Warmly looked at the majestic and majestic wolf army!

Looking at Da Hui who was so excited that his hair was about to stand up, he laughed!

That's right, this is a conference to reward Da Hui for his merits and deeds!

Da Hui also made a great contribution yesterday, and everyone has a reward, why doesn't it have a reward!

But Da Hui is an animal, not a human being, so it is easy to be forgotten. Even if the reward is given, the emperor should not be able to think of how to give it. He is worried that the emperor will reward Da Hui with a few plates of meat, but Da Hui is not ordinary. Wolf, how much meat does it care?

It is wise, so I wrote a memorial to remind the emperor.

This is kind of shocking!

But the emperor actually agreed!

Warm has to admit that the current emperor is really a good emperor who is polite and corporal!

The soldiers around didn't understand that the emperor came suddenly, and what did the laborers call them to do here?

Of course, the soldiers had some guesses in their hearts, but they thought it was incredible!

Wouldn't the emperor personally come to the barracks to reward a wolf?

An idea popped up in everyone's heart, and it was immediately rejected!

The emperor must have some important military task for them!

How could you be so laborious and rewarding the girl wolf?

The emperor opened his mouth and said: "Everyone, Aiqing! This time, our Nalan Kingdom won two cities, a salt lake, and 10,000 Mongolian Khan horses without any effort."

The emperor began to talk about the harvest this time.

The emperor also does not dislike saying it a few times!

Looking around the world, looking at the past and present, in addition to the founder of the country, there is someone who can be as powerful as the emperor!

Not one soldier or one soldier was used, not a single soldier was killed or injured, and so many cities were won!

Just this feat! He is enough to live forever!

What's more, he has managed the originally precarious Nalan Kingdom so well that it has become prosperous again?

"The reason why Nalan Kingdom once again defended the dignity of our great country and slapped the faces of those countries that tried to provoke them is the county master of Hui'an"

The more I think about the emperor, the more excited I feel, he is simply a genius emperor!

The emperor's voice became louder and louder. At the end, he said the main purpose of this time: "This time we can win a salt lake thanks to a few wolf lovers!"

Many soldiers twitched at the corners of their mouths, Wolf Aiqing?

What kind of wolf word is this?

"Especially Da Hui Aiqing, Da Hui Aiqing leads nine wise and powerful wolf Aiqings, walking iron ropes, breaking through fire circles, passing five levels, and beheading six generals! I have always been rewarded and punished clearly! Now everyone has a reward, The wolves can't fail to reward them! They can't chill the hearts of the wolves who have made great contributions to Nalan National!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers: "."

Also cold the wolf's heart!

The emperor is really good at talking.

But what does the emperor want to reward these wolves?

A big plate of meat dishes?

At this time, Eunuch Li held the emperor's imperial decree and said loudly: "All wolf generals, listen to the reward: Da Hui loves the wise and marvelous general, he is indeed the master of ten thousand wolves, and he is bestowed as the wolf king and enjoys the salary of a first-rank general! Granted the title of first-rank wolf general, ten wolf generals share one mansion, share the salary of a first-rank general, and give four servants! Appreciate this!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers: "."

The emperor is so generous!

The wolves have titles and salaries, how can this make them feel bad?

But the emperor has rewarded so many things, can those wolves understand?

In the end, it is estimated that it all fell on the four servants!

Da Hui raised his head and screamed at the emperor, and then fell on the ground to express his thanks!

Da Hui is very happy, it can also earn money to adopt a daughter-in-law!

It is also homeowners!

In the future, all the money will be given to the young lady, and it will be used as food expenses for it and Xiaobai!

The nine wolves in the back also lay down like the big gray.

Immediately afterward, thousands of wolves for unknown reasons followed them to do the same thing!

Of course, the movements are not very neat, but they will not be too messy. This is already very difficult for so many wolves!

This is the first time the soldiers have seen such a humanized wolf!

All shocked!

Shouldn't these wolves really understand what people say?

Shouldn't these wolves become sperm?

Almost none of the soldiers on the battlefield had seen this wolf army.

Except for a few generals because of their high positions, they knew that there was an army of wolves, and some even Nalan Jinnian's cronies were fortunate enough to meet them.

The emperor was happier when he saw this group of well-trained wolves!

"Haha. You wolves Aiqing are flat!"

Da Hui stood up, and the other wolves also stood up.

The emperor looked at the soldiers who were hit hard, and was a little satisfied!

The wolves are better than you!

You soldiers have to work harder in the future?

After the attack is over, I still need some encouragement: "I have always been clear about rewards and punishments! Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, as long as you work hard, everyone will have the opportunity to make achievements and honor the chancellor! The reason why Nalan Kingdom can prosper and prosper, the country is prosperous and the people are safe, these are inseparable. Let everyone practice day and night, and the credit for defending the family and the country! I will not forget everyone's hard work! Today, the whole world celebrates, and this month, all the soldiers' salaries will be increased by half a tael!"

When the soldiers heard the words, they knelt down one after another: "Thank you, Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty, Long Live, Long Live!"

Each person pays more than half a tael, so many soldiers can be a lot of money.

The emperor was also a little distressed, but he couldn't help but be happy!

Well, I got a salt lake, and the money can be earned back soon!

Well, haven't many envoys from the four countries left yet?

The emperor looked at Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan.

The whole world is happy and rewarding Da Hui is something that the two of them have come up with!

The money spent by the treasury, the two have no idea how to make it back?

Nalan Jinnian noticed that the emperor was looking at him, he looked over, and said indifferently, "Brother Huang, don't even think about attacking the younger brother! The younger brother has no money!"

All his money was spent on the expansion of the outer city!

This brazen imperial brother will not give any money to build roads in the outer city!

And this year, the soldiers under his command didn't have any money for the year-end ceremony at the end of the year, so let him find a way!


He is about to marry a wife without money!

The emperor smiled: "I didn't let you out, you and Hui'an County Master went to Shiguo to ask for it!"

Nalan Jinnian rolled his eyes and ignored him!

He said he wanted it!

People are idiots?

The emperor thought for a while and whispered to the warm voice, so that no one else could hear: "Hui'an county master, the king of Lanling Kingdom wants to marry the princess of our Nalan Kingdom, this is not an easy task, you should remember to make it difficult. He! Set up nine hundred and ninety-nine, no nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine levels, starting from the palace gate, no, starting from the city gate! Yes, that's it! Otherwise, it will be too easy to marry, and he will not know how to cherish it in the future. Little Eight!"

The emperor almost didn't directly ask Wen Nuan to take some more gold from Amber as an opening benefit!

Who made Amber Dokin!

He married his jewel-like daughter to him, and it is estimated that he will never see him again in the future!

He doesn't even have to pay more!

In this way, the expenses of this Longevity Festival have doubled and earned!

The emperor's mood is getting more and more comfortable!

Warm mouth twitched!

Your Majesty, are you marrying your daughter or selling your daughter?

In the future, when the treasury is empty, will the emperor send a letter and ask people to send gold?

Nuan thought so, Nalan Jinnian said: "Brother Huang, the treasury will be empty in the future, you send a letter and complain, it is estimated that they will send gold here! Forget it this time! The appearance is too ugly! Lest others think you are Too greedy!"

The most important thing is to let your girl do it!

He is shameless, and his own girl wants to be shameless!

Emperor: "Good idea!"

Warm: These two brothers!


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