Wen Nuan looked at Yingmei and smiled: "Actually, I have suspected you for a long time, and I have been sending someone to follow you secretly, that pharmacy in the west of the city."

When Wen Nuan talked about the pharmacy in the west of the city, Yingmei knew that she was going to die this time!

There is going to be a dead man!

No more talking!

Apart from being tortured to death, there is no other way to go!

Rather than being tortured to extract a confession, it is better to die than to die!

In that way, the master is still faithful to her and takes care of her family.

She bites hard!

Lin Feng was by her side. When she made a move, he directly went forward and grabbed her mouth, breaking it hard, and unloading her lower jaw!

She couldn't even bite the poison in her mouth to commit suicide!

Yingmei wasn't afraid of pain, she couldn't do anything, she quickly threw out a handful of medicinal powder and rushed out!

Lin Feng and Chen Xi both kicked at the same time and kicked her away!

Yingmei slammed her entire body against the pillar, spat out a mouthful of blood, and passed out.

You can't even die if you want to!

Nalan Jinnian said indifferently with no expression on his face: "Take it away! Have a good interrogation."

After the accident, the drugstore Nalan Jinnian secretly sent someone to seal it up.

Now, just waiting for the evidence that the drugstore seized Dao to prove the identity of this Yingmei, even if the truth comes out.

It's already dark now, and this matter will have to come to an end tomorrow.

Lin Feng directly took the person down.

Every country will cultivate some fine works and place them in each country. Such people are generally dead men who are not afraid of death.

To be honest, even if torture was used to extract a confession, there would be nothing to ask.

But this is still to be done.

It is also necessary to kill chickens to warn monkeys.

The Seventh Prince didn't expect that all this was already under Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan's grasp, so he couldn't help but ask, "Who is this Yingmei?"

Warm: "It should be from the Southern Border Country!"

Prince Ning couldn't help but scolded: "Zhu Qinghua, that shameless person who killed his own imperial concubine to put the blame on us!"

Warm shook his head: "It may not be really dead!"

The seventh prince nodded: "Yes, there are a lot of methods in Southern Border, and there are also medicines for fake death! And I heard that it is very real, even a genius doctor can't see it!"

"The suspended animation won't last for many days, but it can still be seen! It should be seen tomorrow morning!"

This dynasty did not have any modern medical equipment, and there were too few methods, so they could only rely on manual inspections such as pulse checking and sniffing.

There are limitations in the end, warm and afraid to use purple energy to explore so I can only wait!

Prince An said, "Then we must protect the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border Country tonight, lest the people of Southern Border play any tricks."

Prince Ning said angrily: "If it is confirmed tomorrow that Yingmei is from the Southern Border Kingdom, this time Nanjiang Kingdom will definitely have to pay his wife and surrender!"

Feign death, just kill her directly!

Warm shook his head: "It's not that easy!"

When Xiao Hei was sent to watch, she only suspected that Yingmei and the people behind her were relying on the pharmacy to secretly spread the message, but this was just speculation!

In the end is not, there must be solid evidence.

But will the evidence be so easy to find?

In that way, countries will not have the nails that have been lurking for years.

At this time, Nalan Jinnian said, "How do you plan to hit the Southern Border Country so hard this time?"

Seventh Prince: "Of course they want them to come up with a city and then compensate 50 million taels of gold!"

Prince An: "Also, this time, the envoys from other countries have been frightened. Naturally, I have to make some compensation and appease! These are all from the southern border country!"

Prince Ning: "Just let each country in the Southern Border Country send a city away!"

Seventh Prince: "Isn't that just dividing the entire southern border country? It was originally a small country, how many cities are there!"

Prince Ning: "How can it be good, there are still dozens of cities!"

Prince An said: "The city is of course compensated to our Nalan country, why should it be cheaper to other countries? Let the southern border country pay some money, food, and medicinal materials to other countries! Let them not have the strength to act as demons in the next hundred years."

That's right""

Several people were discussing how to make the Southern Border Country make compensation!


The courtyard where the envoys from the Southern Border are located.

Zhu Qinghua, Luo Qing, Ruan Ling, and Ning Yu were talking in the room.

Zhu Qinghua said, "The Phantom has been called for questioning!"

"That's not better, Phantom is now a member of the General Mansion of Nalan!"

The people in the general's mansion poisoned, and they said that Emperor Nalan was not instigating it behind his back?

Of course, what Nalan Kingdom wanted to poison was not their sixth prince concubine, but the sixth prince.

It's just that the sixth prince went out to watch the sunrise and escaped the catastrophe.

Ruan Ling: "I'm afraid that the people of Nalan will find out the identity of the Phantom. I'm also afraid that the Phantom can't stand the torture and confesses!"

Luo Qing: "That's impossible!"

"And there's the pharmacy."

Zhu Qinghua: "Don't worry, at this time, the pharmacy probably no longer exists!"

Ruan Ling: "With the medical skills of Hui'an County Master, she can see the strangeness of the sixth prince. Even if Hui'an County Master can't see it, Feng Nianchen can also see it! Don't forget, Feng Nianchen is there. Nalan Kingdom! We have to negotiate with Nalan Kingdom as soon as possible!"

Zhu Qinghua said lightly, "Then just don't let her see it!"

Anyway, he wanted to change the sixth princess!

A wooden man!


Just when Nuan and a few of them continued to talk about how to make compensation for the Southern Border Country in the future.

A guard hurried to report: "King Jin, it's not good! The envoy of the southern border, there is a fire in a yard over there!"

Hearing the words, the seventh prince stood up and said, "Damn it! Then the people of the Southern Border Country will not be so shameless! Do you want to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces?"

Prince An: "If you destroy it, you will destroy it! Don't destroy our palace!"

Nalan Jinnian, Wen Nuan and Prince Ning quickly stood up and ran out!

Seeing this, Prince An quickly followed.

"If we burn down our palace! I will immediately go and burn the palace of the Southern Border Kingdom! The people of the Southern Border Kingdom are so fucking inhumane!" The seventh prince gritted his teeth fiercely!

After a few people ran out of the house, they saw the sky in the east, billowing thick smoke!

So much smoke, how big is this fire?

The courtyard where the envoys from the Southern Border were located was full of people.

Many guards carry buckets back and forth to fight the fire!

But most of the houses in this dynasty are made of wood. It hasn't rained these days, and the weather is dry!

The wind picked up again, and the wind helped the fire, and the fire submerged a house in an instant!

The sixth prince of the Southern Border was pulled by several people. He wanted to rush forward madly, and shouted hoarsely: "Yiying! Yiying! Let go of this prince! This prince is going to save this prince's concubine!"

Luo Qing said anxiously: "Sixth prince, the fire is too big! You can't go in!"

Ruan Ling stood on the side and said angrily: "Quick! You guys are quick to put out the fire! Our sixth imperial concubine is still in the house!"

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