on the street

It was very lively, and many people were attracted by some gongs.

The leader is the current leader of the Praetorian Guards, Ning Huaiyu, behind him is a team of Praetorian Guards, and behind the Praetorian Guards is a dragon and lion dance team!

That is the team of the Tai Lok Department, and it is usually dispatched when there is a major celebration.

The team performed, beating gongs and drums.

There are also some female musicians from the Music Department, who follow the lion dance team and sprinkle flowers while walking!

Ning Huaiyu held the imperial list high in his hand, rode a white horse, and walked in the forefront, saying loudly, "The whole world celebrates, and the whole world celebrates!

Yesterday's Longevity Festival, our Nalan Kingdom once again won two cities, 10,000 Mongolian Khan horses, and a salt lake under the leadership of Hui'an County Master!

In the future, we will feel that there is more arable land in Nalan, so why don’t the people have enough food to eat! In the future, why would there be no good warhorses in Nalan Kingdom! In the future, why don't we Nalan country have no salt to eat!

These are all thanks to the strong support from all countries!

The emperor said such a good thing, it should be celebrated in the whole world! This year, the people of the entire Nalan country will be exempted from paying 10% of the tax in summer, and starting from February, the price of salt will be reduced by one cent per catty! "

After Ning Huai finished saying this!

The guards behind said loudly in unison: "Congratulations to Nalan Kingdom for winning two cities!"

"Congratulations to Nalan Kingdom for winning a Salt Lake!"

"Congratulations to Nalan Country for winning 10,000 BMWs!"

"Thank you for your contributions from all countries!"

When the people heard it, they all exploded!

10% tax reduction for summer harvest? The price of salt has been reduced by a single article from February!

The people on the street knelt down one after another: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long En! Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Emperor Longen is mighty, and the world is blessed! God bless me Nalan! Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"


At this moment, all the people in the capital came out to watch the fun.

The messengers from all over the country came out to watch the fun!

Their faces are all black!

The third prince of Dongling: "The emperor of Nalan country is so shameless, here is another trick!"

When the 50 million taels of their Dongling Kingdom were greeted at the beginning, it was such a big fanfare!

So much fanfare now!

They haven't left yet!

Isn't this a naked slap in the face?

Di Junxian's face is also not good-looking: "The monarch of Nalan Kingdom has become more and more fond of these fake things in the past two years!"

If he loses, he loses. After all, it's not a city. He can even fill in the 10,000 horses even if he thinks of a way in private!

In that case, no one would know about the team except the envoy!

In order to avoid punishment, the envoy team is willing to fill it up, and they naturally have no opinion.

But now that King Nalan is here, there must be merchants from Beiming Kingdom here. If this matter is passed back to Beiming Kingdom, not everyone in the whole country will know about it!

He can't afford not to mention this person, and he can't afford to lose the reputation of losing power and humiliating the country!

However, Zhu Qinghua admired King Nalan more and more: "If King Nalan does this, it will only become more popular! The people will only support him more and support such a court!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Beiming Kingdom. Beiming Kingdom always wanted to unify the world, but Nalan Kingdom is a hard bone!

It's getting harder and harder now!

Of course, he also wanted to break away from Nalan Kingdom, and he also wanted to dominate the world, but his father did not have such ambitions, he just wanted to keep the Southern Border Kingdom in a safe and secure way.

But every year, we have to pay tribute to the Nalan country. After so many years, who wants to be a low-level country forever!

Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom are not happy anymore!

Di Junming naturally knew the reason why Nalan King did this, but it was difficult to gather people's hearts, but it was easy to disperse.

The most important thing is to unify the world with strong soldiers and horses!

Strength can overwhelm everything!

Xihua Kingdom suffered the most, they were so angry that they didn't even want to talk!

Every time I come to Nalan Kingdom, I lose the city every time. This has become a sinner of Xihua Kingdom through the ages!

No, this time we must not come back empty-handed!

Otherwise, it really can't be explained!

This time, they didn't just prepare first-hand, but they didn't have much time to play yesterday. They waited for a chance to get the breeding method of rice and wheat that yielded thousands of kilograms per mu, otherwise they should have left early this morning!

Why stay here and suffer this humiliation?

At this moment, the emperor has put on a guard's clothes and is fighting on the city.

He looked at the happy people on the street who knelt down and shouted long live, and he felt so refreshed!

He glanced at the direction of the station again, and snorted coldly in his heart:

Can't get mad at these wolves!

Since they don't want to leave, get mad at them, stimulate their potential and let them leave some things before leaving!

Don't think that if you stay in Nalan for so many days, you don't need to give money to eat, use, and live in Nalan!

For them, I have spent how much money to reward 50% of the soldiers and horses and the Guards!

These have to be plucked from the wool on them!

The emperor stroked his beard happily: "It's your turn to be mad, but the Seventeenth Emperor has an idea!"

He wants to retire early!

The Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother ascended the throne, guaranteeing to clean up this group of wolf cubs and dare not have other thoughts!

Of course, if there is, he will definitely hit their old nest directly, and they will end up in one nest!

At this time, Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan were sitting in the carriage, which was parked at a street intersection, waiting for Zhang Huangbang's team to pass by.

"You let me out just to watch the fun?"

Don't think about it, it must be his idea.

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "No!"

What a beautiful sight this is!

"What is that?" He asked warmly and curiously.

Nalan Jinnian sold a pass: "You will know when you arrive."

Warm raised eyebrows!

The team had passed by, and many people left behind them, and the streets gradually became empty.

The carriage could walk, and Lin Feng drove the carriage out of the city.

Outside the city gate, one or two low-key carriages were waiting by the side. When they saw their carriage appear, the driver immediately waved his whip and the carriage moved.

Nuan naturally also saw the carriage. Isn't this the emperor's carriage?

The emperor is also out of the palace?

That is to go to the military camp?

Nuan immediately thought of going to the military camp, what was it for!

Has the emperor reviewed the memorial she played this morning?

An hour later.

The emperor, Nalan Jinnian, Nuan, and a dozen generals and lieutenants sat on the stage.

Surrounded by soldiers in a phalanx, in the middle is the five thousand wolf army led by Da Hui!

The emperor has now changed into a dragon robe.

Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan also changed into shirts!

Da Hui is also wearing this special armor at the moment, standing majestically in front of the wolf army.

Behind it stood nine wolves, all wearing uniforms of the same color as the soldiers!

Although the five thousand wolf army at the back had no clothes, they all wore a yellow collar around their necks, representing their status as soldiers.

At this moment, they were neatly standing in a square team, and they were not lost to humans at all.

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