The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 931 The person who can cheat him hasn't been born yet

The rough jade stone picked by Wennuan is not big and of average quality, but in this rough quarry, it is the most cost-effective rough among a bunch of cheap rough stones.

It is very suitable to spend only five cents a day, not every day, only 150 cents a month, and 1800 cents a year.

He needs to save the 12 taels of silver for more than five years!

Besides, small rough stones have another benefit.

That is, she used purple air to purify it once, and basically the waste jade has become good jade!

"Okay, just this one!" The Minister of the Ministry took it over happily, but he didn't dislike the size of the rough stone!

A good jade can be invaluable even if it has only a fist size!

Inferior jade, even as big as a lake stone, is not worth any money!

"Treasurer, is this rough stone 500 characters?" The Minister of the Ministry of Finance asked impatiently while holding the rough stone!

He can't wait to buy it quickly, and then drive it out to see how the jade quality of the jade is.

Warmth is a rough stone picked from a pile of low-quality jade with a clearly marked price.

A wooden board was placed on the pile of jade, and it was written with 500 yuan a piece!

But when the shopkeeper saw that the Minister of the Ministry of Commerce seemed to have obtained a peerless treasure, he rolled his eyes and said, "Look at this old man!"

He put his head closer, glanced at it, then frowned and waved his hand: "No, who put the high-quality rough stone in the place of the inferior jade! This rough stone is from the high-quality rough stone side! Girl! Really good vision! This rough stone is sold for five hundred taels!"

Five hundred taels!

The Minister of the Household's eyes widened: this son of a bitch dares to play tricks on him, a man who is shrewd enough to be in charge of the entire world's money bag! !

Turning his head, he went back to check whether this black shop had tax evasion or evasion!

Now he sprayed him to death!

To achieve the position of Minister of the Ministry of Household, even if he is amiable and amiable on weekdays, he will exude majesty when he is angry. Otherwise, how can he manage a group of subordinates?

"Did you make a mistake?" Hu Bu Shang Shu looked at him coldly.

Shopkeeper: "."

How did this wretched old man who was greedy for petty cheap become so majestic all of a sudden?

"Yes, I made a mistake, I'm really sorry! Why don't you do this! This is also the negligence of the old man. I calculate the price of a medium rough stone from you, and I only charge you two hundred taels!"

Wen Nuan glanced at him coldly: "It's the first time I've encountered such a shameless person in such a big store!"

The eighth princess folded her hands: "No, it's just a huge price! A big profiteer! He has a black heart and a rotten stomach! Is this taking the law of Nalan as a three-character scripture?"


Hearing the words of the eighth princess with a black heart, the warmth is really unbearable!

The Eighth Princess went to Ningyuan County to stay for a while, and the vocabulary of this language has really become richer and richer!

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing touched his beard: "Two hundred taels?! Are you sure you made a mistake? Didn't you want to cheat me?"

He said warmly and lightly: "You better think about it!"

Lin Tingya: "As far as I know, there is a rule in the jade firm that all the rough rough stones that are sold in the market cannot be inferior and inferior rough stones, otherwise the customer will be compensated for double the price! If this is the inferior rough stones that we open out, , you remember to lose money!"

Liang Ziyun: "The 1980th article of the law of the Nalan Kingdom stipulates that anyone who deliberately misrepresents what is real and offers a price in the sky will be fined 1,000 taels, imprisoned for a month, and beaten 50 big boards! In the future, I will pay 10% more tax!"

The eighth princess snorted coldly: "Is this punishment too light, this kind of black-hearted shop should be closed directly!"

"It's time to seal it up! This is obviously a serious one and it's shoddy! The rough stone can be seen as an inferior rough stone!" Di Junxian walked in at this time, and he said this.

Behind him were Jia Jingxuan and Feng Di.

Di Junxian happened to pass by just now, and he came over after he recognized the Minister of Hu. He guessed that among the young men beside the Minister of Hu, one of them must be the Hui'an County Master of Nalan Kingdom.

Di Junxian's eyes fell on Nuan, and he was even more sure of his guess!


The few people who just came in are gorgeously dressed, and the jade pendant around the waist looks like Baoyu!

This status must be rich or expensive!

And warm a few people.

The shopkeeper was already frightened by the aura of several people. Looking at the clothes of several people, the fabric was not too good, but not too bad!

I thought they were ordinary wealthy households in the capital, and they couldn't get along with officials.

Now that he saw the coercion and extravagance they exuded, he felt that he had read it wrong again!

The capital is the imperial capital of Nalan Kingdom, and the streets are full of dignitaries. His sister told him that he must not offend anyone at will!

Even if it is a person who looks ordinary in clothes, maybe a certain prince and princess came out to experience the suffering of the people!

He took a mouthful of saliva and said with a calm smile, "I remember that this rough stone was indeed placed in the pile of high-quality rough stones."

At this time, a middle-aged man with a round head and fat ears in a royal blue robe came out of the shop.

He looked at the people who were arguing with swords and arrows, and the aura emanating from these people seemed to be the aura of someone who has been in high positions for a long time. He quickly stepped forward and said with a kind face: "What's wrong with the distinguished guests? This is our new store. If there is a place where the reception is not well received, the shopkeeper invited, please also ask a few distinguished guests not to remember the villain! The villain will give a few distinguished guests a preferential price!"

After he finished speaking, his eyes fell on the rough stone held by Shangshu Tobu, and he was stunned for a moment. It was a low-quality rough stone. He immediately guessed what was going on, and he immediately said: "This master picked a low-quality rough stone in his hand. , the jade inside is really not that good! If the master believes me, how about I pick a good piece for the master?"

The moment the shopkeeper saw the middle-aged man come out, his expression changed.

This is his brother-in-law, and it is not quite right to say that he is brother-in-law, after all, his sister is only one of his dozen or so concubines.

His sister recently gave birth to a baby, so she asked him for this job!

He came here to be the shopkeeper only two days ago, and he only planned to make a fortune when he saw that this poor old man seemed to have found a treasure.

I didn't expect that just when I wanted to cheat people, I kicked the iron plate before I succeeded!

He said with a warm smile but not a smile: "Boss, are you sure this is a low-quality rough stone? But your shopkeeper didn't say that just now, he said it's a high-quality rough stone!"

The Minister of the Chamber of Commerce blew his beard and stared: "That's right! We picked a low-quality rough stone from a pile of five hundred wen. I didn't expect the shopkeeper to say that it was a high-quality rough stone, but he just didn't know who messed it up. Receive me five hundred taels of silver from this old man! This five-hundred-dollar thing, I lied to the old man a thousand times! This old man told the yamen, and you can't eat it and leave!"

It's like plucking hair on a tiger's head!

When he goes back, he must check the taxes of this black shop!

The person who can pit him has not yet been born!

Or he will be dead!

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