Nalan Jin has warmed here in recent years, and originally wanted to bring warmth out to watch the fun.

But this Yingmei didn't know who sent it, but she started from Aster, proving that what she was plotting was inseparable from the warmth!

And it's been so long, why has she only shown her sway recently?

Could it be because of the envoys from other countries?

He was worried that she was the nail of Nanjiang!

He didn't dare to delay for a second when it was about the safety of warmth, and left immediately, planning to come back later to bring warmth to watch the fun.

After Nalan Jinnian left, Nuan thought for a while, and felt that sending someone to follow him would eventually reveal the possibility. No matter how powerful a person was, there would be times when they missed.

Besides, there are people outside this world! Who knows how powerful the people behind it are?

But it is almost undefended against animals at some point, and Xiao Hei can be almost foolproof.

Warm stood up and walked inside.

Xiao Hei is teaching Xiao Zou how to read in the room.

This is a study specially opened by Nuan for two little things, and outsiders, including Aster, are not allowed in.

Of course, in Prince Jin's Mansion, Xiao Hei also has a study, but now, Xiao Hei is not willing to go back to Prince Jin's Mansion, and has been eating and drinking in the warm place for many years.

So Nuan arranged a study for it to teach Xiaozhuan.

In fact, Xiao Du is not stupid either. Nalan Jinnian said that he learned faster than Xiao Hei before.

Warm thought that this is probably the teacher's problem.

Xiao Hei's teacher is Nalan Jinnian, and Xiao Chuang is his classmate. Moreover, Xiao Chou grew up eating healthy food. She has raised him with purple energy many times, so he will naturally be much smarter when he grows up.

"Little black! Little stupid!"

Hearing the sound, the two little things flew up in an instant, smelling the warmth and turning around.

Warmly looked at the five characters placed on the desk.

These five characters are difficult, stupid, stupid, smart, and bright.

Now Xiao Chuang is learning one word every day, one of the few words on the table is a new word today, the difficult word is learned today, the smart one is learned two days ago, and the two words stupid are learned a long time ago , taught from the beginning.

I took it out today to consolidate the little stupid memory.

Wen Nuan walked to the desk and asked with a smile, "Have you made any progress in your studies recently?"

Two little things fell on the desk.

Xiaozhu turned his head and refused to answer!

It already knows what its name means, it is not called Xiaozhuo, it is called Xiaozhi!

If you can distinguish an eagle's expression, then you can see Xiao Hei nodding amusingly at this moment.

Wen Nuan clearly saw the smile in Xiao Hei's eyes, and she asked curiously, "What's wrong with Xiao Chuang?"

Xiao Hei glanced at the Eagle Dictionary.

Little Clumsy flew over in an instant, obviously wanting to show off its limited text reserve!

It even knocked Xiao Hei flying!

Xiao Hei almost fell off the desk, and after a few flutters, it stabilized its body, and reluctantly fell on the desk again.

Warm and funny, he flipped the pages one by one, deliberately staying a little longer on the words Xiao Chuang had learned so that he could familiarize himself with the Eagle Language Dictionary.

Because Xiao Chuang has just learned to read and is not familiar with dictionaries, so after half an hour, warmly came up with three words: Xiao Chui.

After thinking about it for a while, Nuan immediately understood: "Xiao Chuang doesn't like his name, so you want to change your name to Xiao Chong?"

Blackie nodded!

The little fool nodded!

"Little stupid is really smart, smart, and cute, that's what it's called."

Xiaohei shook his head vigorously at the warmth behind Xiaozhuo!

Don't change!

cannot be changed!

It's named after it!

What a cute name Little Stupid!

Besides, he is only called Xiao Hei, why can he be called Xiao Chui? !

Seeing Nuannuan, Xiaozhuo stopped his eyes when he said this, and landed behind him. When he turned his head quickly, he saw Xiaohei shaking his head vigorously.

The little idiot was furious!

Fluttering its wings, it fluttered at once!

The two eagles fell directly from the desk, fell to the ground, and rolled into a pile!

I can't help covering my face with warmth!

these two little things

After a long while, Nuan saw that Xiao Hei was disheveled, no, he stood up with messy feathers: "Giggle giggle" (Little Smart, Little Smart.)

Little idiot just let it go!

Wen Nuan saw it fly back to the table again, and tidy up his messy temples, no, it was the hair that fell off his body!

The little stupid looked warmly with anticipation.

Nuan gave it a thumbs up: "Little clever! Yufu has a way!"

Is your husband right?

The little fool tilted his head, what does Yufu Youdao mean?

Forget it, it's too profound, it doesn't understand, but clever, it understands!

It looked at Xiao Hei on the ground, like a rooster that won a battle!

Wen Nuan saw Xiao Hei tidying up his clothes. No, he shook his feathers and called out twice, "Giggle." Little Smart!

Little bitch! Xiao Hei silently added in his heart.

Xiao Hei decides that the hero will not fight the vixen!

It is an eagle with only culture, and it does not care about an illiterate!

It looked at the warmth: what is the matter with me, Miss Sister?

She couldn't hide the smile on her warm face. She smiled and said, "I want you to stare at Yingmei next to Lin Tingya."

This is not the first time Xiao Hei has done this kind of thing. He stood on one foot, stretched out an eagle claw, and made an OK gesture.

Xiao Chou imitated Xiao Hei and stretched out a paw to make an OK gesture, but fell down with both claws facing the sky, just like Xiao Hei at the beginning.

Little Clumsy kicked two eagle claws, flapped its wings, and couldn't get up!

Xiao Hei glanced at it with disgust, stupid and didn't admit it!

And also fat!

A whole pound heavier than me!

Disgusted or disgusted, but Xiao Hei still stretched out his wings and gave it to it.

"Haha." Wen Nuan was laughing so hard that his stomach hurt by the behavior of these two little cuties!

After Xiao Chuang also got up, she rubbed her stomach and said with a smile, "You two cuties can go watch from now on. If there is any special situation, Xiao Hei, come back and tell me right away!"

Because of this kind of thing, it can be said that Xiao Hei is good at it, and there is no need to say too much about warmth.

So Xiao Hei flew out with the little idiot who had been studying all morning!

The little stupid let out a sigh of relief, finally no need to study!

It does not understand, it is just an eagle, why live so hard!

It sees eagles that occasionally fly in the sky, and they are all free!

Just kinda stupid!

Thinking of those eagles that are so stupid that they can only catch mice, snakes, pheasants and other small animals to eat raw, the stupid shivers unconsciously!

So stupid!

So ignorant!

It is still a culture and a wise eagle!

Wen Nuan walked out of the room, and Aster ran in excitedly: "The county master, hurry up! Come out and have a look!"

Warm and surprised: "What are you looking at?"

Warm and vaguely heard the sound of gongs and drums.

"Imperial list!"

At this time, Nalan Jinnian also walked in: "Let's go! Let's go out and have a look."


Happy winter solstice everyone

There's one more missing, I'll make it up tomorrow~

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