After listening to this, Luo Qing pondered for a while: "Forget it, Jia Jingxuan, who is arrogant and arrogant, is just a brainless person. Know some medical skills and look like a savior! Use her?

"As for Feng Di, she doesn't seem to be a brainless person, but it's hard to take advantage of the smart ones. If she guesses something, she will definitely sell us!"

She is not my race, her heart must be different, she is seeking human life, and she is the county master of another country, and she has contributed a lot!

It's not that she hadn't thought about using it just now, but she hadn't thought about how to use it yet!

This kind of thing has to be done without a trace!

Ning Yu sighed, "That's right! Jia Jingxuan is a person who only looks at people with her nostrils. Taking advantage of her won't do anything. Instead, it's even worse!"

Luo Qing didn't say anything else. In fact, she also wanted to blame others. The key is to see the opportunity!

Act on time!


The courtyard where Nalan Jinnian lives

The Seventh Prince, Prince An, Prince Ning and others ran over.

The seventh prince asked excitedly, "Uncle Seventeen, let's have a bonfire party for dinner today. How about the barbecue?"

Nalan Jinnian sat in the reclining chair and read a book without raising his head: "No way! This king has already prepared dinner in the kitchen! Go to bed after eating!"


Nalan Jinnian was too lazy to greet everyone!

He has already ordered to go down and let the food delivery person tell everyone that everyone is tired after traveling for a long time, so they will rest early tonight and resume activities tomorrow.

As for what activities, of course, free activities!

When the seventh prince heard the words, his face turned into a bitter gourd: "Uncle Seventeen, you have come all the way to sleep, not to sleep! It's a waste of time if you don't have a good time with such a beautiful scenery!"

Prince An also smiled and said, "The messengers from various countries have also come, and the visitors are guests, so we must treat them well!"

"That's right, it's just dark, and the night is so long, how can you sleep after dinner! Just have some fun and make the best of the friendship of the landlords! Otherwise, the rumors say that our Nalan country is not very welcoming!"

"If you want to be lively, you can go live by yourself, and no one will stop you! Don't bother this king! By the way, tomorrow, the three of you will organize a hunting hunt for everyone, and watch the sunrise. Watch the sunrise. If you are hunting, you must pay attention to everyone's safety."

In the middle of the night tonight, he had to go up the mountain with the little girl to pick the seven-star flower and the soul-returning fruit, but he didn't have the heart to organize activities for everyone.

But he didn't stop the Seventh Prince from doing any activities. Those people were tired from playing until midnight, so it would be a good thing not to get up early tomorrow to watch the sunrise!

The seventh prince couldn't help but muttered in his heart: Boring!

Are you rushing for a long time just to watch the sunrise?

Forget it, he didn't care about Nalan Jinnian, and said to the two princes: "Then let's find fun ourselves!"

He took Aunt Seventeen away, and he didn't believe that Uncle Seventeen would not participate!

Nalan Jinnian seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, and suddenly threw a sentence: "Don't disturb Princess Hui'an, you can play by yourself."

"it is good!"

The three responded and walked out.

The Seventh Prince gathered everyone to prepare a bonfire party.

He really didn't bother Aunt Seventeen!

He just asked the eighth princess to inform others, and then he went to inform the man himself!

So it's really none of his business!

The eighth princess happily ran to the next room: "Nuan Nuan, Brother Seventh Emperor has prepared a bonfire party, let's join in the fun too!"

"I'm not going! I want to go to bed early."

Warm shook her head, she wanted to sleep and refresh herself.

She is carriage sick!

Although I'm used to it, most of the road I walked this time was a mountain road, which was extremely bumpy!

"Let's go! Why go to bed so early! Go out to play for a while and then come back to sleep! Gentleness, warmth, I also called Jingmei and the others!" The eighth princess took the warmth and ran out: "It's rare that gentlemen are willing to come out to play, and they will marry in the future. , it's not that convenient to play! Come and accompany them!"

Warm and gentle, several sisters participated, worried that they would be targeted by messengers from various countries, so they participated.

After all, those people still covet their cultivation methods of rice and wheat seeds that yield thousands of kilograms per mu.

If you can't get it from yourself, maybe you will change your way and start with the people around you!

Anyway, these messengers stayed in Nalan and didn't give up.

The Seventh Prince is a master of eating, drinking, and having fun.

A bonfire party was organized soon and came out.

Food and wine, everything you need!

Nalan Jinnian finally came out, because he knew that Nuan also participated!

The seventh prince looked at him with a smile: "Didn't Uncle Jin say not to participate, do you want to go to bed earlier?"

He knew that Uncle Seventeen would slap himself!

Nalan Jinnian looked at him coldly without speaking, and saw the seventh prince's scalp tingling.

This kid is just looking for death!

Seventh Prince: "."

What the hell!

Are you kidding me?

Uncle Seventeen is really not cute!

The seventh prince quickly surrendered: "Uncle Seventeen, I have reserved a place for you, right next to the county master Hui'an, sit down quickly!"

Nalan Jinnian walked to the warm side.

At this time, everyone had sat down in a large circle, with a bonfire in the middle.

One of the seats beside Wen Nuan was indeed vacant. The Eighth Princess was sitting on her right, and Wen Chun was sitting on the left.

Nalan Jinnian came to the middle of Wennuan and Wenchun and sat down cross-legged.

Wen Chun and several brothers greeted each other one after another.

Nalan Jinnian nodded in agreement.

Nuan didn't know he wasn't coming, and when he saw him sitting down, he couldn't help asking, "Why so late?"

"Yeah." Nalan Jinnian responded without saying that he didn't plan to come.

The Eighth Princess tugged at the warm sleeves: "Nuannuan, try this barbecue, the barbecue grilled by the chef of Beiming is good!"

Of course, it is incomparable with the barbecue grilled with healthy ingredients!

But also delicious!

Hearing the words warmly, he picked up a bunch of kebabs and tasted it: "It's really good! The outside is coke and the inside is tender!"

The meat inside is tender and juicy, fat but not greasy, and it does not use too many seasonings to maintain the original sweetness of the meat, but it has no mutton taste at all!

This level is worthy of being a chef!

The meat grilled with healthy ingredients is delicious, that is because it has been raised with purple gas. If ordinary mutton is warm, it will not be able to bake such a perfect kebab!

Shang Yan also cooked longevity noodles for the emperor during the Longevity Festival, but it was too busy that day!

Countries were busy challenging, and in the end, the emperor forgot his birthday noodles, it was pasted, and naturally he didn't eat it.

When the seventh prince saw him just now, he let him go up to the barbecue.

At this moment, everyone is drinking wine and eating barbecue.

They all praised the delicious barbecue!

The seventh prince has always liked to be lively, so what fun is it to surround a fire and eat?

He then said: "Let's have some fun! It's too boring to eat meat and drink like this!"

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