The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 930 The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce who can bend and stretch

"Hey!" The Minister of the Ministry of Housing gasped!

"Such a poor jade pendant is so expensive? Why don't you grab it?"

And just now, County Master Hui'an bought so many pieces at once!

Said it was a reward.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing felt that he was simply not a minister.

No money at all.

He's going to be the concierge for Princess Hui'an!

After working under the emperor for so many years, the emperor has never rewarded him with a few jade pendants!

The emperor is really too stingy!

On the other end, Lin Tingya bought a pair of Pisces jade pendants, which are intended to be given to Wen Xin and eldest brother.

She has prepared a lot of things during this time, but she feels that it is not enough, so when she sees something good, she will buy it.

Eighth princess, what kind of rare and precious treasure, she has never seen the handed down treasure jade, but she also doesn't despise the jade wares from these small shops. She cheerfully chose several items that she liked, and then asked the shopkeeper to wrap it up!

The royal father said that she and Hui'an County Master went shopping, and she could ask him for all the money she spent today!

Then why is she being polite!

Of course, buy, buy, buy!

Liang Ziyun didn't like anything, so she didn't buy it.

The shopkeeper handed some of the bundles that had been wrapped up to the Minister of the Household: "The steward takes care of them, I have already had them all packed!"

The Ministry of Accounts: "."

What does the shopkeeper take him for?

In charge?

His dignified minister of households!

The pillar of the Nalan Kingdom!

Manage the money bag of the entire Nalan Kingdom!

He actually regarded himself as a servant! ! !

"Take it! What a daze! These are all bought by your young masters!"

Wen Nuan hurriedly said at this time: "The shopkeeper can just give it to me! He is not"

"I'm coming! Young Master, I'll do it!" The Minister of the Ministry of Finance immediately took over!

Hui'an County Master's hand is to pick out the precious jade that has been handed down from time to time, how can he pick up things!

Besides, the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce thinks he cares about a shopkeeper who is clumsy!

If this shopkeeper can see that he is the Shangshu, then he will be the Shangshu today, and he will be the shopkeeper!

He is the pillar of a country, able to bend and stretch!

After a while, the Hui'an County Lord will just give a little reward!

"Uncle Fang, let me come! These should be quite heavy."

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce waved his hand: "It's okay! The old man is a manly man anyway, how can I let you, a weak scholar, carry heavy things! Miss Wen, don't you think that the old man is old?"


"No, Fang Bo is in his prime!"

After the Minister of the Ministry of Housing finished speaking, he twisted two burdens and strode out.

Prove that he is really old and strong!

Wen Nuan took everyone to look at the shops, and then she saw that she would buy the cheap and high-quality ones. Of course, so many people came together, and she did not buy the inferior jade that had already been opened.

But the carving is good, jade accessories and jade accessories of ordinary jade quality, she will buy them, without taking a careful look, she just buys them at a glance. Buying these back and nourishing them with purple energy can double their value by hundreds of times!

The jade pendant bought for a tael of silver was sold for a thousand taels, and it was also tried.

Minister Tobu followed behind the warm, mouth so open that he forgot to close it.

Does the county owner of Hui'an need to negotiate the price when buying things?

Also, she bought so casually, is it useful to buy so many back?

He hasn't even seen what those jade pendants look like!

Eight princesses are also in the boutique area to buy and buy!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing was rushing to lift it at first, but soon he could no longer lift it with both hands!

He secretly rejoiced in his heart that it was his wife who was thrifty and thrifty!

If Madam was like the Princess Hui'an and the Eighth Princess, then he, the person in charge of Nalan's money bag, would have died hundreds of times!

How to die?


Because Nuan and the Eighth Princess bought a lot of things, a store directly helped with the delivery, and the hand of the Minister of the Ministry was finally relieved.

After finally visiting the finished product store, it was finally the turn of the rough jade stone quarry.

These stone fields are all at the end of Jade Street, and each occupies a large area.

After all, the rough stones need to be spread out for the convenience of guests.

Tobu Shangshu, who was so tired that he had only half his life left, was immediately resurrected with blood!

They came to the largest rough stone quarry.

The eighth princess said excitedly: "Brother Nuan, I will buy whichever piece you want to buy!"

Minister of the Household: The old man seconded!

Lin Tingya: Add one for the second!

Liang Ziyun: Second, add two!

Wen Nuan glanced at the rough stones on the stone yard: "Then I'll help you pick them out, how many do you want?"

Eighth Princess: "The more the better!"

Anyway, you don't have to spend her money!

Lin Tingya: "I still have one hundred taels of silver notes on me. I can pick them all!"

Liang Ziyun: "I also have one hundred taels of silver!"

The Ministry of Accounts: "."

For Mao, a pillar of the country, he has less money than these boudoir girls?

He is also a pillar of the country!

Take care of the money bag of the imperial court!

The Minister of the Household touched his purse: "I still have ten taels! Please help me to choose, Lord Hui'an!" The voices were few, even fewer than mosquitoes!

Look at his net worth and choose!

The eighth princess gave Hubu Shangshu a surprised look, and whispered: "Sir, why did you only bring 10 taels when you came to Jade Street? This Nuan Nuan is very busy on weekdays, and it is not easy to ask her to go shopping!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing wants to cry without tears!

She thought he thought, this is not the money in charge of the treasury and the treasury is not spent on himself!

The money you earn, the right to use the money is not yours!

What can he do?

"I got the wrong wallet!"

The eighth princess heard the words: "Then I will lend you a thousand taels!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing immediately shook his head when he heard the words, and the brittle neck bone was almost broken: "No, twelve taels is enough, I can buy a piece! This rough stone is not necessarily cheap, so there is no good product. Yes, Young Master Nuan is so powerful, I can earn any piece of it!"

The eighth princess nodded when she heard the words: "That's right!"

It was so warm to know that Shangshu of the Ministry of Housing was a strict wife and that Mrs. Shangshu only gave him five cents a day.

She smiled and said, "I'll help Uncle Fang pick a piece!"

Keep your money safe!

Warmth silently added a sentence in my heart.

After Wennuan finished speaking, he went to the pile of cheapest rough stones to choose.

Not all of these rough stones are his own, and Nuan naturally does not use purple energy to choose, so he only relies on his eyesight and experience.

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce came over and said, "Young Master Wen, can you teach me a lesson."

"Of course. The identification methods of rough jade include the two-degree method, the structural method, and the composition method. The two-degree method is density and hardness, first of all."

Warmly explained in a low voice while picking the rough stones on the stones!

After talking for about a quarter of an hour, I finally found a rough jade stone with an asking price of only three taels!

Nuan moved directly, continued to look closely, and explained to the three at the same time.

She held a not-so-big rough stone in both hands, and at the same time purified the rough stone with purple energy.

Another quarter of an hour later, he said warmly, "Uncle Fang is here!"

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