
"For a lifetime!"

It wasn't difficult at the beginning, but it became a little more difficult as everyone ran out of words.

And because of the penalty of drinking three glasses of wine at a time, some people will soon become a little drunk!

The first one who fell drunk was the fifth princess of Dongling Kingdom. She was fined twice for drinking, and she drank six glasses of wine before and after, and she fell straight back!

Luo Qing quickly supported her: "The Fifth Princess of Dongling!"

Seeing this, the seventh prince said: "I didn't expect that the fifth princess of Dongling was so light! Come on, send the fifth princess of Dongling back to the house!"

"Yes!" Two palace maids stepped forward immediately.

The third prince of Dongling said with a smile: "Just ask her maid to take her back to the house!"

The third prince of Dongling said to the maid of the fifth princess of Dongling: "Send the fifth princess back to the house!"

"Yes!" The two immediately supported the Fifth Princess of Dongling.

Luo Qing let go of his hand and warned, "Be careful!"

The two maids left with the help of the Fifth Princess of Dongling.

Luo Qing watched the maid help the Fifth Princess of Dongling to leave her seat, then she turned around and sat down, as if inadvertently tucked a handkerchief into her sleeve and said with a smile, "Do you still want to continue?"

In this dynasty, both men and women would wear a handkerchief, and women would never leave the handkerchief.

Sometimes the handkerchief is tucked into the sleeve, which is a very common action.

No one will notice.

The Seventh Prince smiled and said, "Continue! Of course continue! Come on, everyone will be drunk tonight! Let's see who falls in the end!"

So the drinking order continued.

After the five princesses of Dongling finished answering, it was the turn of the next Zihua County Lord. Zihua County Lord knew that it was his turn to be ready: "Growing your hair overnight!"

"Twenty-eight years!"

Another round.

"Five or five blessings are coming!" When it was Luo Qing's turn, she paused, and then burst out.

Almost all the five-character idioms she thought of had been used, and the verses were not made just because they wanted to!

When everyone heard it, they coaxed:

"Five blessings have already been said by someone! Fine drinking!"

"That's right, Young Master Ning said it at the beginning! Penalty for drinking! Penalty for drinking! Three glasses! You can't miss one!"

"Miss Luoqing, if you don't drink, you can just go do a dance!"

Luo Qing smiled and picked up the glass: "I'm done drinking!"

After drinking three glasses of wine in a row, she poured the mouth of the glass down, and there was not a drop left!

"Okay! Miss Luo Qing is good at drinking!"

"Haha. Yes, go ahead and see who is next to fall!"

Again from the beginning.

People keep getting fined for drinking.

This time, it was Luo Qing's turn to drink the Zihua County Lord. After three glasses of wine, her pretty face flushed, she raised the glass and said loudly: "Three more glasses! Drink!!! I want to drink more! One, two, three, four, five! I got it! Three glasses of wine!"

Luo Qing quickly pulled down her raised hand: "Zihua County Master, you are drunk!"

"I'm not drunk! I want to drink!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, drunk people usually say that they are not drunk!

The Seventh Prince laughed and said, "Haha, Princess Zihua is not drunk, then let's continue! Continue!"

The third prince of Xihua looked helpless: "No way, that girl is drunk! Ximei, Dongmei, you two send the county master back to the house!"

"County Lord, let's help you back to the house!" The two maids of Zihua County Lord immediately supported her and wanted to take her away!

"I'm not drunk, I'm not leaving!"

Zihua County Lord shouted, but was taken down by two maids.

Another person left, and the seventh prince smiled and said, "Go on! Go on! Let's see who's next!"

When the Princess Zihua left, her seat was vacated. Luo Qing moved her seat and sat in the middle. She smiled and clenched her fists with her hands hidden by her sleeves.

The drinking order continued, and a few more people got drunk. Ruan Ling, Ning Yu, Lin Tingya, and Wen Ling were all taken back to the house!

The man is okay, many people are flushed, but they are not drunk!

Men generally drink a lot!

Nalan Jinnian hadn't even drank a glass of wine.

Warm is also a glass of wine has not been drunk!

The wine order continued. When it was Luo Qing's turn, she couldn't answer. After three glasses of wine, she blushed and raised the glass to everyone: "Continue!"

Then the body twisted!

Drunk unconscious!

The gentle beside her quickly supported her.

The seventh prince smiled and said, "The third prince of the Southern Border, you girls in the Southern Border are not good at drinking! All of a sudden, everyone is the most drunk!"

The third prince of the Southern Border smiled: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

The third prince of Xihua Kingdom said with a smile: "The women of Nalan Kingdom are still very powerful. Princess Hui'an still doesn't drink alcohol after so long!"

The third prince of Dongling: "If you don't tell me, I didn't find out! No, this prince won't believe it! Let's continue! Tonight, this prince won't believe it. There are so many of us that we can't get drunk on Princess Hui'an!"

"Haha. That's right! Get drunk, Princess Hui'an, continue!"

The drinking order continues!

It's just that until late at night, everyone was a little drunk, and Nuan and Nalan Jinnian were still abstaining from alcohol!

The eighth princess, who is full of idioms, is also drunk!

The Seventh Prince was speechless!

How much ink is in their stomachs!

How do you say all kinds of words and verses like you don't want money?

Nalan Jinnian looked at the drunken crowd and stood up: "Let's go!"

With the help of their maids and servants, everyone went back to the house to sleep.

The night is getting deeper and deeper!

At the beginning of Yin Shichu, about three in the morning, Nuan Nuan got up from the bed and quietly went out.

Nalan Jinnian was already waiting for her outside the palace.

Seeing the warmth coming out, Nalan Jinnian put the cloak in her hand on her body and put on her hat.

Just know that this girl can't put on a cape!

At the end of the first month, these two days, although the weather has warmed up a bit, the temperature difference between morning and evening is still very large!

Especially at the top of the mountain, it is estimated that frost can be seen.

Nuan thought the cloak was troublesome, but he didn't take it off: "Let's go!"

The two rode their horses and ran quickly in the direction of Tianzi Mountain!

The foot of Tianzi Mountain.

Lin Feng and Granny Nan are already waiting there!

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian dismounted and let the horse go back by himself.

This is a royal hunting ground, but it has raised a lot of beasts!

Naturally, the horse cannot be tied.

The four of them hiked up the mountain.

Granny Nan said, "The Seven Star Flower grows on the top of the hill to the east! But because it grows halfway up the mountain, it is more difficult to find."

A big mountain with a large area to the east, and it is not easy to find it before sunrise!

At this time, halfway up the mountain to the east, there were already several men in black looking around!

After searching for an hour, they gathered in one place:

The leader asked, "Did you find it?"



Several people responded.

"Hurry up! I received news that King Jin and the others have already gone up the mountain! We must find them before King Jin and the others come up, and find the Seven Star Flowers!"

The master said, after finding it, guard the seven-star flower and pluck it off when the sun comes out!

If the enemy comes to grab it, it will be destroyed directly!

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