"Mother Nan, it's me."

Grandma Nan heard Lin Feng's voice and opened the courtyard door: "Young Master Lin."

Those who can knock on the door are not bad people. If those people come to catch themselves, they will not knock on the door.

So Granny Nan didn't worry too much, and asked Xiao Nan to hide, just in case.

Lin Feng said directly: "Mother Nan, the master asked me to pick you up, let's go now!"

A carriage was parked behind Lin Feng.

"Okay! I'll tell Xiao Nan to come out!" Granny Nan immediately turned around and went back to the house without delay!

Lin Feng followed and walked in. He knew that Granny Nan had a grandson who was unconscious.

This time, she brought someone from the Southern Border Country and asked Hui'an County Master to wake him up.

Soon, Lin Feng came out carrying Granny Nan's grandson on his back.

Granny Nan and Miss Xiao Nan followed behind them, got into the carriage and left immediately.

Fengde Town is not far from the capital, but it takes more than two hours to catch the carriage.

Most of the official roads around this road are some villages. Near the capital, those villages are relatively wealthy. The official roads are all official roads paved with bluestone slabs.

Only a section of the road is a mountain road, and it is only about two kilometers away.

When the carriage passed the mountain road, Lin Feng raised some spirits.

Walking on the mountain road at night, it is easy to encounter wolves, wild boars, etc. Although this section of the road is often walked by people, there are few cases, but it is not impossible. There are mountains nearby, so it is not unexpected for wild boars to run out.

Besides, the mountain road is rough, and it is possible to roll down the cliff if you are not careful.

Just after the carriage reached the middle of the mountain road, a stone rolled down from the mountain!

Lin Feng's martial arts are strong, his ears are relatively good, and his night vision ability is relatively good. He heard the sound, looked over, and something rolled in the dark!

He quickly stopped the carriage!

As soon as the carriage stopped, the boulder rolled over in front of them and fell directly onto the cliff!

Immediately after, several men in black came down from the mountain!

Lin Feng snorted coldly in his heart, courting death!

As soon as he raised his hand and turned, several crossbow arrows flew out from the cuffs and stabbed the five men in black who rushed down!

The distance is too close, the speed of the arrows is too fast, they can't dodge at all!

The arrows on this sleeve crossbow are smeared with poison.

The expressions of several men in black changed, and they quickly swallowed a detoxification pill!

Just as soon as the detoxification pill was bitten, their bodies were in severe pain, and they fell to the ground and twitched, foaming at the mouth.

Of course, the girl's poison is really poisonous!

In the blink of an eye, the five men in black solved it! Lin Feng thought to himself.

But there are still five men in black, and they have already run down!

Stopped in the middle of the road!

"Leave the people behind! Otherwise, wait for the corpse to be buried on the cliff!" A man in black standing at the front said.

It's a woman's voice.

"Mother-in-law, sit down and stabilize yourself!" Lin Feng waved his whip, and the horse ran quickly!

Directly rush to several men in black!

I don't know how many times this mountain road has been run by horses, so it is very familiar!

You can run back to the capital with a carriage with your eyes closed!

It's just that there is a cliff on one side of this road, and it's a bit dangerous if the speed is too fast, because the carriage will fly directly down the cliff!

"Do you actually think that you can escape by yourself? Naive!"

"Be smart, sister can make your death more comfortable!"

"Stop talking nonsense, just get in!!" The men in black were not afraid of the carriage that was rushing over, and rushed up!

Someone jumped straight up and jumped on the roof of the carriage!

Someone slashed directly at the horse's head with a sword.

Someone crouched down and slashed at the horse's hoof with a sword.

The sword in someone's hand came out and shot at Lin Feng!

In the darkness, Lin Feng shot several crossbows again, but was avoided by the man in black!

Only one man in black was shot!

Solve one!

At the same time, Lin Feng kicked a certain mechanism on the carriage with his foot, and black needles flew out under the cover of the night!

The remaining four men in black dodged quickly!

Obviously faster and stronger than the person's reaction just now!

Conspiracy, can't stop them!

Lin Feng grabbed the reins in one hand, controlled the carriage and the horse, and waved the long whip in the other!

With the sound of breaking wind, the long whip directly hit the flying long sword, and then entangled the long sword that was slashing at the horse's head. The face of the man in black on the opposite side changed, and he quickly let go!

Lin Feng quickly flicked his hand, and the long sword with a more fierce momentum and an unbelievable speed directly intercepted the two men in black who flew over, forcing them to dodge, and finally cut off the one just now. The head of the man in black!

That's not enough, Lin Feng reined in his other hand and shot an arrow at the same time!

Shoot directly at the man in black who chops the horse's feet!

At this time, the horse raised its front foot high and kicked directly at the man in black.

Forcing the man in black to jump off the cliff to escape!

Otherwise, you are either shot by an arrow or kicked away by a horse!

In the blink of an eye, the three men in black were eliminated!

"Let's go!" The two men in black who escaped just now saw so many companions falling down so quickly, their eyes were red with anger!

One of them threw a poisonous egg to Lin Feng, and the two quickly ran away!

Can't beat him, this guy is too strong!

Not an opponent at all!

However, as soon as the poisonous egg exploded and got a little poisonous gas, he would definitely die!

Originally, they wanted to capture the traitor alive, but they couldn't do it!

That's ruined!

Nanjiang people are better at using poison. Lin Feng didn't dare to use a long whip to swipe away the poisonous egg.

But the palm wind hit the poisonous egg, and the poisonous egg exploded!

"Hold your breath!" Lin Feng shouted, and then quickly picked up his cloak to cover Ma'er's head. He also raised his hand to cover his face with his wide sleeves, and held his breath!

Then his handsome face can't be ruined!

He hasn't got a wife yet!

Venom and poisonous gas radiate in all directions and spread out!

Lin Feng quickly drove the carriage away!

Part of the venom hit the fabric, burning a hole in the cloak and clothing!

People have to hold their breath, animals do not!

The strong gas hit Ruma's nostrils, and the horse ran a few steps, then slowly stopped and then fell down instantly!

Fortunately, Lin Feng reacted very quickly, and quickly cut off the reins of the horse, and the carriage stopped.

The horse fell to the ground, his body twitching.

Lin Feng quickly jumped out of the carriage and poured a bottle of antidote for the horse to drink!

"Mother-in-law, are you okay?"

"No, be careful!" Granny Nan replied quickly.

The two men in black were sure they couldn't escape, and they came back!

Under the cover of the night, a flying knife attacked Lin Feng's back!

Lin Feng quickly turned around, pulled out the soft sword from his waist, and swung it away!

Granny Nan held a bow and arrow and aimed directly at one of the men in black.

But it was dodged!

The two men in black flashed and came to Lin Feng's side, one of them stabbed at Lin Feng with a sword, and at the same time a bottle of venom was thrown at Lin Feng!

Lin Feng went head on, not afraid of the venom, and stabbed the man in black directly!

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