Next, Lin Tingxuan went down to give Da Hui and the nine wolf generals their unique "honor badges".

Lin Tingxuan took the lead, followed by ten guards holding trays.

Several people came to the big bad wolf.

Lin Tingxuan picked up a small crown on a soldier's tray and said to Da Hui, "Wolf King, this is the crown that the emperor gave you! Only the wolf king can wear it!"

This is what the emperor asked to rummage through the storeroom. It is an overseas item. It should be used by children. Therefore, the crown is not big, but it is made of pure gold with gemstones on it. It is also very valuable. .

Big gray howled happily.

This hat, it loves it!

Glitter on the head!

It looks very rich!

It raised its chin slightly and asked Lin Tingxuan to help it carry it.

Lin Tingxuan wanted to laugh at the complacent look of it, but he pressed it down, and solemnly helped Da Hui put on the crown, and fastened the strap around his neck to prevent it from falling off.

After wearing it, Da Hui politely wagged his tail to express his gratitude!

Then he shouted in the direction of the emperor!

For the other nine wolves, each wolf has a gold medal engraved with the words "Wolf General".

Lin Tingxuan put gold medals on the remaining nine wolves one by one.

The soldiers saw that Lin Tingxuan solemnly gave these wolves a sign of merit and honor, and immediately gave birth to a feeling that people are inferior to wolves!

Can a wolf live so majestic these days?

After the ten wolves wore the badges of honor, they all screamed to the sky!

The 5,000 wolf army agreed, and some animals on the nearby mountains were so frightened that they ran around and hid back in the cave!

The emperor touched his beard. He really liked these wolf soldiers very much. Why?

The combat power is strong, and it is normal for a wolf to kill several enemies on the battlefield!

The most important thing is that these wolves go up the mountain to find food and do not need to be fed with rations.

There is no need to prepare supplies for them throughout the year.

How much money can be saved!

The emperor looked at the other soldiers and couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "Why are there so many wolf soldiers in these soldiers!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him with contempt: "Why don't you just be a wolf directly, Brother Huang!"


This stinky boy!

Does he feel uncomfortable without choking on himself?


After awarding the rewards in the army, Nuan and the others went home.

Da Hui was rewarded this time, and Nalan Jinnian gave him a few days off before heading back together!

Da Hui sat on the carriage with a straight body, just like the emperor sitting on the dragon chair in the Tianyuan Hall!

Nuan was very speechless: "Da Hui, you usually lie on your stomach, isn't it tiring to sit like this?"

Da Hui glanced at the warmth and shook his head.

It's different now. Now it's the wolf king. Haven't you seen the emperor sitting up straight, sitting very upright, exuding this majesty?

It has to do that too!

Warmth probably guessed its mind, and regardless of it, it is estimated that it will not last long, and after a few days, it will not change!

The carriage is running fast on the official road!

When approaching the outer city, the speed slowed down.

It was dusk, and during dinner, there were still many people walking on the street.

In the park area, many elderly people are playing chess and children are chasing. Some people even took out a large bowl and ate all the rice, and many people did this. Those people's bowls had meat, vegetables, and steamed buns with white flour. This is the best testimony to the well-being of the people. .

There are still customers coming in and out of each shop, and there is a long queue outside the health building at the moment.

Messengers from various countries have sent people out to line up.

They lined up once at noon, but unfortunately they didn't eat.

The emperor lifted the curtain and glanced at it. He stroked his beard and said happily: "Yes, the liveliness of this outer city is comparable to that of the inner city!"

In a peaceful and prosperous age, there is no war, and it is not very important to have the protection of the city wall.

Now, because there are many good things in this street in the outer city, and the shops are bright and the streets are clean, many people in the city prefer to go out for shopping.

Eunuch Li immediately said: "It's still the emperor who is wise and decreed to expand the outer city, otherwise our Nalan Kingdom is so prosperous and prosperous, the capital will be crowded!"

The emperor was even more happy when he heard the words. He just liked to hear the prosperity of Nalan Kingdom, but he still said modestly: "This outer city is the credit of Shiqi and Hui'an County Master!"

To be honest, the treasury didn't take much money!

Eunuch Li immediately praised: "King Jin and Princess Hui'an are well planned for the outer city, they are really the emperor's right-hand man!"

Of course, praise Hui'an County Master more!

Eating people is soft-mouthed and short-handed!

"That's true! I can't do without them! Nalan State can't do without them today!" The emperor also nodded to this.

The carriage was passing by the park at the moment, when the emperor saw Di Junxian, he lowered the curtain and said with a smile: "The envoys from various countries probably came out today to see our outer cities! Haha, take a good look! Let's see what our Nalan Kingdom is. What a prosperous faction! The country is rich and the soldiers are strong!"

Emperor Junxian, the three princes of the Southern Border and other envoys from various countries are now looking around in the outer city.

Everyone was stunned. The expansion of the outer city of Nalan Kingdom cost a lot of money!

Treasury empty?

How can such a big outer city be expanded, how could it be empty!

They have to re-evaluate the national strength of Nalan!

Di Junxian, Feng Di and the others are strolling around the park at the moment, looking at the things in the jobs of ordinary people, they have to admit that the people of Nalan are living a lot better!

Five years ago, this was not the case!

Their messengers from Beiming Kingdom reported back that there were many beggars in many cities in Nalan Kingdom!

It's all because the weather is too cold, and those poor people really have nothing to eat, so they can only come out to beg!

This time he came, hardly met a few beggars.

And after passing through some villages, I saw those peasants who were eating dry rice and steamed buns with white flour!

Many people from the capital came all the way from the border of Nalan Kingdom. They deliberately walked on the small road and saw the situation of some civilians.

Even if Beiming is so prosperous and powerful, some small towns and villages in remote mountain villages cannot have enough to eat!

In the winter when there is no work, some poor people even eat only one meal a day!

But they saw the villagers of Nalan country, three meals a day, sweet potato dry rice, white rice dry rice, steamed bread with white flour, the worst people also eat gruel and steamed bread with mixed grains, and even some people feed their livestock with grain.

What does all this prove?

It proves that there is no shortage of food in Nalan!

That's right, the population of Nalan Kingdom is only the same as that of Beiming Kingdom, but the area of ​​arable land is only not much less than that of Beiming Kingdom!

Moreover, Nalan Country has grown rice and wheat with a yield of thousands of catties per mu!

As long as the weather is good, the treasury's granary will be full in two or three years!

And soldiers

And lost horses.

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