Wen Luo has been by Lin Honghao's side for more than a year. Because he is young, Lin Honghao sometimes takes him to study abroad. In addition to the basic imperial examination books, he is also asked to read miscellaneous books and miscellaneous books from various countries, so his knowledge is compared. Yuanbo, he shook his head: "It's not necessarily true death, there are many strange medicines in the southern border, there are many ancient methods, and fake death is not necessarily."

Nodding warmly: "That's right, but because I just took that medicine, the symptoms seem to be real at a glance, and I can't see it for the time being. I have to wait a day or two to check again."

The eighth princess didn't know that she could still feign death: "How is this done?"

Wen Hou: "I don't know, no matter how it did it! This must be aimed at Sister Nuan! I think we should start with the people in the southern border country, and focus on checking them! It is estimated that they want to get thousands of kilograms per mu. The breeding method of rice and wheat is more likely to want more, such as the life of Sister Nuan, such as the city, such as breaking away from the relationship with the dependent countries, and even more!"

The gentleness behind did not say, such as the entire Nalan country!

It's hard to say this.

But everyone understands what it is!

Most of the territory of the southern border country is low-lying and has many rivers. There are floods every year, which is not conducive to the growth of crops. If there is a rice and wheat breeding method with a per-mu yield of thousands of kilograms, it can greatly ease the pressure on food!

Fortunately, the southern border country has many mountains, relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, and has opened up many terraced fields, and it has become stronger and stronger over the years.

But it's not enough, it's better to think better, this is everyone's psychology!

Wen Chun: "It's not just the Southern Border Country that wants to get these, don't other countries want to get it? But the Southern Border Country is the most suspicious! It should really start from the Southern Border Country!"

Although the two assassins caught on the mountain could not be confirmed to be from the southern border, they were only guessing, and there was no evidence, but they were 90% sure that they were from the southern border.

Wen Luo: "The identities of envoys from various countries are quite special. It is not easy to search their bodies and their houses. You can only find evidence and then ask for a search! Otherwise, the relationship between the two countries will be strained! Have you seen anything suspicious on your women's side? People entering and leaving the courtyard where the envoys of the Southern Border Kingdom are located?"

Wen Ran shook his head: "I didn't go out this morning!"

Wen Xin also shook her head: "I didn't wake up until the accident happened! I drank a little too much last night."

Wen Xin looked at Wen Wen: "Eldest sister, you seem to be up early. Did you see anything?"

Ning Huaijie asked Wenrou out yesterday and took her to catch rabbits. He felt that girls must like these cute little rabbits.

Of course, catching rabbits is just an excuse, mainly because it is rare to meet each other, and I want to spend more time with gentleness.

Wen Wen did get up early. She thought about it and shook her head: "No, I didn't see anyone suspicious. I only saw Yingmei bringing breakfast to Tingya."


Yes, this is a hidden bomb!

This morning, Xiao Hei and Da Hui went to the sky survey!

Hearing the word "Yingmei", Nuan became more vigilant in her heart, but Lin Tingya couldn't doubt her when she was here, mainly because she was worried that Lin Tingya couldn't hide her thoughts and was discovered by Yingmei!

"So, sister Tingya got up quite early. Did you see anything?"

Lin Tingya shook her head: "No, I didn't get up early. It's because Yingmei took her breakfast too early. It was cold when I woke up, so she warmed it up again."

At this time, the seventh prince and the two princes walked in.

After the incident, the three of them knew that the matter was of great importance, so they quickly controlled the entire palace, sent people to search around, and began to interrogate and investigate.

It's pretty busy now!

Seeing the three of them come in, Nalan Jinnian said, "Don't worry about this, I will find out, everyone should go back and ask their maids and servants if they noticed anything unusual!"

The eighth princess also knew that she couldn't be of much help, so she stood up: "Then I'll ask my palace maid first!"

The others also stood up and retreated.

Warm to not leave.

Some, if not all, of this matter was directed at her!

Nalan Jinnian looked at the seventh prince and asked directly, "Have you found anything?"

The seventh prince sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it in one breath, and wanted to drink a second cup.

He drank a little too much last night, and before he woke up, something happened and he was woken up!

When I woke up, I didn't take a sip of water, and I immediately dealt with it!

Prince An and Prince Ning then sat down, and they both poured water along with them.

Nalan Jinnian: "I just came back, don't you worry about being poisoned with this tea?"




The three of them spit out the water in unison!

"The imperial doctor!! The imperial physician!!! Help! I've been shot by the seven-star heartbroken herb! The imperial physician!" The seventh prince shouted for help!

Prince An's heir: "Uncle Seventeen, why didn't you say it earlier! Who wouldn't want to kill you for someone like you!"

Ning Shizi: "It's over, it's over! I'm going to die! Everyone like the Seventeen Uncles gets them and kills them. This tea is definitely poisonous!"

What the hell is the use of poisoning the sixth concubine of the Southern Border? !

It is only useful to poison Uncle Seventeen!

So this tea is probably poisonous!

Nalan Jinnian looked at them coldly: "A person like this king? Who is this king?"

Several people:"!!!!"

Oops, I accidentally said what was on my mind!

Prince An was so frightened that it was difficult to breathe: "Uncle Seventeen, nephew means that you are wise and talented, and you are the Dinghai Divine Needle of Nalan Kingdom! Of course those people want to poison you because of your higher value!"

"That's right! Uncle Seventeen is the backbone of our Nalan Kingdom. The so-called Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng! The higher a person's ability, the more dangerous they are! That's why we suspect that someone will poison you!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at them coldly!

He suddenly felt more and more difficult to breathe!

It's over, I feel like I'm suffocating!

Really poisoned!

Wen Nuan smiled and stepped forward to probe the silver needle, and then said with a smile: "Okay, business is important! This tea is not poisonous! Don't scare them."

Nalan Jinnian just wanted to remind them not to be defensive at all!

This tea, let it cool down, it proves that it has been a long time! Who knows if anyone has moved their hands and feet!

Of course, if someone came into his house, he would usually know.

His face softened: "Tell me, what have you found?"

The seventh prince was so frightened that he didn't dare to drink any more water. When he came in, he was carrying a basket in his hand.

Now he removed the veil over the basket to reveal the contents.

A ring, a handkerchief!

"We found these two things on the mountain. It is estimated that the two assassins you were chasing fell."

He didn't say he was careless either.

Because I don't know if it was really careless or if it fell on purpose!

After all, as an assassin, this kind of mistake is rarely made.

Deliberately dropped, that is to mix up the audio-visual, and frame the blame!

Wen Nuan stepped forward and took a look, saw the embroidered pattern on the handkerchief, and recognized the owner of the handkerchief at a glance!

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