Luo Qing, who was beside Zhu Qinghua, glanced at the carriage where the warmth was.

Did the traitor come?

Tianzi Mountain...

Or a great opportunity!

Nalan Jinnian looked at a few people, hooked her lips, and said with a half-smile, "Welcome!"

Go if you want!

Could he still stop it?

Exactly, give Southern Border Country a chance.

If anyone dares to attack the little girl tonight, he will kill him!

"Let's go!" The seventh prince took the lead and ran out on horseback.

What a disappointment!

Prince An and others quickly followed.

Others also mounted their horses one after another, so a long team headed to Tianzi Mountain in a mighty way.

At dusk, the long procession finally came to the palace of the royal hunting grounds.

Lin Feng methodically allocated courtyards and rooms to everyone, and arranged for everyone's coachman to park the carriage.

Nalan Jinnian, Wennuan and others took everyone to the palace.

Emperor Junming looked at this majestic palace and said with a smile: "Nalan Kingdom is worthy of being the second largest country, this palace is well built! Our Beiming Kingdom's royal hunting grounds do not have such a large palace! It took a lot of money. money?!"

This is a secret mockery of the former monarchs of Nalan Kingdom, who labored the people and hurt their wealth!

In the deep mountains, to build such a palace, you will only come here to live for a few days a year. What is it?

Hehe, Nalan Kingdom has also had a faint-hearted emperor, otherwise why would it decline before.

It's a pity that it has risen so quickly!

The royal father thought that the Nalan Kingdom would be difficult to return, so he waited for a few more years to attack.

Can't wait now!

Feng Di smiled and said: "Today, I finally have the honor to see this famous palace in five countries! I heard that this palace was built with all the money of the Nalan Kingdom's treasury? Lord! The monarch of our Beiming Kingdom is worried about the country and the people, but he dare not build it like this! The money in the treasury is really spent on things that benefit the country and the people!"

The faces of the people of Nalan country sank invariably!

Isn't this insinuating the late emperor's incompetence?

Although the late emperor was a little bit like that, he couldn't tolerate others being insulted!

Nalan Jinnian replied indifferently: "It's not as good as the Yiran Garden built by the fourth-generation emperor of Beiming Kingdom. Anyway, this palace is convenient for everyone!"

It's as if no one has a family without one or two prodigals!

The father emperor is better than their Beiming country!

Di Junxian's face changed!

The princes of other countries all looked at Di Junxian when they heard the words, with jokes and sympathy in their eyes.

Yiran Garden!

This is even better!

The third prince of Dongling gave Di Junxian a sympathetic look: Why are you arguing with Nalan Jinnian?

Don't you know this guy's mouth is poisonous?

Fight fighting!

But Nalan Jinnian's martial arts seem to be as poisonous as his mouth! .

But Di Junxian's martial arts are also unfathomable.

I don't know if the two will fight, who will win?

A long night, or a competition in a while?

"What is Yiran Garden?" Wen Nuan asked with a surprised expression on his face.

Yiran Garden?

Warm of course know!

This is awesome!

The royal secret histories of various countries are found in Nalan Jinnian's study, and Nuan also used it as a novel to read, knowing the existence of Yiran Garden.

Eighth Princess: "It sounds like the name of Chunlou! It's not a good thing!"

Di Junxian's face turned even darker!

Warm intentionally surprised: "The eighth princess is joking. Could this Chunlou be built by the emperor of a country? Isn't this laughable and generous?"

The eighth princess nodded solemnly: "That's right! How could the emperor order the construction of a brothel?! That's too absurd!"

The envoys of the four kingdoms looked strange, whether the two were real or fake!

Deliberately be angry with the people of Beiming!

Feng Di glanced at the warmth and smiled: "Eighth princess, Princess Hui'an, why does it seem to know Chunlou very well? That's right, Princess Hui'an is from the folk, and many poor folks will sell their girls to Chun Lou. floor."

Having said that, she looked at the warmth apologetically: "I didn't mean that the Princess Hui'an was bought to Chunlou, don't get me wrong!"

Warmly smiled: "I think Miss Feng seems to be more familiar with Chunlou! Everyone knows that the source of customers is there! I see that your family is doing this business! Maybe it's you who take care of it!"

Feng Di: "."

Seventh Prince: "Master Hui'an, you are really clever! The largest Yihong Courtyard in Beiming, the owner of the family is indeed Feng!"

Feng Di: "."

The eighth princess adored her face and blurted out, "Brother Seventh Emperor, how did you know?"

Even Feng Di's family knew about Kaichunlou!

The news is even better than Uncle Seventeen!

Seventh Prince: "."

Which country sent spies?

He wants to strangle her!

Prince An and Prince Ning bowed their heads and laughed.

If it wasn't for the wrong situation, they really wanted to tell the Eighth Princess, "Yihong Courtyard, Drunk Red House, no one understands better than the Seventh Prince!"

Warm also almost laughed!

The eighth princess is a good question!

She suppressed her smile and suddenly realized: "No wonder Miss Feng is so familiar, it turns out that she was forced to get used to it!"

Crowd: What are you forcing?

Isn't Chunlou just forcing good people to be prostitutes?

Everyone looked at Feng Di with complicated eyes!

Jia Jingxuan snorted coldly: "Hey, you two are going to talk nonsense! Is it the way of hospitality in Nalan? First, Yiran Garden, and then Yihong Court! Openly insulting our ancestors! Insulting the messenger! Minguo is easy to bully?"

The seventh prince widened his eyes: "This is a serious statement! After all, it was the seventh prince of Beiming and Miss Feng who first praised our palace in Nalan! We will only mention Yiran Garden and Yihong Garden!! But it seems that the two The girl is familiar with Yihong Courtyard, but she doesn't know about Yiran Garden. That's right, this is a secret history, and people from Beiming Kingdom dare not mention a word! Do you want me to tell you? It's free!"

Feng Di and Jia Jingxuan were so angry!

What the hell is it to be familiar with Yihong Courtyard!

When did they become familiar with Yihong Courtyard!

Nuan then said innocently: "Is Yiran Garden very famous? Why don't people in Beiming Kingdom know about Yiran Garden? Has Beiming Kingdom really built Yiran Garden?"

Nalan Jinnian smiled: "Well, it's not famous, this is the secret paradise of the fourth emperor of Beiming Kingdom! Not many people know about it! There are beautiful women and handsome men from all over the world."

The seventh prince also looked ambiguous: "Our palace is for hunting, and all the civil and military officials of the dynasty can come! We can even greet you! Just like now! This kind of palace can show the great country style of our Nalan Kingdom! But The Yiran Garden in Beiming Kingdom is really the emperor's secret paradise, only for the emperor's enjoyment! Oh, it's from Xiaoyao Nest!"

He would love to meet him!

The eighth princess frowned, looking in disbelief: "Why does it look more like Chunlou? Is it from Yiran Garden and Yihong Garden?"

Feng Di's face blushed, this Nalan country's people are so deceiving!

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