The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 963 She seems to be despised by a wolf?

After listening to the maid's words, Nuan was thoughtful.

If the veil of the Fifth Princess of Dongling was dropped at the bonfire party, the person who is most likely to pick up her veil is.

At this time, the fifth princess of Dongling said: "Master Hui'an has finished asking! The handkerchief in this palace was lost and was picked up by someone! If you don't believe me, go ask the people in the kitchen if my maid is looking for the handkerchief. It's gone!"

The maid lowered her head when she heard this, she just went to soak her feet in hot water, and then went to sleep, not to look for the handkerchief, but how dare she say this in front of the Fifth Princess!

Wen Nuan glanced at the five princesses of Dongling, and then glanced at the maid: "Then I will ask the people in the kitchen. If there is any problem, I will come back to your maid to find out!"

"Okay! Just ask my maid! Ben Gong was drunk last night and was sleeping all the time, not knowing anything!"

The Fifth Princess of Dongling felt that as long as it didn't bother her, it would be fine!

Nodding warmly: "The Fifth Princess, think about it, was your veil still there during the bonfire party, and when did it fall off? I'm worried that someone deliberately took the Fifth Princess' veil and then blamed you! "

When the five princesses of Dongling heard the words, their expressions changed!

Nuan continued: "Don't mind the five princesses of Dongling, do you mind if my wolf checks your house for dirt?"

The Fifth Princess of Dongling: "You search! Ben Gong is not afraid of shadows!"

very good!

Very cooperative!

"Thank you for your cooperation with the Fifth Princess!"

Chen Huan immediately went out and brought Da Hui in.

After Da Hui came in, the Fifth Princess of Dongling and her maid took a step back in fright.

"Don't worry, my wolf is very smart and kind, it doesn't bite good people!"

Da Hui glanced at the two of them with contempt, it was about to bite them, can they escape?


Ignore them any more!

Dongling Five Princesses: "..."

She seems to be despised by a wolf? !

Da Hui walked around the house.

As for sniffing around with your nose?

It's a wolf, but it can't do stupid things that a dog can do!

Da Hui shook his head at the warmth.

Wen Nuan said to the five princesses of Dongling: "Thank you for the cooperation of the five princesses! We're leaving, sorry to bother you!"

After Nuan said this, he left with Da Hui.

She also has to ask Zihua County Master of Xihua Country!

As for whether the veil of the Fifth Princess of Dongling was dropped and picked up, or someone took her veil secretly while she was drunk.

This is warm and I believe the latter more!

Of course, she has no evidence and is just guessing!

When the five princesses of Dongling were drinking last night, one of them came to drink with a handkerchief covering it, that is to say, the handkerchief disappeared after she was drunk.

She remembered that when the maid helped her to get up and go back, there was no more handkerchief in the hands of the Fifth Princess of Dongling!

Warm in my mind, I have been recalling the picture of the drunken five princesses of Dongling last night:

That is Luo Qing from the Southern Border Country, so sit beside her!

Luo Qing has always been holding a handkerchief in his hand, after all, he wants to drink.

What is the interaction between the two of them?

When the fifth princess of Dongling was drunk, Luo Qing helped her. Did Luo Qing hold a handkerchief at that time?

Yes, take it!

But when the five princesses of Dongling were lifted up and brought back, there was no handkerchief in her hands or the hands of her maidservants on the ground!

Wen Nuan walked towards the courtyard of Xihuaguo while reminiscing.

After a while, I asked the Zihua County Lord of Xihua Country, and then went back and asked Chen Huan and others if they noticed Luo Qing and the Zihua County Lord of Xihua Country's abnormal movements at the bonfire party.

There were so many people that night, or maybe someone happened to see it!

Nuan really suspects that the death of the sixth concubine of the Southern Border was directed and acted by them, but there is no evidence, and the people of the other three countries are also uneasy and kind to their Nalan Kingdom, anyway, it is possible!

You can't just rely on your own intuition, you must tell the evidence!


After the five princesses of Dongling were left with Wennuan and Dahui, their body relaxed!

That wolf is so scary!

She sat down and couldn't help thinking of warm words.

At the bonfire party last night, when did her handkerchief fall off?

She remembered what she had been holding in her hand!

Because I want to drink, I need to block it with a handkerchief.

Later, I got drunk, and when I got drunk, I didn't know anything!

The fifth princess couldn't help but ask her maid: "Did you bring my handkerchief when I was drunk?"

The maid didn't dare to lie and shook her head: "The princess was drunk at the time. I was holding the princess and I didn't think about the handkerchief! After all, the princess' body is more important!"

At that time, when she was drunk, she thought it was Miss Luo Qing from Nanjiang who helped her?

"You took over this palace from Miss Luo Qing, right?"

"Back to the princess, yes! Miss Luo Qing was sitting beside you at that time, and she moved faster!"

"When you took over Ben Gong, did you see Ben Gong's hand or a handkerchief on the ground?"

The maid recalled: "It seems not!"

The white handkerchief fell on the ground, and it was still relatively conspicuous. She remembered that she also glanced at the ground at that time and found no handkerchief.

She put the princess' hand on her shoulder. The princess had both hands hanging down, and there was no handkerchief!

A cold look flashed on the face of the five princesses of Dongling!

Her handkerchief was either taken by Luo Qing of Nanjiang Country or by the Zihua County Lord of Xihua Country!

The two of them were sitting beside them last night!

Is that Luo Qing?

But it was the sixth prince concubine of Nanjiang who died. Could it be that the people of Nanjiang still harmed their own people?

Could it be the Zihua County Lord of Xihua Kingdom?

The fifth princess shook her head!

No matter who it is, this is trying to drag their Dongling Kingdom into the water!

There are no doors!

The fifth princess of Dongling said to her maid, "Go and tell the Princess Hui'an, and say that this palace's handkerchief may be taken by Luo Qing of Southern Xinjiang and Zihua of Xihua!"

"Yes!" The maid was secretly delighted, and it happened that she also wanted to find an opportunity to talk to Princess Hui'an. She didn't tell the people in the kitchen about looking for Pazi, and the people in the kitchen didn't know!

Now that the princess has said this, she doesn't have to worry about being suspected!

However, those two people are indeed very suspicious!

How did the fifth princess' veil disappear after being drunk!

The maid hurried out.

After she ran out, the fifth princess of Dongling also left her house and walked to the house of the third prince of Dongling.

Nuan Wen was just halfway there, and the maid chased after him: "President Hui'an, please stay!"

Nuan stopped, turned to look at her, did not speak, and waited for her to speak.

The maid hurried to Wen Nuan's side, looked around, found no one, and whispered: "Hui An County Master, my princess said."

Princess Hui'an glanced at her: "Is this true?"

The maid raised her master and swore: "I swear, I will never lie! Otherwise, the sky will be struck by thunder!"

Warm: "The oath is not cruel enough, or I will be a slave and a maid forever!"

The maid: "."

This Hui'an County Lord has a vicious heart!

"If you didn't lie, why would you swear?"

The maid gritted her teeth: "I swear, I will never make a promise, otherwise I will be a slave and a maid forever!"

Nodding warmly: "I see!"

Turn around and leave!

The maid also ran back.

Nuan came to the house of the Lord of Xihuazihua.

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