The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 968 This group of hypocritical people!

When Nuan and Nalan Jinnian and others came here.

There is chaos here!

The guards came and went to fetch water to put out the fire.

There were many envoys from various countries watching the fun.

There are water marks all over the ground.

The raging fire engulfed the entire main courtyard, the smoke billowed, and the strong wind blew the black smoke away, and half of the sky was filled with clouds formed by the smoke!

Nalan Jinnian's face has never been so ugly at this moment!

it is good!

The messenger of the Southern Border Country is really good!

At this moment, he really stepped on the southern border country and burned the mind of the southern border palace!

Warm heart is also inflamed!

This is too much!

Warmly glanced at Nalan Jinnian, her thin lips pursed tightly, and the anger in her eyes was even stronger than the fire!

This was the first time she had seen him so angry.

Warm and quietly took his hand.

Nalan Jinnian thought Nuan was afraid to see him like this, after all, he had never been angry in front of Nuan.

Nalan Jinnian's face softened, and he held his warm hand back: "There is a lot of smoke here and there are many people, why don't you go back to the house first?"

Warm shook his head: "No, you don't have to be angry, just clean up!"

Sometimes the more angry you are, the more you need to calm down and deal with the problem.

Decisions made in anger can easily lead to loopholes.

Only by being calm can you make a choice that makes the other party regret it.

The anger in Nalan Jinnian's heart was dispelled by the warm words. The little girl was concerned about him, not afraid!

Also what is this little girl afraid of?

Nalan Jinnian didn't say anything, she squeezed her little hand back tightly, and then released it.

Not only Nalan Jinnian was angry, the seventh prince, Prince An and the others were also angry!

Several people hurriedly came to the front of the crowd.

Nalan Jinnian said with a cold face: "What's wrong? Why did it catch fire?"

Di Junxian stood aside and saw Nalan Jinnian and the others approaching from a distance.

He also saw the warmth quietly pulling his hand!

Inexplicably, he also had a fire in his heart.

At this moment, there was a terrified expression on his face: "King Jin, the guards of your Nalan Kingdom are too lax! Even in broad daylight, there can be fires? This prince doesn't dare to sleep tonight! Tsk tsk. This Nalan Prince Guoben is absolutely afraid to stay any longer! Tomorrow we will go back to Beiming Kingdom!"

At this time, it is actually not in broad daylight, because the sky is already dark, but it is not completely dark, and it feels like a bright light.

You can still see things, although it is dark in the room, it is time to hold the lamp.

But to say it in broad daylight is ironic!

The third prince of Dongling shook his folding fan on the side, and nodded when he heard the words: "This time we came out together, but it caused a lot of trouble for King Jin! It's time to return to China! If we didn't stay, we wouldn't. So much has happened!"

The third prince of Xihua also looked apologetic: "No! If I knew this, I would have gone back earlier!"

The Eighth Princess also rushed over at this time, and after listening to their words, she said ruthlessly: "It's good to know!"

After hearing the words of the eighth princess, several people looked a little ugly, but this is the princess who was spoiled by the monarch of Nalan!

Speaking and doing things without any scruples!

They took a sympathetic look at Amber, who was standing on the other side and directing people to put out the fire!

It is pitiful enough for the king of Lanling to take such an ignorant, arrogant and willful princess as his concubine!

And the sixth prince of the southern border seemed to have not seen them coming, struggling to rush into the house to save people: "Let go of this prince! This prince is going to save the prince and concubine! Let go!"

That blushing, hoarse voice, just like a beast!

In this stance, the people who are pulling him are almost unable to pull him!

These fake people!

The seventh prince almost rolled his eyes!

The warmth was unbearable, she kicked the pebble that fell on the road without knowing where it came from.

The small stone flew out and smashed into the hand of a guard who was pulling the sixth prince of the Southern Border.

It happened to hit a certain acupoint, and the guard couldn't help letting go when his hand hurt.

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border is a hard worker!

The one who does his best!

Just now, the two guards couldn't hold it, but this time one of the guards let go, he rushed forward, and he was about to plunge into the sea of ​​fire!

He was also stunned for a moment, and hurriedly stopped!

Almost, just a little bit, his hair was on fire!

It's a pity that it's warm, why didn't you jump right in!

There are no stones at the feet, so sometimes the yard is too well repaired!

There are no weapons at all!

Wen Nuan deliberately said very loudly with a worried look on his face: "The sixth prince of the Southern Border is really affectionate! This is about to rush into the sea of ​​​​fire to save the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border!"

The eighth princess snorted coldly: "Nuan Nuan, you can believe it! It's obviously pretending! You see why he doesn't go in now? No one is holding him! Hurry up and pounce!"

Still Nuan Nuan is amazing, what idioms did the emperor ask her to learn! What books do you read, what characters do you know, what do you learn about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?

It's time to learn boxing and kung fu!

Southern Border Sixth Prince: "."

He looked at the burning house in front of him, rushed?

The two guards were also frightened, why did they suddenly let go?

Not caring about anything, he rushed forward like a fly and pulled the sixth prince of the southern border: "His Royal Highness, the fire is too big! The sixth prince and concubine have gone, don't do anything stupid!"

Luo Qing also hurriedly said: "The Sixth Prince's condolences and changes, the Sixth Prince's Concubine is watching from the sky! She will not feel at ease if you do this! The Sixth Prince's Concubine is still waiting for you to avenge her! You rushed in like this, what should I do if something went wrong? ?"

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border was startled when he heard this, as if he had just calmed down. He glanced around, and then saw Nalan Jinnian who was listening to someone's report.

Nalan Jinnian ignored their rumors and the pretences of some people. At this moment, he was listening to the reply from the chief guard of the palace.

"King Hui Jin, it was dinner time, and the envoys of the southern border were eating. I heard that candle oil fell on the paper money, and then caused a fire! Because the ground was covered with thick thatch and mats, and the There was a carpet fire and it started all of a sudden! It's far from the well, and it's too late to fetch water to put out the fire, so it's like this!"

The captain of the guard looked at the house, his mouth was burning!

He is also worried that the fire will involve other houses.

Don't burn this yard down!

The envoy of the Southern Border was also standing aside waiting for a reply, and at this time he also said apologetically: "King Jin, I'm really sorry, it's our people's fault! Everyone is too sad to eat, and there is no first time. Find."

The eighth princess sneered: "I'm so sad that I can still eat!"

People in the southern border bowed their heads and could only pretend that they couldn't hear them. They were also embarrassed. Of course, this was just an excuse!

But there was a fire, and the six princes and concubines who were guarding the southern border were all from their southern border country!

It's not that I didn't say it, how can I say it?

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