The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 962 Interrogation of the Five Princesses of Dongling

The Seventh Prince, Prince An, Prince Ning, and Lin Feng immediately started a search operation.

Lin Feng is mainly responsible for searching the houses of those servants.

Come to make the status special and honorable, and the three of the seven princes will personally search the door, which is more respectful.

Their Nalan country can be a state of etiquette!

As for the five princesses of Dongling and the princess of Xihua County, because they were female dependents, Wen Nuan went to take charge of the interrogation.

There will be trouble!

The first person to warm up was the house where the five princesses of Dongling were located.

"The Princess Hui'an has seen the five princesses of Dongling."

"What's the matter with Princess Hui'an coming to find this princess? Don't you think that this princess is the one who poisoned the sixth concubine of the Southern Border and came to arrest me?" The fifth princess of Dongling had no good feelings for Wennuan. People who have caused heavy losses to their own country will not have good feelings!

Nuan also knew this, and she didn't mind, and smiled: "The Fifth Princess is serious! I just want to ask if this thing belongs to the Fifth Princess of Dongling."

Wen Nuan turned around, took out a handkerchief from the basket that Chen Huan was carrying, and showed it in front of the five princesses of Dongling:

"Is this handkerchief belonged to the Fifth Princess of Dongling?"

Dongling Fifth Princess glanced at it with surprise in her eyes, but she did not deny it. She nodded: "It's mine, why did you take my veil?"

Nuan didn't answer her question, but instead asked, "Did the Fifth Princess of Dongling go up the mountain this morning?"

"No. I slept until something happened and didn't wake up!"

She was drunk last night, where did she get up, she really planned to go up the mountain to watch the sunrise.

Nodding warmly: "We went up the mountain to pick seven-star flowers this morning and met an assassin. This handkerchief was found in the mountain!"

The five princesses of Dongling were so angry that they cheated:

"What do you mean by Nalan Kingdom? Doubt this princess is an assassin? Doubt that the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border was killed by this princess? This princess was drunk last night, and she was sleeping until the accident this morning! Your palace Is there a guard? Did anyone see me going out? It's totally outrageous! I know, this is the wolf ambition of your Nalan country, deliberately planting blame, trying to sow discord, and divide the relationship between our country of Dongling and Nanjiang! It's utterly disgusting!"

The five princesses of Dongling were so angry that they said those words like a cannonball.

Warm and not angry, it is normal to be angry with each other.

She reassured: "Don't be angry, the fifth princess of Dongling. If I think you are an assassin, then I will bring guards to arrest you now! Didn't I come to ask about the situation?"

"Hmph, arrest me? How dare you!" The Fifth Princess of Dongling cast a glance at Princess Hui'an.

Warm and patiently polished, glanced at her, and said nothing.

When she does things, she has always tried her best not to be caught and hurt her feet. At this moment, he has already bowed first and then soldiers!

Even if she wants to talk about it, she will stand on the side of reason!

With a warm face, he said:

"The fifth princess should know that this county master is here to find out the truth and find out the murderer! This county master wants to understand why this veil fell on the mountain. If the fifth princess of Dongling does not cooperate, then you may be That assassin! If I catch you, I will catch you! If you kill the prince and concubine of a country, even if you are the fifth princess of Dongling Kingdom, we in Nalan Kingdom must hand you over!"

"you dare!"

He smiled warmly: "The fifth princess should cooperate well and tell me why your handkerchief fell on the mountain! Otherwise, you will know whether the princess dares!"

Having said that, Nuan Nuan looked at her up and down: "On the day of the Dongling Longevity Festival, the fifth princess should know if I have the ability to arrest you! If I arrest you, I also have the ability to ask your country to exchange for a city before letting you go out. !"


The warmth interrupted her directly and looked at her coldly. He said sharply, "See if I dare!"

The five princesses of Dongling were stunned by the warm aura, she subconsciously took a few steps back, and after thinking about it, she said, "I don't know how the handkerchief fell on the mountain, I have a bunch of such handkerchiefs, maybe It was dropped that day, someone picked it up, and deliberately threw it on the mountain!"

Look at such a good talk, isn't it?

Force yourself to be a tigress!

They are also princesses, why is there such a big gap?

The eight princesses of Nalan are so cute!

Nuan Nuan ignored her and looked at the maid of the Fifth Princess of Dongling: "Your princess lost the veil, don't you know that as a servant girl? The veil is also a close-fitting thing, if it is picked up by some other people who are attentive. Now, do you still need the innocence of your fifth princess!"

The five princesses of Dongling were dissatisfied with Nuan and asked her maid directly, but she was frightened by Nuan just now, and she didn't dare to say anything.

Anyway, she didn't want to answer the question of this grass-roots princess, so it was up to her maid to answer it!

When you talk to her, you lose your identity!

What would a grass-roots princess pretend to be in front of her real princess?

But this mud leg is right, how could his handkerchief fall on the mountain?

And cause so much trouble?

She glared at her maidservant: "How did you lose Ben Gong's handkerchief, do you know?"

The maid of the five princesses of Dongling was shocked.

The fifth princess has so many handkerchiefs, and she has to throw a few of them every day. How could she find out if she lost one? !

Besides, the veil that the princess used once on weekdays, even if she didn't lose it, the princess didn't want it anymore.

She used it for herself, and even changed the embroidery pattern on it, and asked someone to sell it out of the palace to earn some money.

The maid racked her brains to recall the fifth princess' veil, which should be the veil the fifth princess used yesterday!

By the way, the fifth princess was drunk last night when she came back from the bonfire party. At that time, she changed her clothes. Did she find the handkerchief?

The maid thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she did not see the handkerchief!

If there is, she will definitely put it away for her own use!

"Last night when the princess came back from the bonfire party, when the servant girl changed your clothes, she found that the handkerchief was missing. After waiting for the princess to fall asleep, the servant girl went out to find it and didn't find it. It was probably picked up by someone!"

"Then why didn't you tell me this morning?"

"That kind of thing happened this morning. When the princess got up, she went out to see what happened. The slaves forgot about it for a while!"

"You slave, do you want to let me know immediately after the things in this palace are gone?"


Nuan: "When did you go out to look for it last night? Did anyone see it?"

"Back to Hui'an County Master, the servant went out to look for it after the waitress fell asleep, and went to the kitchen to ask for some hot water. The people in the kitchen must testify!"

She bowed her head in a very respectful manner!

She is as arrogant as the fifth princess on weekdays, but even her master can't be proud in front of this county master. How dare she be arrogant, so she even said "Hui Hui'an county master"!

The person who dares to fight against the fifth princess, this servant girl, if you want to catch it, you will catch it!

She doesn't dare to make mistakes at all!

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