"But we've been looking for more than an hour, and we haven't found it! Could it be that there are no seven-star flowers on this hill!"

"Stop talking nonsense, there is no best! But if there are, if someone else finds it, it will be a big problem! Hurry up and find them! Find them until they appear! If the enemy comes and we have found it, then we will dig up the whole seven-star flower. Or even destroying it, it cannot fall into the hands of the enemy! If the enemy does not find us, then wait for the sun to rise and the seven-star flowers to bloom when they are plucked!"

I heard that the seven-star flower is a treasure that can bring the dead back to life!


A few men in black thought so too, and quickly dispersed, continuing to search!

It takes about half an hour to climb from the foot of the mountain to the middle of the mountain.

Grandma Nan was old and walked relatively slowly, it was estimated that it would take an hour.

But the four of them were not in a hurry and walked slowly.

Luo Qing dressed in black and Ruan Ling followed them from a distance at the moment.

Ruan Ling said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Why do they seem to be in no hurry at all?"

Luo Qing: "That traitor once came to Nalan to pick seven-star flowers. She knows where the seven-star flowers grow, so she's not in a hurry!"

It was only then that Ruan Ling remembered that Granny Nan had indeed picked seven-star flowers to save her grandson a few years ago, otherwise she would have died a long time ago!

"Is the seven-star flower fixed in one place?"

Luo Qing didn't know this, and she hadn't seen it after all.

"Even if it's not, it's in that area! This ancient species generally grows under harsh conditions, and it's impossible to grow all over the mountains."

"That's right, otherwise our people wouldn't have been found yet! However, King Jin and the others are so calm, do you think there will be fraud?"

Luo Qing's eyes flashed!

It's certainly possible!

She hooked her lips and sneered: "There is a fraud! Then cheat them out first!"

She had already thought of it!

"Come on! Let's go around the other end and go up!"

"it is good!"

The two did not follow them anymore and left quickly!

After they left, two figures came out of the darkness.

"Master, what is the Seven Star Flower?"

Why are the messengers of the Southern Border country and the people of Nalan country looking for them!

Di Junxian shook his head: "I don't know."

But it should be the same treasure!

What this Southern Border Saintess clan knows is weird!

No matter what, just follow along and watch the fun!

Maybe there will be a mantis to catch cicadas, and the oriole is behind.

And at the foot of the mountain, someone is going up the mountain at this moment!

The third prince of Dongling and the third prince of Xihua Kingdom were awakened by the movement of the sixth prince of the Southern Border, and then followed up the mountain to watch the sunrise.

They heard that Nalan Jinnian and Di Junxian had climbed Mount Tianzi to watch the sunrise!

What's so beautiful about the sunrise?

Worth seeing for two?

As soon as the two thought about it, they all followed!

The third prince of Dongling: "Sixth prince, do you think there is any treasure in Tianzi Mountain? Otherwise, why did the two of them go up the mountain to watch the sunrise? I heard that Guo Jiamei took the money from the previous state treasury, and would not hide it in Tianzi Mountain. Bar!"

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border smiled: "It shouldn't be! It is rumored that the sunrise on Tianzi Mountain is very magnificent and worth seeing!"

The third prince of Xihua couldn't help muttering: "It's freezing cold, get up and watch the sunrise? This prince really doesn't believe it! These two must be hiding something from us!"

The third prince of the Southern Border smiled: "I don't know!"

He asked them to come up, just to mix things up!

As for what Tianzishan has, of course he knows!

But the person looking for Qixinghua must be the one who wanted to murder Hui'an County Master that day.

No matter what, only their people from the southern border went up the mountain, which was easily exposed.

Everyone went up the mountain today, and Nalan Jinnian had difficulty finding conclusive evidence that it was done by people from their southern border country!

On the mountain road, Nalan Jinnian walked up slowly.

They were not in a hurry because Granny Nan probably knew where it was.

The second is because they know that someone has already gone up the mountain to look for it!

In fact, the place where the seven-star flower grows is indeed harsh.

And where the seven-star flower has grown, there will be no second plant within a radius of 100 meters!

Otherwise, this ancient species would not be endangered.

But the seven-star flower needs to absorb the first ray of sunlight to bloom, and the places where a mountain may appear are those!

Several people continued to climb up in a hurry.

At this moment, there are some people hiding in some hidden places halfway up the mountain, with a restrained breath, and there are two eagles circling in the sky.

Those men in black looked around, but they didn't know that their every move was being monitored by two eagles.

Just waiting for them to find Qixinghua!

After more than half an hour, the warm few people are almost halfway up the mountain!

The leading man in black suddenly stopped and stopped!

He faced a grass on the stone wall and glanced at the blueprint in his hand!

"Seven Star Flower! Haha. I finally found it!"

Then he quickly took out a shovel from his body, ready to dig up the entire seven-star flower!

At this moment, a sharp arrow burst out from the darkness!

The man in black was already alert, and he quickly escaped!

Immediately after that, a sharp arrow was shot out, making him stay away from the seven-star flower in an instant!

Then a shadowy figure flashed and killed him!

The two quickly fought!

In other places, some black clothes pretended to find Qixinghua!

Then the men in black all ran out in the dark!

A sharp arrow was shot out, forcing the man in black back!

The men and horses on both sides quickly fought!

The little black and the little stupid in the sky are dumbfounded!

"Little Hei, there are so many seven-star flowers!"

Xiao Hei: "Nonsense, of course not! There is fraud!"

"Should we tell the master that there is a fraud?"

Xiao Hei: "No need!"

Someone else needs to be watching!

They just keep staring at the rest of the people!

Everyone else in black actually cheated, so naturally someone would clean it up!

Couldn't the master have imagined such a situation?

They just have to keep their eyes on the suspicious person on the mountain.

Xiao Hei was in the sky, staring closely at Luo Qing and Ruan Ling!

These two women are not good people.

And below, some of those deliberately exposed men in black were scared away by the arrows when the Dark Guard appeared!

Some people, after fighting a few tricks, found that they couldn't beat each other and ran away!

Those dark guards didn't go after them because they wanted to pick the seven-star flower!

After discovering that he was deceived, he quickly chased after him!

An hour later, Nalan Jinnian and Nuan Nuan finally reached a sunny spot halfway up the mountain.

At this time, some of those black-clothed men had already been killed by the secret guards, and two of those with extremely strong martial arts had already reached the foot of the mountain!

Unfortunately, there is no escape!

Xiao Hei has asked Xiao Ben to follow them!

These Nalan Jin years did not care.

Granny Nan glanced around and said, "The seven-star flower is very likely to grow in this area. It looks like a weed!"

Nalan Jinnian said to Lin Feng, "Look around! Look where the Seven Star Flowers are."

Lin Feng couldn't help but scolded in his heart: A bunch of trash! I searched for hours and couldn't find it!

So everyone found it.

The cold wave is coming, everyone pay attention to keep warm~~

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