At this moment, Lin Feng shouted: "White! White! It's blooming! It's blooming!"

Just then the sun came out!

The first ray of sunshine fell on a few people!

Sprinkle on the seven-star flower!

Granny Nan stood up in excitement and rushed over: "Pick it off! That's it!"

The others also ran over quickly!

No one paid any attention to the few people who had just walked up.

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border was startled and looked over quickly.

Di Junming said in surprise: "What happened at this time? I'm not watching." Is it the sunrise?

"Crackling!" The sound of firecrackers sounded!

Di Junxian's voice was interrupted!

Ruan Ling and Luo Qing in the dark quickly lit a few extra-large firecrackers directly and threw them to Lin Feng. The two quickly turned around and ran away!

The figure flashed and flew directly down the cliff, and the figure disappeared in an instant!

The moment the firecrackers landed, everyone fled!

That seven-star flower was blown to pieces!

The Southern Border Sixth Prince breathed a sigh of relief.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the warmth, and then moved, the third prince of the southern border seemed to know nothing, just blocked his way without a trace: "King Jin, what's the matter, are you setting off firecrackers to welcome us? "

Di Junxian is also surprised: "Isn't this watching the sunrise? Why are firecrackers set off! Haha. Don't be so welcome!"

The third prince of Dongling Kingdom glanced at the expressions of everyone, thoughtfully, but did not speak.

What is this for?

At this time, Lin Feng, several dark guards had already jumped off the cliff!

Nalan Jinnian looked blankly at the third prince of the Southern Border, and said coldly, "Catch them! Kill them!"

The sound is transmitted far away!

He thought that if he stopped him, the two would be able to escape?

If you dare to provoke him, you will have to die!

The third prince of Xihua looked at everyone: "What's wrong? Are there assassins? But why would the assassins set off firecrackers?"

The power of this thing can only make people hurt a little, and it is not enough to say murder!


He seemed to hear the flowers bloom just now!

And take it off!

He glanced at the flowers on the ground that were blown to pieces by firecrackers.

So Nalan Jinnian didn't sleep in the middle of the night, not to watch the sunrise, but to pick flowers?

Di Junxian's eyes fell on the flower, and his mind was also turning back and forth. What kind of flower is this flower?

Without thinking much, he looked at Nalan Jinnian and smiled: "Did we come at the wrong time and ruin King Jin's good deeds?"

Nalan Jinnian didn't even look at him.

The sixth prince of the Southern Border was startled when he heard the words: "Ah? We did something bad? Were those two assassins just now? Since we have destroyed King Jin's good deeds, let's help to chase this moment back!"

The sixth prince of Nanjiang glanced at Granny Nan, who lowered her head and did not speak.

The seven-star flower is gone!

Her grandson can't be saved!

Nalan Jinnian said coldly, "No need!"

The sixth prince of the Southern Border looked embarrassed: "I'm really sorry, we went up the mountain to watch the sunrise, we didn't expect it to be like this!"

The third prince of Dongling looked at Nalan Jinnian's dark face, and his mood was inexplicably good. Although it seemed that someone had taken advantage of it, he was happy that Nalan Jinnian could be deflated, but of course he couldn't express it on the surface. Apologetic: "Yes! It is rumored that the sunrise of Tianzi Mountain is extraordinary! It is rare to come here once, so we are here!"

Di Junxian also said apologetically: "King Jin, what are you looking for? There are so many people and great strength! We can also help you find it!"

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border nodded quickly: "Yes, let's help you look around! Looking for flowers? What flowers?"

The third prince of Xihua: "Yes, let's help you find it! Just make amends!"

Several people look hypocritical, but their hearts are overjoyed!

Ha ha

I finally saw Nalan Jinnian shriveled!

But, what kind of flowers did Nalan Jinnian look for?

Several people glanced at the little white flower on the ground that was torn apart.

Just looking for this little white flower?

"No need! Let's take a good look at the sunrise!"

Nalan Jinnian dropped these words and walked to the warm side: "Let's go!"

Nodding warmly, she took Granny Nan's arm: "Mother-in-law, let's go!"

Granny Nan lowered her head and nodded.

Nuan helped her down the mountain.

Nalan Jinnian walked behind them.

The gaze of the sixth prince of the Southern Border fell on Granny Nan for a few seconds before withdrawing his gaze.

He had seen this man when he was a child, but he no longer recognized him!

After a few people walked out more than ten meters away, the third prince of Xihua asked the sixth prince of the southern border: "Can you still watch this sunrise!"

Di Junxian glanced at the eastern sky. At this time, a red sun had completely come out.

"Look! Why don't you watch it! The sunrise on Tianzi Mountain in Nalan Kingdom is really beautiful! It's not worse than the sunrise on the first peak of Beiming Kingdom!"

Several people heard the words and looked at the red sun in the distance:

The third prince of Dongling smiled: "Yes, it's so beautiful!"

The sixth prince of the Southern Border smiled: "This is the first time this prince has seen such a magnificent sunrise!"

Simply wonderful!

At this time, a guard hurried up and said to the Sixth Prince of Southern Border: "Something happened to Your Highness! The Sixth Prince's Concubine was killed!"

The face of the sixth prince of the Southern Border froze, and his voice changed in seconds:

"What did you say?"

The guard lowered his head in fright: "The sixth and sixth prince concubine was assassinated!"

The Sixth Prince of the Southern Border flickered and flew down the mountain!

The guard quickly chased after him.

The third prince of Dongling, the third prince of Xihua, and Di Junxian glanced at each other.

Di Junxian suddenly thought of something and looked anxious, "Something happened, our people are still in the palace, I have to go back and see!"

After he finished speaking, his figure flashed and he quickly descended the mountain!

The other two also changed their faces!


The two of them also flashed and quickly descended the mountain!

No one saw that, among the three figures who quickly descended the mountain, a sneer appeared on the corner of one's mouth!


the other end

Luo Qing and Ruan Ling quickly fled down the mountain!

Just as they were about to get rid of Lin Feng and the guards' pursuit, suddenly, Lin Tingxuan and a few people appeared to block their way!

"Catch them!"

Luo Qing and Ruan Ling's expressions changed!

The two quickly fired a smoke bomb!

Ruan Ling then threw out another bottle of colorless poison!

Using the smoke, the two quickly turned around and ran away!

At this time, something fell from the sky and hit the top of their heads directly!

The two ran and reached out to touch:


Bird shit!

It's not too late to be disgusting!

Two goshawks swooped down!

Those sharp claws grabbed their faces!

The two faces changed!

Dodge quickly, then slash at the two eagles with your sword!

Xiao Hei and Xiao Ben flew up in an instant, dodging their swords!

Want to chop them up?

no way!

At this time, Lin Tingxuan led someone to catch up again!

Lin Tingxuan: "Kill them!"

The faces of the two changed, and they continued to throw smoke bombs and run!

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