After a few people left the original stone shop, the Eighth Princess said, "Everyone has seen through our identity, so we won't be shopping today!"

A little warmer: "Okay! Where are we going then?"

Liang Ziyun: "It's almost noon now, let's go eat!"

Amber immediately said: "I have set up a private room in Taoran Residence. If the girls don't mind, let's go together! Seventh Prince, Prince Anqi, they will all go."

After Amber finished speaking, he glanced at the eighth princess.

The eighth princess nodded quickly this time: "Okay, then let's go to Tao Ranju for dinner!"

She hadn't been to Tao Ranju for a long time.

Or you should eat all the delicious restaurants in the capital before leaving the capital and Nalan Kingdom!

Just now, the shopkeeper was going to give her and the warm jade, and the eighth princess was a little touched.

At that moment, she kind of understood what she was carrying as the princess of Nalan Kingdom!

Although he had long decided to marry the Lanling Kingdom, at this moment, he was more determined.

The eighth princess pulled her warm hand: "Nuannuan, are you free tomorrow?"

Nuan also wants to accompany the eighth princess more, but she has to go to Tianzi Mountain tomorrow: "I have to go to Tianzi Mountain tomorrow."

The Eighth Princess' eyes lit up: "Is it Tianzi Mountain? I will go too! Let's go to Tianzi Mountain to watch the sunrise and sunset! I like to watch the sunrise and sunset there!"

The sunrise and sunset of Tianzi Mountain are beautiful!

In the past, the Eighth Princess would watch the autumn hunting every year.

I'm afraid I won't have a chance to watch it in the future!

Amber's ears moved!

Then he will go to Tianzi Mountain tomorrow!

Wen Nuan just wanted to refuse, but when she saw the expression of the eighth princess, she probably guessed what she was thinking.

The words that warmly refuse can't be said!

"it is good!"

A few people got on the carriage and went to Tao Ranju for dinner. It happened that Taoranju had students holding a poetry contest here today, so everyone watched the lively in the private room, but did not show up.

When I left Tao Ranju, it was probably early in the afternoon, that is, around one o'clock.

Warm enough to go home to prepare things, set off for Tianzi Mountain, just in time to arrive before dark.

"Eighth princess, if you want to go to Tianzi Mountain, do you want to go back to the palace first?"

The Eighth Princess is going to watch the sunrise on the Son of Heaven, and naturally she will not return to the palace!

The eighth princess said to Nalan Jinnian, "Uncle Seventeen, I want to go to the Son of Heaven with Nuan Nuan to watch the sunrise. Tell your royal father that I will return to the palace the day after tomorrow!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at her and said lightly, "Go tell it yourself, this king is not free."

When did this king become her microphone?

She wants to go to the emperor, doesn't she need to go?

The eighth princess also thought about it, the seventeenth emperor might want to accompany Nuan Nuan to Tianzi Mountain!

She turned her head to look at the seventh prince: "Brother Seventh Emperor, go back to the palace and speak to the emperor!"

Just as the seventh prince was about to say yes, Amber kicked the seventh prince from behind.

The seventh prince immediately understood: 'Can you watch the sunrise on Tianzi Mountain? The prince also wants to see it! Brother An, together? ’

Amber smiled and said, "Okay!"

Or the Seventh Prince is more lovable!

Look how good it is!

Prince Ning originally liked hunting, and there was a royal hunting ground on the other side of Tianzi Mountain. Hearing the words, he also said, "Then I'll go together too! It's been a long time since I went to Tianzi Mountain!"

Prince An nodded: "Yes, let's go together! The sunrise and sunset of Tianzi Mountain are worth seeing! Let's go together! Call some more people, Lord Hui'an, you should also call your sisters and brothers. what!"

Young people like a group of people to be together and lively!

Besides, the people present are also royal family members, and there is nothing to avoid.

After thinking about it, Wennuan and Wenxin have been busy preparing embroidery products for marriage recently. She thinks that embroidery can be done by embroidery mother! What a waste of time and eyesore!

It is better to play around more before getting married, just like the Eighth Princess.

She nodded: "Okay, I'll see if they go!"

After Wennuan finished speaking, he looked at Liang Ziyun: "Sister Ziyun, are you going?"

Before Liang Ziyun answered, the eighth princess took the lead: "Go! Let's go together! Don't let go!"

Liang Ziyun nodded: "Then go!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't stop it either, and just ordered the hunting grounds to be sealed. Now that more people are called to go, it can be considered a reason for the seal!

So the group of people went back to the house to prepare for the salute, and called some friends to go to Tianzi Mountain together.

Nuan called his brothers and sisters, as well as cousins ​​and cousins.

They have been in Beijing for so long, and Nuannuan was busy with the Longevity Festival a few years ago, and he was busy with himself, so he didn't have a good time with those brothers and sisters.

The Prince An’s heir has a strong appeal, and the two brothers and sisters Han Gengmo and Han Gengyu, Cao Zihao and Cao Xiaomeng, the sons and daughters of the Minister of Military Affairs, Liu Kai, the son of Wucheng Bingma Si, and Fang Yang and Fang Fang, the grandchildren of the Minister of Household, also There are Ning Huaijie, Ning Huaiyu, Lin Tingya, Lin Tingxuan and others all called!


post station

a house

"Girl, Tianzi Mountain is blocked, and the guards are very strict, our people can't get in!"

Luo Qing frowned: "Nalan Jinnian moves fast!"

Luo Qing had already received the news early in the morning that all the ten people she sent were dead!

She knew that Lin Feng went to pick up Granny Nan alone!

However, she did not expect that ten people, plus poison, would not be able to deal with Lin Feng.

The strength of the people around Nalan Jinnian is too strong!

After she received the news, she immediately thought of Qixinghua and Huihunguo, and immediately sent someone to Tianzishan to find them in the morning.

The traitor must not be allowed to use Zizhu to save her long overdue grandson!

Unexpectedly, King Jin was the first to block Tianzi Mountain.

At this moment, a maid walked in hastily: "Girl, King Jin and Princess Hui'an, they brought a team to Tianzi Mountain, and the king of Lanling Kingdom also went!"

Luo Qing heard a smile on the corner of his mouth: "The opportunity is here! Let's go! Let's go to Tianzi Mountain together! By the way, let us inform Beiming Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom, and Xihua Kingdom!"

The people of Nalan are really inhospitable!

How can you not bring guests like them when you go to Tianzi Mountain to play!


city ​​gate

The carriages waited one by one.

Ning Huaiyu and Liu Kai were in charge of counting the number of people, and then replied to Nalan Jinnian: "King Jin, everyone is ready, we can go!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Let's go!"

At this time, Emperor Junxian, the third prince of Dongling and others came to them on horseback.

Di Junxian smiled and said: "King Jin, I heard that you are going to Tianzi Mountain to hunt? It just so happens that we have nothing to do together!"

The third prince of Dongling smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is lively when there are many people, let's go together!"

The third prince of Xihua said with a smile: "I heard that the kings of Lanling Kingdom are gone? King Jin, we also want to play!"

It means that everyone is here to envoy, don't favor one over the other!

Zhu Qinghua smiled: "Everyone, let's join in the fun in Southern Border!"

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