"This handkerchief belongs to the Fifth Princess of Dongling!" Wen Nuan pointed to a word on the handkerchief, "This is the character 'five' in Dongling Kingdom! Brother Seventeen, am I right?"

The characters of all countries are unified, but some countries also have their own ancient characters, such as Dongling State and Nanjiang State!

It is no longer circulated among the common people, but the royal children still need to learn.

When I warmly read the travel history books of various countries, I learned it by the way.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at it and nodded: "Yes."

Wen Nuan pointed to which ring again: "This ring, I seem to have seen it on the little finger of Zihua County Lord of Xihua Kingdom yesterday."

The seventh prince glanced at the warmth: "Are you sure?"

Nodding warmly: "Yes!"

Women, more or less like to show off their poses. When laughing, they like to hold orchid fingers and cover their mouths. It is hard for her not to pay attention to the jewelry they are wearing!

When everyone heard the words, they didn't make a sound!

The fifth princess of Dongling Kingdom, the princess of Xihua Kingdom!

Things are really getting more complicated!

After a long silence, Nalan Jinnian continued to ask: "Have you found anything? Did you find anything in the house of the sixth prince of the Southern Border?"

"No! When I found out, too many people got in at once, confusing the aura left by the murderer!"

Otherwise, you can also find a wolf to come over and see if you can smell the murderer's breath,

But now that so many people have entered, and the breath is chaotic, this method will not work.

At this time, Lin Feng came up with some hot tea again.

Nalan Jinnian picked up the tea bowl and dipped the tea soup with the lid: Did the guards find something wrong? Are there any missing people there? Has anyone in the kitchen cross-examined it? Who brought the tea?

Nalan Jinnian already knew that the Seventh Prince and Prince An immediately took control of the palace, and found a group of relevant people to question them.

"The guards didn't find anything wrong, there were no few people, and they all asked about it. There was nothing suspicious in the kitchen. The tea and breakfast were all taken by the servants of the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border. So I think it was Nanjiang. Jianguo's own people poisoned their own people, and then deliberately caused trouble for our Nalan country!"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him: "To trouble us, we have to poison our people!"

The seventh prince just remembered something and said: "By the way, I also interrogated that the maid of General Lin's sister had contact with the maid of the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border, and the two of them went to the kitchen at the same time to get breakfast, but they were only helping to mention I took a look at the food box, but no tea was mentioned, and no poison was found in the leftover breakfast."

"This king knows, bring the maid who is serving the sixth concubine of the Southern Border, and bring the people in the kitchen! That Lin Tingya is finally asking!"

Hearing this, Wennuan said, "I will separate you and I for interrogation. You ask people from other countries, and I will ask people from Nalan. It will be faster this way."

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Okay! You stay here, I'll go to another room."

Nalan Jinnian stood up and glanced at the seventh prince: "You are with this king!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Prince An and Prince Ning: "You are here to assist Princess Hui'an!"

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and laughed loudly: "Yes!"

Seventh Prince: "!!!"

Why, why did he want to be with Uncle Seventeen?

he does not want!

He wants to be with the Seventeenth Auntie!

But he only dared to speak in his heart, not to express it.


After Nalan Jinnian left, Xiaoling from the kitchen was quickly brought up!

Today is the second time she has been questioned, and she is shivering with fright!

The guard reminded her: "Isn't there a salute to Prince An, Prince Ning, and Princess Hui'an?"

Xiaoling pouted and knelt down directly: "I have seen Prince An, Prince Ning, Princess Hui'an!"

"Get up and talk to me!" Prince An said.

The expressions of the three were a little serious.

Xiaoling stood up in fright, her legs trembling: "Thank you, Xie Shizi."

She is really scared!

She just handed the food box and teapot to the servant girl of the Southern Border Envoy, why did the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border Country die?

She is not poisoned!

There was no expression on the warm face, and he asked in a cold tone: "You gave her the breakfast of the sixth prince of the Southern Border today?"

"Back, back to the county master, yes! But the slaves did not poison! Give the slaves ten courage, and the slaves would not dare to poison! Really!"

Prince An snorted coldly: "It's not what you said if you were poisoned! If you didn't, we won't wrong you! If you were poisoned, then punishing the nine clans won't be enough to justify the crime! You can answer whatever the Princess Hui'an asks. Stop! Stop talking about other nonsense! Do you understand? If there is something hidden and we find out, it will be a big crime to punish the Nine Clan!"

Ning Shizi took out a dagger and played with it: "If I find out that you lied, I will cut off your tongue first! Then if you say a lie, I will cut off a piece of your body!"

Xiaoling's legs trembled even more: "My servant knows! My servant, my servant will never lie!"

Nuan didn't say anything. It's unknown whether these maids who have been stationed in the palace all year round have been bribed.

Of course, she had the biggest doubt about that Yingmei in her heart.

Wen Nuan then asked: "Tell me about the process of the maidservants of the Sixth Prince's Concubine of the Southern Border coming to pick up breakfast. I will tell you everything, including who made the breakfast and who has touched it!"

Xiaoling: "The maid of the sixth imperial concubine of the Southern Border came with Miss Lin's maid for breakfast. The maid of the sixth prince of the southern border walked in front. She chose crystal shrimp dumplings, sea cucumber and millet porridge.

These meals are all made by Chef Lin, and then I am responsible for packing them in the food boxes for the masters. No one else has encountered these foods except Chef Lin and me! I'm keeping it! And they have tried poisoning with silver needles before putting them in the food box!

Then the servant girl of the Sixth Prince of the Southern Border asked for a pot of boiled water and took it back to make tea! She said that the water in the house of the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border was almost drained. That's all there is to it, no more. "

Every house is equipped with a charcoal stove, which is specially used to make tea. There is no need to go to the big kitchen to get boiled water every time you make tea. Generally, you can drink water once for a day.

Warm: "Where's Miss Lin's maid Yingmei? She and the maid of the Sixth Imperial Concubine of the Southern Border take breakfast together. Did the two talk or contact? What food did Yingmei take?"

"They didn't speak at the time, and I didn't see any contact between them. The meal that Miss Yingmei took was scallop ginkgo porridge, which was packed by Xiaohui. After it was packed, Miss Yingmei left because she wanted something. Little, she left the kitchen one step earlier than the maidservant of the Sixth Imperial Concubine of the Southern Border."

Nuan asked again who else went to the kitchen to get breakfast around that time.

Xiaoling answered honestly.

Chapter two, one more chapter

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