At the moment, Princess Zihua is instructing her servants to find things everywhere.

Nuan also heard the voice of Zihua County Master:

"Look around every corner, even under the bed! Be sure to find it!"

Nuan looked in from the window and saw three maids rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for things.

A maid saw the warmth and immediately said: "The county master, the Hui'an county master of Nalan is here!"

Zihua County Lord turned his head and looked out.

Wen Nuan smiled at Zihua County Lord, and stepped forward: "Zihua County Lord, I'm sorry!"

Zihua County Lord returned with a smile: "Huian County Lord is here, don't know why?"

Of course she doesn't like Princess Hui'an either, but she has always been gentle and courteous when serving people.

He smiled warmly: "Zihua County Master is looking for something?"

Princess Zihua nodded: "Yes, my favorite ring is missing."

It was given to her by her beloved man!

After waking up this morning, she found that she was missing, and she must find it.

Wen Nuan turned around and took out a ring from the basket that Chen Huan was carrying: "Is County Master Zihua looking for this ring?"

A look of surprise flashed across the face of Zihua County Lord, and he couldn't wait to reach out and grab it: "Yes, Hui'an County Lord picked up my ring? It's really good!"

Nuan glanced at her, the joy of being lost and found hanging on his face, this expression was so real that it didn't seem to be fake.

"Where did Princess Hui'an find it? I asked the maid to search around for a long time and couldn't find it!"

She put the ring back on her tail finger and touched it.

Warm raised his eyebrows: "I found it on Tianzi Mountain."

It seems that the Lord of Xihua County attaches great importance to this ring.

Is it a gift from a sweetheart? Warm gossip in my heart.

Tianzi Mountain?

Princess Zihua was stunned for a moment.

Why did her ring go to Tianzi Mountain?

Nuan has been looking at her, this expression is too real, if it is acting, then this acting can simply sweep the world!

Nuan continued: "Today we were assassinated on Tianzi Mountain, and we found it when we were searching for the assassin!"

Zihua County Lord frowned instantly when he heard the words: "I have never been to Tianzi Mountain! After I woke up, my maid told me that I found out that I lost it! You saw it too, I was letting mine The maid is looking everywhere!"

Nodding warmly: "I know, I want to ask Princess Zihua and your maid."

The next question I asked warmly was similar to what I said in front of Princess Dongling.

But because the attitude of the Zihua County Lord is much better, the warm attitude is also much better.

Finally, Nuan learned that the ring of the Zihua County Lord was drunk and sent back to the house last night, and the maid disappeared when she was dressing her!

That is to say, it is very likely to fall in the place where the bonfire party is held!

Zihua County Master also sent someone to look for it, but they couldn't find it, so they searched in the house and tried their luck.

"Does this ring, Lord Zihua, wear on the fingers and loose?"

"No, it's quite tight, look!"

Zihua County Lord stretched out his finger and turned the ring.

It looks pretty tight.

Zihua County Lord's fingers were chubby, and it was a little difficult to think about it.

Nodding warmly: "It may be that you accidentally rubbed it off after you were drunk, or someone took advantage of you to be unconscious. I believe that Zihua County Lord is not an assassin, but no matter what, this ring I found it on the mountain. In everyone's eyes, the Zihua County Lord is also suspicious, and the Southern Border Country is still waiting for us to give an explanation. So for the sake of fairness and in order to restore the innocence of the Zihua County Lord, I need to search yours. House, please don't mind the Lord of Zihua County, cooperate!"

Nuan Wen is very polite. As for whether she really believes her words, Nuan is 95% convinced, and only half suspicious.

But the search still has to be searched!

"Okay! Search whatever you want! By the way, did you find any other evidence on the mountain?"

Warm: "I also found a handkerchief of the fifth princess of Dongling on the mountain! The fifth princess of Dongling said that her handkerchief fell off at the bonfire party last night!"

Wen Nuan sighed when he said this: "It's getting more and more complicated! I don't know who the real murderer is?"

The princess of Zihua also lives in the royal family and in the center of the power struggle. At this moment, her ring was found on the mountain.

The handkerchief of the five princesses of Dongling was also found on the mountain!

She naturally knew that she was also being calculated!

The Sixth Prince Concubine of Southern Border is dead!

The fifth princess of Dongling Kingdom may have been calculated like herself!

Thinking about it this way, the people behind it want to offend several dependent countries together.

The most likely country to do this is Beiming.

Zihua County Master thought so, and Nuan and the others thought so, so they went to interrogate the people of Beiming.

The Nalan Kingdom really offended the four countries!

The warmth let Chen Huan bring Da Hui in, and Da Hui walked around the house and left without finding anything unusual.

Zihua County Lord touched his lost and found ring, sat there and thought about it for a while, then walked out of the house and went to find the third prince of Xihua!

Such a big matter, you have to discuss it with the third prince, so as not to get the way of others, or to follow the trend and fight against the Nalan Kingdom together!

She felt that the person behind it might be Luo Qing from Southern Xinjiang.

The Southern Border Kingdom deliberately pulled their two vassal states into the water, firstly to hide people's eyes and eyes, and secondly to put Nalan Kingdom on the opposite side of several countries.

Then he slashed the kingdom of Nalan ruthlessly!

Seriously, in this case, all countries are happy!


Next, Nuan Wen went to the courtyard where Beiming Kingdom was located.

Feng Di and Jia Jingxuan lived together.

Jia Jingxuan smiled when she saw the warmth: "What kind of wind blows Princess Hui'an here."

Feng Di was distributing tea. Hearing this, he immediately put down the tea cup, covered the lid, then stood up and said with a smile: "Hui An County Lord, please come in."

Wen Nuan came in: "I'm disturbing the two of you tasting tea!"

Feng Di smiled: "We are just having fun. I don't know what is the matter with Princess Hui'an looking for us?"

Jia Jingxuan said half-truth: "Could it be that we were the ones who poisoned the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border, and came to search?"

Nuan: "Miss Jia really guessed right, don't mind the two of you. I didn't mean that you were poisoned by the search. The search also protected you and proved that you are innocent. And I have just gone to the five princesses of Dongling. I searched with the county master of Xihua Zihua, and you are the only ones left, so as not to be told that our Nalan country is partial to one side, and the Beiming country is caught in the whirlpool of public criticism, so I am here! Routine, take my wolf in this house to check it won't touch any of you."

Feng Di glanced at the warmth, Princess Hui'an is indeed very smart!

See how beautiful this is to say?

The search also protects them and proves their innocence!

People can't get angry when they are searched!

Even have to thank her!

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