When Lin Feng scolded those people in black as waste, Luo Qing and Ruan Ling also felt that those people were too useless!

They have been up Tianzi Mountain for so long, but they haven't found it!

Now that Nalan Jinnian and the others have gone up the mountain, they can only wait for them to find it, and then they will destroy it.

You can't get it back if you grab it!

Nalan Jinnian can only be ruined here!

The two hid in the dark, waiting.

Fortunately, this is a big mountain, and the wind is howling up the mountain. The strength of the two is not weak. If they want to hide themselves and not be discovered by Nalan Jinnian, they still have a little confidence.

Of course, he didn't dare to speak.

Xiao Hei was still hovering in the dark night sky.

The darkness concealed its appearance well.

But the night was as indistinguishable to it as the day.

These two stupid women, thinking that no one will find them if they hide?

So stupid!

How about grab a snake to scare them?

Xiao Hei wanted it very much, but he couldn't monitor them if he went to catch the snake, so let's forget it.

"Mother Nan, how did you discover Qixinghua for the first time?" Wen Nuan looked around,

Granny Nan: "I found it by accident. I was not far from it at that time. When the sun just rose, it bloomed instantly! I found it!"

At that time, she saw a flower bud suddenly emerge from a grass, her body was faster than her brain, she rushed over, and just after it finished blooming, the whole plant was plucked.

Before it blooms, the seven-star flower is like grass, but when the sun just starts to rise, it begins to sprout flower buds. When the first ray of sunlight falls, it blooms. It takes a little time to bloom, and this time is enough for you to do it. Good preparation for picking.

She had explained these words to Nuan and them before, but she didn't say them now!

Warmth: "Will there be any poison in the seven-star flower to guard it?"

Don't some books say that the treasures of heaven and earth are guarded by poisons?

Grandma Nan: "."

Princess Hui'an, what kind of imagination is this?

A herbal medicine, what poison will it protect?


With a warm sigh, it's too hard to find!

When she looked down, there were weeds everywhere!

Most are dry! Of course, there are some new ones that sprout soon.

After all, there was a leap month last year, and Jingzhe has passed. According to the Gregorian calendar, it should be March now.

"It's hard to find, I think it's better to wait for the sun to come out!"

Nalan Jinnian also found it difficult: "Disperse and find! Everyone is centered on themselves, and within two meters, keep an eye on them!"

At this time, some of the dark guards who did not chase people quickly separated.

People in this era rely on the sun and the moon to distinguish time and orientation, and are very familiar with the orientation of the rising and setting of the sun.

When the sun rises, everyone can guess the place that can be illuminated for the first time.

In an instant, everyone is distributed in the position where the sun can cover, and some shady places that the sun can't get are excluded.

Luo Qing looked at what they were doing, and secretly pursed his lips, it was a good way!

It's a pity that their people can't be found by Nalan Jinnian looking for Qixinghua, otherwise they can just wait for the rabbit like this.

There is a difference between doubting something and having solid evidence!

Of course, even if she catches her own people, her own people won't reveal half a word, she still has this confidence!

Time passed quietly while waiting.

The sky gradually brightened, and a touch of orange slowly appeared in the eastern sky.

Luo Qing and Ruan Ling glanced at each other: Ready! Once they found the seven-star flower, they immediately rushed to grab it, and destroyed it!

At this time, Nuan and others are also staring closely at the area they are responsible for.

Sitting on a rock, Wen Nuan glanced at the sky and then at the area he was staring at.

The sky was brighter again.

Nuan suddenly found that the grass under her feet seemed to have grown a bit, she blinked, it seemed to have grown a bit!

This picture is familiar. She often sees this situation when she uses purple energy to raise plants.

Warm heart is shocked, is this the Seven Star Flower?

She didn't tell it, she knew that someone was waiting for the rabbit!

"It's really windy on this mountain!" Wen Nuan closed the cloak on his body and took the opportunity to block his sight in a certain direction.

Hearing the words, Nalan Jinnian took off the cloak on his body, walked over and put it on the warmth directly: "Wear more clothes in the morning in the future!"

The cool and warm breath instantly enveloped her, and Nuan smiled at Nalan Jinnian: "Okay! I didn't expect it to be so cold, it was quite hot yesterday afternoon!"

Wen Nuan said this, her hand closed the cape that Nalan Jinnian had put on her, and one finger pointed to the grass without a trace: "Go back and guard your area."

Nalan Jinnian's eyes flashed, but there was no expression on his face. He flashed back to his position and guarded!

Nuan continued to maintain the action just now, glanced at the sky in the east, and looked around again.

The sky was brighter again, and the eastern sky was getting more and more orange rays of light.

Grandma Nan said at this time: "The sun is about to come out, everyone, be careful! Whoever finds the seven-star flower will say it immediately! You must wait for it to fully bloom and pick it immediately, do you remember?"


Everyone complied.

Luo Qing and Ruan Ling in the dark were also nervous.

Staring closely at a few people.

Who among these people will find the Seven Star Flower?

Luo Qing's eyes fell on Granny Nan.

Grandma Nan came to pick it once. She is most familiar with the seven-star flower, and her position should be the most likely to appear.

She glanced at Wennuan again, Nalan Jinnian, and the others.

See if they are different.

Ruan Ling also stared at them back and forth.

It's getting brighter!

The eastern sky is bright!

Lin Feng suddenly stood up, walked to a rock, squatted down, looked at it for a long time, and said excitedly: "I found a grass here, I suspect it is the seven-star flower!"

When everyone heard the words, they all moved, wanting to walk over to take a look.

Luo Qing and Ruan Ling looked at each other and started!

"Don't move!" Grandma Nan said at this time: "Everyone continue to stare at your own area, don't go away! General Lin Feng, tell me what that grass looks like! If not, run over there, if you miss it, you will be in trouble. !"

Everyone heard the words and continued to keep an eye on their area.

Luo Qing and Ruan Ling are also in shape!


Luo Qing glanced at Granny Nan, and the master said that this traitor was cunning and careful, as expected!

Lin Feng said in a slightly excited voice: "There are seven leaves, and a flower plant grows in the middle, and there are exactly seven flower buds!"

At this time, the sun seems to be breaking out of the sky!

Granny Nan stared closely at the sun, her voice trembling with excitement: "Are those seven flower buds blooming soon? Can you tell what color the flowers are?"

At this time, Emperor Junxian, the third prince of the Southern Border Kingdom and others just came up.

"King Jin, Princess Hui'an, so you guys are here to watch the sunrise!"

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