the jade better and better.

In the same way, jade pendants with good quality jade can also support people.

Since ancient times, jade has been used to ward off evil spirits, and some Taoist priests and monks with magic will also use jade to make utensils and the like.

"Yes, wrap it up! I'm useful, I'll reward the next person."

In fact, Nuan really wanted to buy all the inferior jade articles in the shop, but unfortunately reality does not allow it!

It's so compelling after all.

Of course, except for low-quality jade and rough jade, these jades are just a little bit less thoughtful, but a piece of rough jade is extremely low cost, and there are also some with dozens of articles!

This is a lucrative business.

Nalan Jinnian instructed people that as long as there are high-quality and cheap jade, no matter what the quality of the jade, they will buy them all.

The shopkeeper suddenly realized when he heard the words, and he immediately wrapped all these jade objects.

At this time, the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce also found that Nuan was not looking at the boutique area, so he came over and said, "Master Wen, how can you buy some jade pendants?"

Warmly smiled: "Those are for rewards."

The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce nodded when he heard the words.

"Did the adults take a fancy to it?"

The Ministry of Accounts: "."

Yes, and many, but he has no money to buy them!

"No, I'm here to buy rough stones!" That kind of money!

"Oh, wait a minute and I'll pick a piece for the Minister of the Ministry of Housing!"

"That old man is really respectful, it's better to obey!!"

"Sir, I'll go over there to see if they're okay." Wen Nuan walked over to the boutique area.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing did not follow him, he really liked it and didn't have the money to buy it! Worry!

He set his sights on these inferior jade wares, and found that even these little ones cost a few taels of silver!

There is another chapter, at night, you don't have to wait, the weather is too cold, hid in the bed early to sleep~~

good night~~

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