Emperor Junxian took a deep breath and let the Nalan Kingdom continue to develop. In the next few years, the Nalan Kingdom will only become stronger and stronger, which is not a good thing!

I am afraid that Beiming Kingdom wants to take Nalan Kingdom more and more!

We must take Nalan as soon as possible!

After another two or three years, it is estimated that Nalan Kingdom will be able to compete with Beiming Kingdom!

This is very possible. If Nalan Kingdom wins a few more cities every year, it will be comparable to Beiming Kingdom!

Of course, winning a few more cities every year is kind of nonsense!

Just when Emperor Junxian's mind was turning.

Two seven or eight-year-old boys chased and ran off the side of the road suddenly, and there was a scream from the street: "Be careful!"

Lin Feng quickly reined his horse, and the horse stopped not far from the two children!

Wen Nuan lifted the curtain of the carriage: "Didn't you hit anyone?"

Lin Feng immediately replied: "No!"

The speed of the carriage was not fast, and Lin Feng responded very quickly. The moment the child ran out of the street, he began to rein in the horse!

The people on the street breathed a sigh of relief.

The two children also turned pale with fright.

Wen Nuan got out of the carriage, and Nalan Jinnian also got off the carriage.

Di Junxian's eyes lit up when he saw the warmth, and then he saw Nalan Jinnian behind her, and his eyes became cold.

If you want to get her, it is best to win Nalan Kingdom as soon as possible!

Even if you can't win it, you have to find a way to prevent the two from getting married!

Next year, the Princess Hui'an will be ready for her wedding dress, right?

Wen Nuan walked to the bodies of the two boys: "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Lin Feng also got off the carriage and helped the two little boys.

While he was helping one of the little boys up, one of the boys shoved something into his hand!

Another boy blushed and shook his head: "No! Sorry, don't scold us! We won't dare next time!"

Then he took another boy and ran away!

A look that is worried about being taught a lesson!


She didn't want to curse!

But are kids so bold these days?

Actually ran out of the street and stopped the carriage to pass the news?

Who sent people?

Wouldn't it be someone who was nurtured by Nalan Jinnian?

Warm didn't miss the boy's action, it was so close after all.

Nalan Jinnian also had a panoramic view of the boy's movements, and he said to Wen Nuan, "Let's go!"

Warm nodded.

Lin Feng shook his head: "There are quite a few of these children, but they are still so ignorant, chasing them on the street! Parents don't know how to take care of them!"

Wen Nuan got into the carriage: "It's seven or eight years old, so there is still a need to take care of it? It's natural for children to be playful!"

Lin Feng drove the carriage away.

This kind of thing happens from time to time, and everyone is startled the moment it happens, stops to watch the fun, and then goes away.

The capital was under the strict management of the governor of Shuntian, and there have been no incidents of horse-drawn carriages hurting people for many years.

Those dudes in the capital did not dare to ride their horses in the city. Once they were reported by the imperial censor and they were killed, their fathers would be demoted by one rank!

Therefore, there are very few carriage accidents, and some of them are accidents caused by children who are ignorant. For such accidents, as long as your carriage is not fast at the time, the court will generally not investigate it.

After all, the child suddenly ran out of ignorance, which no one could have predicted.

But if you get hurt, you have to pay for the medical bills.

The carriage soon returned to the Anguo Gongfu.

At this time the emperor's carriage had arrived.

The carriage entered the gate of Duke Anguo's mansion, and as soon as it stopped, Da Hui jumped off the carriage.

Quickly ran to the backyard.

It has to be shown to Xiaobai, how handsome it is!

Also, let Xiao Hei see how majestic it is!

It has become a wolf king!

Blackie is just Blackie!

Hmm myself is much better than it!

Warmth doesn't care.

It was getting dark at this time, the emperor had a rare time to leave the palace, and naturally he returned to the palace after having dinner in the mansion of Anguo.

After dinner, it was completely dark.

Nalan Jinnian also went back to Prince Jin's mansion next door.

Lin Feng presented to Nalan Jinnian the note that the boy on the street had just put into him: "Master. Granny Nan is here!"

Nalan Jinnian naturally knew that this was what the boy on the street gave to Lin Feng. He took it and opened it and took a look.

Not signed.

Grandma Nan is finally here!

But it's no wonder that this time they went back to bring people, and they happened to meet the envoy of the Southern Border Country to Nalan Country.

To avoid being discovered, they naturally had to avoid the envoy team. It was normal for them to be late for such a period of time.

Nalan Jinnian threw the note into the charcoal basin.

"Bring people over!"

"Yes!" Lin Feng responded immediately.

Although it was written on the note, they were not in the city, but in Fengde Town, a small county near the capital.

There are so many envoys from the southern borders in the capital. They dare to enter the capital by themselves. If they accidentally encounter a person from the Holy Maiden family, it will be over!

It also takes a lot of time for Lin Feng to pick up people back and forth. Now that he is leaving, it is estimated that he will not be able to pick up people until dawn.

post station

in a room

"Have you got news about the traitor?" The woman was drawing at the desk. The drawing was a woman. This person was not someone, but warmth.

Some time ago, their people discovered that the traitor had appeared in Ningyuan County, and then they escaped!

Very cunning!

"The girl is right, they really came to the capital of Nalan Kingdom. According to the plan of the lady, we placed the people who came to the capital of Nalan Kingdom. Someone finally found them in Fengde Town! This afternoon I just found out, I haven't determined whether it is them or not, I only saw one person, I will confirm it tonight, and I will bring them to the master immediately!"

"There's no need to confirm, just bring the person back! Don't let her run away again! If you dare to resist, just kill that little girl and that burden!"



Granny Nan hurriedly returned to a small house in the town.

Miss Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her coming back: "Mother-in-law, you're finally back! I've steamed the steamed buns! I'll go and bring them out!"

"No need! We're leaving soon!"

Grandma Nan went to the capital alone to deliver the letter today. She brought two people into the capital. It was too easy to be exposed, so she had to go to the capital to deliver the letter by herself.

She also didn't dare to go to Prince Jin's Mansion and Duke Anguo's Mansion to pass the letter, so she could only rely on children to pass the letter.

Now the person King Jin sent to pick them up should be here!

At this moment there was a knock on the door.

Miss Xiaonan stood up happily: "Come on!"

Granny Nan pulled Miss Xiao Nan: "Hide first! I'll go out and see! Don't come out without me calling you!"

A bit faster than expected, but almost there.

Granny Nan dare not take risks!

"Okay!" Miss Xiaonan ran into the room immediately.

This house has a secret room!

Granny Nan walked to the courtyard gate and said in a hoarse voice, "Who is it?"

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