The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 966 Those two beasts know a lot!

Xiaoling was brought to Nalan Jinnian by Lin Feng, and she knelt on the ground with a thud. She was trembling all over. She was so frightened that her face was pale, and her face was even full of tears: "King Huijin, not a slave! slave! No! That poison is not from the slaves! The slaves don't know why they are on the slaves!"

Nuan didn't expect it to be her, but when I found it on her, I felt it was right!

This little girl is so timid!

Nalan Jinnian looked at Wennuan: "Have you interrogated?"

Warm nodded.

Nalan Jinnian said, "Then you can continue to ask."

Looking at Lin Feng warmly: "Lin Feng, you speak first."

Lin Feng replied: "County Lord, when I brought someone in to search this girl's house, she was holding the poison powder of Qixing Broken Heart Poison in her hand."

Lin Feng also felt that it wasn't her, the poisoned person would be so stupid.

It's just that this girl is so stupid, she was caught now!

She is the person in the kitchen in this palace!

If this matter is found on her, nothing can be found, then the matter will become more troublesome!

The people of the Southern Border Country are still not holding on to this handle, and the lions are opening their mouths!

After hearing this, Xiaoling shook her head vigorously and explained crying: "Hui'an County Master, that's not the case! The slave, the slave had just returned to the house and was about to change clothes and help in the kitchen. When I took off my coat, a paper bag fell from my body! The servant just picked it up and opened it to see that it was some medicine powder. The servant didn't know what it was, but General Lin came in! But the poison is really not from the servant! The servant I don't know why I have that poison on me!

Princess Hui'an, it's really not the slaves who poisoned the envoys from the southern border! The courageous slaves and slaves don't dare! Besides, the envoys from the Southern Border and the slaves have no grievances or hatreds, and the slaves don't even know her, how could the slaves poison her! I beg King Jin, the master of Hui'an County Mingcha! "

If you don't explain it clearly, it will kill people. Xiaoling is more and more smooth as she talks, and she even kowtows hard after speaking!

She really hadn't even thought about what this medicinal powder was, and wanted to taste what it was, so Lin Feng came in with a man and a wolf!

Then she was stolen and captured and brought here!

Wen Nuan saw that she had smashed her forehead, and hurriedly said: "Okay! Reply!"

Only then did Xiaoling stop kowtowing.

"You said that the poison is not yours, so why does the poison appear on your body?"

Xiaoling had long thought about why the poison appeared on her body on the way she was being escorted.

After she was interrogated by the county chief of Hui'an, she went straight back to her house and met someone on the way!

And he collided with that person!

Yingmei must have put the poison on her.

"Back to Hui'an County Master, it's Yingmei next to Miss Lin! After Hui'an County Master finished asking, the slave went back to her house, and accidentally bumped into Miss Yingmei on the way! It must be Miss Yingmei who stuffed the poison. It's on the slaves! After the slaves changed their clothes, I only saw two people, Princess Hui'an and Miss Yingmei!"

The seventh prince frowned.

The girl Lin mentioned by this servant should be Lin Tingxuan's younger sister. The maid next to Lin Tingxuan's younger sister seems to be called Yingmei, and she is quite beautiful, so he remembers it.

If it was the maid next to Lin Tingya, it would be even more troublesome if it involved the generals!

Prince An slapped the table directly: "Presumptuous, how dare you slander Zhongliang!"

Xiaoling was so frightened that her heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly kowtowed: "The servant swears, the servant really didn't lie! I ask the masters to learn from me!"

Warm first said to Chen Huan: "Chen Huan, bring Yingmei here!"

Then he said to Lin Feng, "What about the poison?"

Lin Feng raised the basket in his hand, with a white paper bag on it: "When we went in, she was shocked, the poison was spilled on the ground, and it was swept back from the ground at this time! This paper bag has not been changed. Our people's hands have never been touched directly."

He knew that this poison must be smelled to see who has come into contact with it.

Nodding warmly: "Let Da Hui smell someone's breath!"

Lin Feng put the basket on the ground and let Da Hui smell it!

Wen Nuan said at this time: "Xiao Ling, Da Hui can ask who has taken that paper bag, if you lied! That is the big sin of punishing the Nine Clan!"

Poisoning the messenger, trapping the court in injustice, this is not equivalent to treason and punishing the nine clans.

Xiaoling shook her head: "Master Hui'an, the slaves really didn't lie! If this wolf can really smell it, then the slaves won't worry!"

She was worried, this wolf is not reliable!

If you can't smell it, then you won't be able to wash it if you jump into the Tianzi Waterfall!

Da Hui smelled the medicine packet, then ran over to smell Wen Xiaoling, and then nodded.

It means that what this person said is true!

Wen Nuan understood that the powder was stuffed onto her by Yingmei!

Yingmei Dahui has also been in contact with her, so she naturally remembers her scent.

Of course, whether it was Ying Meisai's, except that Da Hui can prove it, in fact, it will be known after a while. Yingmei is next to Chen Xi.

Soon, Yingmei was brought up.

"I've seen it before." She respectfully bowed to Nalan Jinnian and the others, bowing her head, looking a little uneasy and a little overwhelmed.

She would be brought for questioning, she already knew it!

I have even figured out how to answer!

She waited to be questioned.

Nuan did not ask her, but looked at Da Hui: "Da Hui!"

Da Hui stepped forward and sniffed Wen Yingmei, then sniffed the medicine packet again, and nodded!

Yingmei's heart skipped a beat, does this wolf have such skills?

No, Da Hui hadn't seen him at Duke Ang's mansion for a long time, she forgot that this wolf has this ability!

The master Luo Yan, who became the second prince concubine of Nalan Kingdom, also said to be careful with the wolves and eagles raised by the county master Hui'an!

Those two beasts know a lot!


But even so, how could she be cured of her sins with just one wolf?

He said warmly, "Chen Xi!"

Chen Xi walked out and gave a salute.

Warm: "Chen Xi, tell Miss Yingmei what you saw and heard!"


After Chen Xi responded, he deliberately waited for Yingmei at the turn, waiting for Xiaoling to appear, and then bumped directly into it, taking the opportunity to quickly shove a medicine bag onto her.

Including the dialogue between the two, they all said it word for word!

Yingmei was shocked!

She didn't realize that Chen Xi was nearby at all!

When did Princess Hui'an begin to doubt himself?

The seventh prince did not expect that it was really Yingmei, this is a little troublesome!

He snorted coldly: "Say! Who ordered you! Who the hell did you send me?!"

Yingmei's eyes flashed, and she lowered her head: "I don't know what the seventh prince means!"

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