The warmth that should be asked also asked, and she said: "Okay, I understand, you can retire! If you think of something unusual and don't say it, or if you find someone with something unusual, you can come and tell me at any time!"

Is that the end of the question?

Xiaoling was stunned for a moment, then bowed: ".Yes! The slaves retire!"

Xiaoling walked out of Nalan Jinnian's yard.

It's just that she doesn't have a clue in her heart. Does Princess Hui'an believe that she is not poisoned or not?

But she really wasn't poisoned!

She is only responsible for the management of meals for various countries!

If you don't find out who poisoned it, will you condemn yourself?

Thinking of this, Xiaoling couldn't help but be scared again!

I heard that once there is a problem with eating and the master is poisoned, the whole kitchen will suffer!

All of them will even be killed!

Xiaoling walked to her house nervously.

The whole person was in a state of dismay. When turning a corner, she accidentally bumped into someone, and she hurriedly raised her head: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Yingmei smiled: "It doesn't matter! Xiaoling, why are you so unwilling!"

Xiaoling shook her head with a bitter face: "Such a big thing happened, and I happened to be in contact with the envoys from the Southern Border again. I'm worried!"

Yingmei smiled and comforted: "Silly girl will be fine! Princess Hui'an and King Jin are very powerful, the person who poisoned them will definitely find it! You won't wrong a good person! I'm going to answer! But I know that those who are clean are self-cleaning, and I am not afraid!"

Xiaoling shook her head: "I'm not the same as you, I saw that you didn't have contact with the maids of the Sixth Imperial Concubine of the Southern Border, nor the food and tea, but I'm responsible! In the end, I don't know if there will be supervision. Weak! Oh, don't delay Miss Yingmei, go and answer!"

"Okay, then I'll go first!" Yingmei passed her and left.

Xiaoling also went back to her house.

Wen Nuan then asked Chef Lin in the kitchen, and the others, they said the same thing as Xiao Ling, and Wen Nuan asked who else went to the kitchen to pick up breakfast around that time.

There was no one in front of the two, and the warmer at the back summoned them, asked something, and the answer was the same!

Finally, it was Yingmei's turn.

Yingmei walked in and looked a little uneasy, just like the others.

She bowed respectfully: "The slave has seen the prince of Prince An, the prince of Ning, and the princess of Hui'an."

Wen Nuan looked at her as usual, and waved to her: "Don't be too polite, sit down. I ask you if you have seen anyone who has been to the courtyard of the envoy of the Southern Border, I can't believe the others! You are Sister Tingya's maid, sister Tingya always praises you for your diligence and diligence in front of me."

Seeing that the warm attitude was as warm as usual, her heart was relieved a lot.

Yingmei walked over, but did not sit down. She dared to sit down with the prince and the county master as a servant!

"The county master, it's enough for the servants to stand."

Nodding warmly, whatever she wants, just like usual.

After all, she is just a spy, she is polite, just to let her relax her vigilance, but it is not good to be too polite!

On the one hand, you lose your identity, and on the other hand, others will think that they are easy to be deceived!

Yingmei continued: "The slaves got up early. At that time, many masters didn't get up. The slaves didn't see other people go to the courtyard of the envoys in the southern border."

Nuan continued: "I called you here this time because I heard that you are the only one who can get up. Go to the kitchen earlier to get breakfast for Sister Tingya, and just go to the kitchen to get breakfast with the maid of the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border?"

Yingmei said nervously when she heard the words: "Back to the princess, Miss gets up early every day, and I prepare breakfast for Miss at that time on weekdays, and this time I came to the palace is no exception. When I went to pick up breakfast , I happened to see the maid of the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border go to the kitchen to ask for some tea and breakfast. The one who passed the breakfast to the yard of the envoy of the southern border was a maid named Xiaoling in the kitchen. Asked to give her a breakfast.

I didn't find anything unusual either. I left with her when I left. When she arrived at the yard where the envoys of the Southern Border lived, she also asked me to help her to mention the food basket, saying that the sixth concubine of the Southern Border was very fond of cleanliness, the food basket could not be placed on the ground, she had to open the door, but she held it in one hand The food basket, with a kettle in one hand, can't be turned on, and the food basket can't be placed on the ground, so let me help. I helped. But I just lifted the food basket and it was still covered! I'm definitely not poisoned! Lord Hui'an, you have to believe me, I didn't even open the lid of the food box, how could I be poisoned? "

Nodding warmly: "I didn't say you were poisoned, I just wanted to investigate and see if I could find out who the poisoner was from the clues!"

Prince An said at this time, "Apart from you, the people in the kitchen have come into contact with the maid of the sixth concubine of the Southern Border. Have you seen her come into contact with anyone else? Have you seen anyone else entering the Southern Border messenger's courtyard?"

Yingmei shook her head: "I went back and waited for the girl to get up after getting my breakfast, but I never went out, but the girl got up a little late today, and the breakfast was cold, so I went to the kitchen to warm up the breakfast again. I didn't see the messenger from the Southern Border Country, and many people woke up at that time, and there were many servants in the kitchen to get breakfast for their masters."

Speaking of this, Yingmei couldn't help but asked worriedly: "The county master, the two princes, am I the only messenger who has contacted the Southern Border Country? Wouldn't everyone think it was my poison? I really Not poisoned!"

Prince Ning waved his hand: "I don't doubt you, but the people in the Southern Border Country will definitely doubt you, we need to send someone to search your house! You are from the Nalan Kingdom, if it weren't for you, we would definitely No one is allowed to pour dirty water on our Nalan people! Not only you, but other people's houses should be searched to prove our Nalan people's innocence!"

Yingmei was blessed when she heard the words: "Thank you, Lord Shizi, for trusting Yingmei!"

Warm: "You step back first!"

"Yes! The servants are retiring!" Yingmei bowed and then withdrew.

Nalan Jinnian also finished asking.

He came over and checked the confession of the questioner.

All right!

The person who poisoned them was finally locked on four people: the maid of the sixth concubine of the Southern Border, Yingmei, Xiaoling, and Chef Lin!

Prince Ning: "It is estimated that it was poisoned by the servant girl of the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border. This is a self-directed and self-acted play to deceive us from Nalan Kingdom to compensate!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at Yingmei's confession: "It's not that simple! Lin Feng!"

"Yes!" Lin Feng walked in immediately.

"Search! Search for a room for this king!"

Lin Feng immediately responded: "Yes!"

The seventh prince said at this time, "Is the yard of the envoy also being searched?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Search! Search everything! Didn't you find evidence?"

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