This is really getting more and more maddening!

One or two people in this Nalan country can speak well!

Di Junxian interrupted directly: "There is no Yiran Garden in Beiming! If you don't believe me, you are welcome to go to Beiming to find it! And King Jin, we are not here to discuss Yiran Garden! This Yiran Garden, Yihong Garden, we can all The seventh prince is not familiar enough! It’s not too early! Let’s settle down and eat something! After a long time, I believe everyone is hungry and tired!”

The seventh prince is thick-skinned, he said with a smile: "That's right! This prince has traveled all over the world, has extensive knowledge, and is familiar with the Yihong Courtyard in the world! The most listed girl is the Yihong Courtyard of the Feng family! Girl, you are very good at selling talents! It's a pity that you were born at the wrong time, and you didn't witness Yiran Garden with your own eyes!"

Di Junxian is angry: still say it!

"If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse! The seventh prince can say whatever he likes!" Feng Di simply took a step back, looking like he had to bow his head under the eaves.

But she was so angry that she wanted to kill!

However, this Yihong Courtyard is indeed her family's property, and the purpose of opening it is to help the Seventh Prince gather intelligence!

Seventh Prince: "I don't like to say it, I always tell the truth!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't say anything else, whistled, and walked directly to his yard across the crowd!

Feng Di: "."

Nalan Jinnian said to the manager of the palace, "Let's have everyone lead everyone back to their respective rooms to rest for a while!"

Each country's messengers have arranged a courtyard to facilitate management.

There are not many courtyards in the palace, so the Nuan sisters and the eighth princess, Liang Ziyun, and Lin Tingya all live in the single room on the woman's side.

Although it is a single room, it has everything except the kitchen!

Several people went there together.

Wen Ran asked curiously: "Third sister, is the Yiran Garden in Beiming really the Chunlou? The Chunlou built by a certain emperor in Beiming?"

Except for the Eighth Princess, no one else knows about it.

The Eighth Princess pursed her lips: "No! Yiran Garden was built by the fourth-generation emperor of Beiming Kingdom. I have never seen such a debauched emperor! How embarrassed to laugh at our palace! We have silver in Nalan, What's wrong with building a palace!"

Wen Ran couldn't believe it: "No way!"

Liang Ziyun knew something: "It seems that the fourth-generation emperor of Beiming has only been in power for five years. Later, the book said that he had an emergency and died!"

Wen Nuan explained to a few people: "It's not an emergency, it's being killed! The emperor spent a lot of money to build a garden of Yi Ran, saying that it was used as a summer resort for the emperors of all dynasties. But he said It's no exaggeration to say that it is the theater and the Chunlou. There are beautiful women and handsome men collected from all over the world, which are used for him to play alone.

It's a pity that after it was built, he only went there once. After staying for less than a month, his uncle, the emperor, found out that there was something wrong with Yiran Garden. He broke in directly, beheaded him, and then ascended the throne himself!

This is the secret history of Beiming Kingdom, and the Yiran Garden has also been demolished!

There is no record of the emperor in all the historical books of Beiming, and he is worried that it will be passed on to future generations.

But it’s not that hundreds of years have passed. The emperor died suddenly after less than five years on the throne. Everyone is curious about what happened, so the monarchs of various countries have checked them. After all, each country has its own nails. It is not difficult to know.

There is no record in the history books of Beiming Kingdom, but the database of Nalan Kingdom has collected information on the emperors of various countries, and there are clear records there! "

The eighth princess nodded: "But this is a taboo in Beiming, and no one dares to mention a word, so after so many years, many people in Beiming don't know about it!"

The crowd sighed for a while.

Wen Ran looked disdainful: "such a person can also be an emperor? The fifth generation of emperors can be regarded as killing evil for the people!"

The eighth princess had a pity on her face: "If the fourth-generation monarch of Beiming Kingdom takes the throne! It is estimated that Beiming Kingdom would not be as arrogant as it is today!"

I have to say, except for the fourth-generation emperor, other emperors are pretty good!

At least manage Beiming State very well!


Several people here are talking about the fourth-generation emperor of Beiming Kingdom.

In other courtyards, when they came out of Beiming Kingdom, people from the other three kingdoms were also discussing this matter.

The courtyard of the southern border country

Luo Qing also knew about it, so Ruan Ling and Ning Yu talked about it!

Ning Yu heard the words and said, "It's a pity!"

Even if there is a generation of faint kings, how can Beiming Kingdom be so powerful!

It's a pity that it appeared, but it didn't last long!

Not a single injury!

The Beiming Kingdom is too strong, and it is difficult for them to provoke them for the time being.

Ruan Ling: "Although Nalan Kingdom has also had a generation of faint kings, it is a pity that the current emperor is too powerful! This is coming back to life! There is still a time when it was the strongest that surpassed the past!"

Southern Border Country, as a vassal of Nalan Country, pays so many things to Nalan Country every year, so many years, everything is enough! This relationship must be dissolved!

It's just that the Nalan Kingdom is getting stronger and stronger, so don't lift the affiliation.

Luo Qing shook his head: "It's not that the current emperor of Nalan is powerful! It's the master of Hui'an!"

Ning Yu nodded: "After a county master of Hui'an came out of Nalan, in just three years, he has won several cities!"

Princess Hui'an? Ruan Ling's eyes flashed with murderous intent: "This Princess Hui'an can't be kept!"

Ning Yu glanced around vigilantly: "Be careful that the walls have ears!"

Ruan Ling didn't even care: "Don't worry, with my martial arts cultivation, can't I find someone eavesdropping? Besides, we speak Nanjiang language, who can understand it?"

Ning Yu was still worried: "Be careful to make the Wannian Ship! This is the territory of Nalan Kingdom!"

Ruan Ling ignored her, she looked at Luo Qing: "Luo Qing, do you think of how to catch Princess Hui'an? If you want me to tell her, let me poison her directly! What else are you going to catch!"

Luo Qing shook his head: "The saint said, Hui'an County Master knows too much, it is best to take it back and use it for the Southern Border Country!"

Of course, what she said was taken back, not the person who arrested her!

Ruan Ling is good at using poison. Whoever doesn't believe it will be killed by poisoning. I'm impatient with such troublesome things as Luo Qing!

Her methods require blood and other things!

It failed last time!

She said impatiently, "Then do you think of how to catch it? Or I'll poison her to ensure that she won't be able to bear the torture, and I will also tell you the breeding methods of rice and wheat that yield thousands of kilograms per mu!"

Convenient and fast!

"Hui'an County Master doesn't just know how to breed rice and wheat that yield thousands of kilograms per mu! What the third prince means is that it is best to control her and use her for our use! In this way, our southern border country will soon become a great power. It's gone!"

She knows so much, poison her?

What a pity!

Ning Yu: "You said that Feng Di and Jia Jingxuan from Beiming Kingdom, can you make use of them?"

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