Three strokes!

Lin Feng solved the man in black with three moves!

The man in black did not expect that Lin Feng would not even hide the venom!

And another man in black, before getting close to the carriage, Granny Nan's arrow shot!

She dodged quickly!

The figure flashed and came to the side of the carriage.

Immediately after, a poisonous egg hit her, and she also avoided it!

He took off the mask, wrapped his head, and threw another poisonous egg in the direction of the carriage. With a flash, he quickly ran away!

Although she has detoxification pills on her body, which can detoxify hundreds of poisons, but not all poisons can be detoxified!

But their clothes are made of special materials, and they are invulnerable to thousands of poisons!

Granny Nan reacted very quickly, and quickly pulled down the window of the carriage to keep the poisonous egg out of the carriage!

"Hold your breath!"

"Pfft!" A sound of "zizi" sounded from the wall of the carriage.

Those venom corroded the wall of the carriage, and the wooden board was corroded into a big hole in an instant!

"Looking for death!" Lin Feng shouted, and the long sword flew out!

Immediately after the crossbow flew out, the man in black dodged the long sword, but failed to dodge the crossbow behind!


The moment the man in black fell, it was unbelievable. He was obviously in the water of cartilage, how could he still be strong? !

Lin Feng wiped the venom off his face!

At this moment, there was a burst of burning pain in the face!

The combat effectiveness of the southern border people is generally not strong, but people always like to use poison.

Lin Feng immediately walked to the carriage and opened the curtain: "Mother Nan, are you all right?"

"It's okay, these poisons can't trouble me!"

She is also good at using poison. Except for the poison in her grandson and the poison in the southern border, she has nothing to solve.

Granny Nan glanced at his face: "Cartilage water."

But he was obviously not poisoned by cartilage water.

Granny Nan breathed a sigh of relief, but she still took out a bottle of pills and handed them to Lin Feng: "This detoxification pill can detoxify the poison of cartilage water."

Lin Feng waved his hand: "No need! I have already solved the poison. Granny Nan, Miss Xiao Nan, have you been poisoned?"

Granny Nan shook her head: "I don't have it, Xiao Nan is invulnerable to all poisons."

Lin Feng did not give them the antidote after hearing this.

The Wandu Jiedu Pill prepared by Miss Wen Ran is worth a thousand taels, but it is very effective!

Go back, he has to ask his master to reimburse him!

This time, he used up all that Hui'an County Master gave him!

One bottle for the horse to drink, one for myself!

Lin Feng took out the water in the kettle, washed his face, and then took out the ointment from the medicine box and wiped some of the whole face!

The whole face was instantly cold, and the scorching stinging sensation subsided.

At this time, the horse also stood up, and Lin Feng quickly drove the carriage and left!

After the carriage left, in the darkness, two men in black came out.

This is the dark guard sent by Nalan Jinnian.

"Brother Lin Feng's martial arts is getting better and better!"

One person to deal with ten people, no pressure!

They didn't even have a chance to make a move.

Don't think it's easy to shoot those five people in the first place.

Neither of them can do it!

"We have to work hard, or we won't know if we can stay by the master's side in the future!"

Lin Feng is now a general, and he won't be by his master's side all his life. If he drives a carriage, other secret guards will naturally take his place.

Every dark guard wants to take over this position, but he must be strong enough!

"Well, let's go! Go back to Senior Brother Lin Feng for some advice!"


When Lin Feng drove the carriage back to the outside of the city, the sky was already slightly bright, and the city gate had just opened.

There are already queues in and out of town!

At this time, people who go out of the city all go to the health building to line up to buy breakfast!

The shops on the streets of the outer city have already opened, and the outer city is even more lively than the inner city.

He took out the token and entered the city directly, and there was no queue!

Nuan woke up at dawn. After Nalan Jinnian finished breakfast with Nuan, he said, "Mother Nan has already received it."

There is no big accident in Nuan. After all, it should be not long after the calculation time. Nuan stood up and said, "Then I will go and have a look."

Grandma Nan brought her grandson over to show her this time.

Warm grandfather's family, the second and third rooms are all there, and they are gentle and warm. They will get married soon. People come and go. Grandma Nan and the others are not suitable to live here, so Nalan Jinnian directly arranged to live in Jin Wangfu. down.

The two walked out of the yard and directly climbed over the wall and passed the Prince Jin's mansion.

Wen Nuan came to Prince Jin's mansion and saw that Lin Feng's face was a little red, but there was no damage. It was obvious that he had used ointment: "Did you get venom sprayed last night?"

Lin Feng nodded: "The skills are not as good as others, those people know how to use poison!"

Nodding warmly: "Have you run out of antidote pills and antidote? I'll give you two bottles later."

Jiedu pills are made by Wen Ran. Warm is relatively busy, and she is a little lazy. Usually, she does not refine detoxification liquid into medicinal pills. She usually prepares medicinal liquids.

Anyway, the effect is the same!

Lin Feng's face was filled with joy: "Thank you, Princess Hui'an!"

The hostess is much more caring than the male host. When the host came back and saw that his face was hurt, he threw two words to him in disgust: "It's useless!"

God knows, in that situation, how powerful he is against ten people alone!

Nuan ignored Lin Feng and went directly to the guest house.

Although Granny Nan was fine last night, she still didn't go to sleep and stayed beside her grandson to wait for the warmth to come.

It was the little girl who went to sleep.

These days, I've been sneaking on the road. The little girl has never slept well, and she didn't dare to close her eyes last night. Now that she came to a safe place, she could sleep soundly.

Seeing Nuan walk in, Granny Nan immediately stood up and gave a salute: "Master Hui'an, I've been bothering you early in the morning!"

Her grandson needs Zi Qi to be saved, and Zi Zhu is a treasure in the world!

Seriously, if you use purple beads yourself, you might not be willing to take them out to save an outsider!

Although Princess Hui'an agreed, Grandma Nan didn't know if she would go back.

But if she regrets it, she doesn't blame her. After all, such a treasure can be brought back to life, who would be willing to take it out!

Wen Nuan hurriedly said: "Why is Granny Nan so polite! Isn't it smashing me when one of your elders salutes me?"

Granny Nan smiled: "The county lord Hui'an is the lord of the county. He is a person with great fortune, and he deserves the courtesy of anyone!"

"It's just a false title, mother-in-law doesn't have to. Let me see your grandson first?"

Granny Nan quickly got out of the way.

Wen Nuan walked to the bed and glanced at the person on the bed.

The boy on the bed looked only five or six years old and looked handsome, but his skin was very white and he was very thin. This was caused by not seeing the sun for many years and being unconscious.

Wen Nuan sat down beside the bed and gave him a pulse.

Granny Nan stood by the side without making a sound.

She knew that her grandson was caused by poisoning, but she had solved more than half of the poison, which hung his life, but could not save him!

Over the years, she has tried many methods, but it still doesn't work!

She wondered if her grandson wasn't just poisoned.

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