The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 969 We're Not Younger Brothers!

The sixth prince of the Southern Border rushed to Nalan Jinnian, his eyes were red and bloodshot: "Nalan Jinnian, have you found the murderer?"

This is so angry that even King Jin stopped shouting, calling him by his first name!

Countries came to look at them with interest, but did not speak.

They just have to stand and wait for a piece of the pie!

No matter what, this time Nalan has to bleed!

This time on the Longevity Festival of the Nalan Kingdom, they suffered heavy losses. It would be good to be able to take advantage of this opportunity to get a little compensation.

Nalan Jinnian gave him a cold look: "I found it!"

The sixth prince of the Southern Border said angrily: "Who is it? This prince is going to tear her into pieces!"

Looking at the sixth prince of the Southern Border, she felt thoughtfully, and she felt that his acting skills were not comparable to the real actor!

She seems to be very affectionate at the moment, but in the past few days, she has also seen the way the sixth prince and the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border get along.

Looking at the raging firelight, Nuan pondered, so, the sixth prince may not be suspended from suspended animation, but actually poisoned to death.

When the messengers from various countries heard that they had found it, they all spoke up.

Di Junxian: "I found it? King Jin, who is this murderer? How dare you poison a prince and concubine of a country?"

The third prince of Dongling: "King Jin is amazing, the real murderer has been found so quickly! However, what is the identity of this murderer?"

The third prince of Xihua: "It is worthy of being King Jin, and it is efficient to do things. King Jin should hurry up and tell us who the murderer is, and hand over the murderer! It can be regarded as the sixth prince of the Southern Border. Give us an explanation!"

Nalan Jinnian stared at the Southern Border Sixth Prince: "It's a maid named Yingmei."

As soon as Nalan Jinnian said this, Lin Tingya was stunned for a moment, Yingmei?

Same name and surname or your own maid?

Lin Tingxuan's heart sank after hearing this!

That Yingmei really came on the wrong way!

Big trouble this time!

The Eighth Princess, Wenxin and others also suspected that they had heard it wrong.


Wouldn't it be the second person?

The sixth prince of the Southern Border glanced around: "Whose maid is Yingmei? Has King Jin found out why she wanted to poison this prince's concubine?"

Jia Jingxuan remembered something and said: "Isn't Yingmei the maid next to you, Miss Lin? Miss Lin, is your maid named Yingmei?"

Everyone looked at Lin Tingya when they heard the words.

The Seventh Prince and Prince Ning also watched her reaction.

The hearts of the messengers of various countries were alive.

Di Junxian thought thoughtfully: The maid of a general's sister?

With this identity, it is enough to say that he was ordered by the general!

And whose command did the general follow?

Ha ha

This time, Southern Border really intends to smash Nalan Kingdom!

He looked at the raging fire in front of him, and the fire was really big!

However, the sixth prince of the Southern Border was also cruel, so the sixth prince and concubine gave up when she said she would give up.

Such people should be well guarded.

He also looks suave on weekdays.

Lin Tingya is still in shock at the moment!

She is also not sure if it is Yingmei by her side!

If it was true, wouldn't she have killed her big brother?

Thinking of this, Lin Tingya's face instantly turned bloody!

Lin Tingya looked at Wennuan: "The county master, did Yingmei do it?"

Warm nodded.

You are bringing wolves into the room! Lin Tingya was so frightened that she almost fell.

He was still standing beside her with quick eyes and quick hands and supported her.

Lin Tingya stood up quickly. After all, she had been with Nuan Nuan for a long time. Seeing that Nuan Nuan was extremely calm and unhurried every time she encountered a problem!

She pressed her fear and calmed down!

Don't panic, explain clearly, don't hurt big brother!

Big brother is getting married soon!

Lin Tingya said calmly: "Yingmei is an orphan girl I rescued on the road. She was pitiful, so I took her by my side! I didn't expect that the road was not right, but it turned out that the wolf was brought into the room! King Jin, Hui'an County Lord, you must find out who sent her! The ministers and daughters definitely did not instruct her to poison the sixth concubine of the Southern Border!"

Even though she said that, Lin Tingya made up her mind, if she couldn't find out who was behind Yingmei's orders!

Then she recognizes it alone, and she must not implicate her eldest brother.

Nuan seemed to see her mind, she nodded and said: "It's natural, I've already checked it! Sister Tingya, you don't know the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border at all, how could you instruct the maid to go if you don't have any grievances with her? Poisoning her? That Yingmei is not on the right path, and I don't know who is the spy! It must be because of your kindness and use you! Want to harm our Nalan country! "

In any case, Lin Tingya absolutely cannot recognize it!

Lin Tingya also thought of the benefits at this time, and her face became even paler!

Yes, in addition to her eldest brother, there is also Nalan Kingdom, she can't recognize it, that is infidelity!

Not to mention causing trouble to the imperial court, it will even harm my eldest brother!

Lin Tingya woke up instantly!

"Hui'an County Master is right. You also persuaded me to say that Yingmei's identity was suspicious, but I met her many times and thought it was fate. Seeing her pitiful, I took her in! I thought it wasn't fate. It was she who approached me on purpose! This must be a spy sent by someone!"

Not to mention a country!

Only speak to certain people.

Luo Qing said at this time: "Miss Lin is the sister of General Lin of your country, right? The Princess Hui'an helps her like this, shouldn't she poison our sixth prince concubine, is it your intention of Nalan country?"

Nalan Jinnian snorted coldly: "Why? Is it worth it?"

The Seventh Prince explained angrily: "Yes, why, is it worth it? Anyone who has the brain knows that the Southern Border Country is a vassal of our Nalan Country, and the two countries have always had a good relationship, so why should we poison your Sixth Prince Concubine?! If Our Nalan Kingdom is a vassal state of the Southern Border Kingdom. In order to break away from this relationship, it is normal to deliberately poison a prince and concubine and cause some trouble! But we are obviously the boss! Is this necessary? We are not younger brothers. of!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the people in the southern border were ugly, and the faces of the people from Dongling Kingdom and Xihua Kingdom were also ugly!

After all, both of them are also vassals of Nalan!

The sixth prince of the Southern Border said angrily: "But at this moment, the ironclad evidence is like a mountain. It is your people from Nalan who poisoned this prince's concubine. How to explain this?"

Nuan: "The Sixth Prince of Southern Border is wrong. When did we say that Yingmei belonged to Nalan Kingdom? We are investigating who she is, and we will find out tomorrow! Now, let's put out the fire first. !"

Prince An nodded: "No need to worry about the sixth prince of the Southern Border! This matter will definitely give you an explanation, the top priority is to put out the fire first! It's not yet three days!"

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border still needs a little time, that is, to win over people from other countries, they are also willing to come, so there is no hurry!

"Three days, three days at the latest!"

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