But the fact is that it is obvious that they are suspicious of them, so they will search their houses!

The Seventh Prince has always liked women who are smart and talkative, no wonder she makes the Seventh Prince look down on her! Feng Di felt a little uncomfortable.

Jia Jingxuan smiled, and her tone was a bit yin and yang: "Obviously, she suspected us, but she was said to be protecting us by the Hui'an county master! The Hui'an county master can really turn the dead into life!"

She glanced at Jia Jingxing with a warm smile, but said, "Girl Jia can't help if she doesn't believe in this county master, after all, you and I are different! There are two sides to things, wise people have wise people's opinions, and stupid people have stupid people. Not everyone knows the difference between good and bad!"

Jia Jingxuan's face turned black!

Does this bitch, Princess Hui'an, say she is stupid?

Before Feng Di could say anything, Di Junxian walked in and said loudly: "The Princess Hui'an is right! The search is also protecting you, and even proving your innocence! How can you prove it if you don't search? They have been searched there, only those of us in Beiming have not been searched, and if the murderer is still not found, wouldn’t those of us in Beiming become the biggest suspects?”

Feng Di glanced at Di Junxian, and couldn't help feeling bitter pantothenic acid in her heart!

He has never appeared in his own house on weekdays, but today, knowing that Hui'an County Master is coming, he walked in immediately!

Although she felt bitter pantothenic acid in her heart, and even wished to drive Hui'an County Master out, she suppressed all her emotions and said with a smile: "Hui'an County Master is still thoughtful! I have simple things here, and there are no hidden secrets. Princess Hui'an can search casually!"

Di Junxian looked warm and smiled handsomely: "Master Hui'an, please! After the search here, you can go to my house to search. The innocence of Beiming Kingdom is in your hands!"

Warm: "The seventh prince is serious! I'm only in charge of searching the houses of female relatives."

Di Junxian smiled: "In broad daylight, with so many people here, what kind of men and women need to be taken into account? Follow the power in a hurry!"

Warm smiled back, but did not answer him.

She motioned for Chen Huan's Da Hui to come in and search around.

Di Junxian glanced at Da Hui: "This is the wolf Aiqing who led these wolves to defeat the tiger in Dongling Kingdom that day, right?"

Di Junxian gave Di Junxian a pale look, what kind of dog is this, did he call Wolf Aiqing?

That's what the emperor called!

Ignore him and continue to sniff the east and the west.

Warm nodded: "It's it."

"Is this wolf raised by Hui'an County Master? I didn't expect Hui'an County Master to tame beasts. This wolf is so well educated!"

Wen Nuan shook his head: "I didn't teach it. This is King Jin's wolf, and I don't know how to tame beasts."

Di Junxian was silent for a while, but King Jin's wolf treated her like his master.

The two seem to have a very close relationship.

This is not a good thing.

At this time, Da Hui had already smelled all over the place, and Wen Nuan said to several people, "My wolf didn't find anything. Then I'll go first, so I won't disturb the others!"

Feng Di breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and smiled: "Okay!"

Warm and go out with big ash.

Di Junxian followed Wennuan and walked out, as if he was giving her away intentionally or unintentionally: "What does Princess Hui'an think about the death of the sixth prince concubine in southern Xinjiang?"

Warm: "Someone wants to harm our Nalan country and provoke the relationship between Nalan country and other countries. Does the seventh prince believe that it is our Nalan country's poison?"

Di Junxian smiled: "It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not."

Nodding warmly: "That's right!"

It really doesn't matter, what matters is what to do next!

The two were in different positions and had different interests, and Nuan did not ask him what he would do.

Di Junxian also changed the topic: "The Princess Hui'an and King Jin have been engaged for a long time. When will they get married, then this prince will give you a generous gift."

Warm: "I don't know!"

Di Junxian was surprised when he heard the words, don't you know?

Shouldn't it be decided yet?

Is she unwilling to say it?

Da Hui glanced at Di Junxian, and always felt that this person was uneasy and well-meaning. Could it be that he was paying attention to the young lady?

Hmph, how can the Chinese cabbage that the master likes be humiliated by this pig!

Da Hui suddenly ran!

Nuan was still holding the dog leash, so when Da Hui ran, she had to follow him quickly.

She shouted: "Da Hui, Da Hui, don't run!"

Saying that, she runs faster with her long legs!

Immediately out of the courtyard.

Di Junxian watched her disappear into the back of the courtyard gate, and stood there without moving for a while.

Feng Di looked at Di Junxian's back and pursed her lips.

Jia Jingxuan realized it later, and felt that she had discovered a great secret, and her mouth opened slightly!

No way?

The seventh prince, who had such a high vision, fell in love with that muddy leg?

Da Hui ran out of the courtyard where the Beiming envoy was 100 meters away and stopped!

Wen Nuan touched Da Hui's head, smiled and praised: "Little clever ghost!"

That Emperor Junxian is really annoying.

When does she get married, it's none of his business!

Da Hui wagged his tail proudly!

Not only is it clever, but it also tells the master that someone is coveting his daughter-in-law!

Nuan returned to the yard where Nalan Jinnian was.

At this time, the seventh prince and others had already searched, but only Lin Feng had not finished the search.

After all, he has more places to search.

When the seventh prince saw Nuan come in, he immediately asked, "Aunt Seventeen, have you found anything?"

Wen Nuan sat down beside Nalan Jinnian. ?

Nalan Jinnian poured a cup of tea and put it in front of her: "Drink some water first."

Wen Nuan picked up the teacup and took a few sips of tea before saying, "The things belonging to the Five Princesses of Dongling and Princess Xihua Zihua should have been lost at the bonfire party."

Wen Nuan turned to Chen Huan and said, "Chen Huan, did you see when the handkerchief of the Fifth Princess of Dongling disappeared that night?"

"When the fifth princess of Dongling was helped away by her maid, her hands were not covered! I didn't notice the rest." Chen Huan had long recalled the situation at that time, and she did not pay much attention to that of the fifth princess of Dongling. Bian, after all, her main responsibility is to protect the warmth and safety, pay attention to the audience, not staring at a single person.

Nodding warmly: "Yes, no! Where is the Zihua County Lord?"

Chen Huan shook his head this time: "I really didn't see this."

Except for Princess Hui'an, who is quite different, these princesses, the fingers in the hands of the princess can't wait to wear rings, she really didn't see when she lost a ring.

Warm: "Chen Huan, you go and call my sisters and the others, as well as sister Lin, and my cousins ​​and cousins ​​are all called over!"


So many people, someone must see something!

"Yes!" Chen Huan responded, and then walked out.

The Seventh Prince and Prince An were also recalling, but they didn't think of anything.

At this time, Lin Feng walked in with a woman.

That woman is Xiaoling.

"Master! We found the poisonous powder of Qixing Broken Heart Poison in this woman's house!"

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