The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 970 What He Sees Is Not Only These

It is said that the truth of the matter will be found out in three days, and the results will be given, and the people of Southern Border Country will not be entangled.

The events of the past two days have been one after another, and Nalan Jinnian is also furious!

But even if he was angry, he had to suppress it.

It's still a matter of putting out the fire!

This palace was built with a lot of money back then.

It would be a sin to burn it all.

The emperor is so heartbroken!

Even if he spends money to build it, the emperor will feel distressed!

No, why did he spend money to build it? Of course, people from the Southern Border Country must spend money to build it!

Nalan Jinnian didn't even care about his identity, and jumped on the roof of the next room: "Give the water to this king!"

There is really not enough manpower, and there are not many people in this palace.

This is to protect their royal property, why is there not enough manpower, others are working hard, but they are standing.

He was of noble birth, but in his eyes nobleness was respected by those below.

Of course, if there are enough people here today, Nalan Jinnian will not do it.

At this time, someone had already set up a ladder and climbed up the roof next to it to put out the fire.

So someone was standing on a ladder, passing buckets of water, and pouring water on people on the roof to put out fires.

Nalan Jinnian took the bucket handed over by the guard standing on the ladder, splashed it hard, and the water splashed far away.

The seventh prince and the two princes also rolled up their sleeves and climbed onto the roof to put out the fire.

When the people in the palace saw that the masters were putting out the fire, everyone's tired bodies seemed to be bloodied, and they worked even harder in an instant.

The people who run to fetch water run very fast!

Seeing this, Wen Wen couldn't help but said, "Sister Nuan, why don't we also help to fetch water?"

She has been used to farm work since she was a child, and she is naturally good at fetching water!

"No need, lest I help more and more."

Nuan originally wanted to help, but if she followed, the other female relatives would follow, otherwise they would be embarrassed!

Warm strength is not small, but others are not as strong as her, fetching water is a delay, so warm is not helpful.

But everyone came to put out the fire, and it is estimated that the fire will not be extinguished for a while.

Warmly said: "Let's go to the kitchen to cook something for everyone."

After putting out the fire, everyone is probably hungry and tired!

Even a mouthful of hot porridge is good.

Now everyone in the kitchen is here to put out the fire.

Gentle and warm and others think this method is good.

So everyone went to the kitchen to cook.

When envoys from various countries saw that Nalan Jinnian had put out the fire, they were embarrassed and just stood there watching the fun.

Di Junxian took the lead and called some guards around to help put out the fire.

The princes of various countries followed suit and asked their people to put out the fire.

Of course they didn't help themselves.

Di Junxian never thought that Nalan Jinnian would put out the fire, his eyes flashed.

The third prince of Dongling couldn't help but praise: "King Jin of Nalan is really a person who can let go of his identity."

The third prince of Xihua: "King Jin has never been an ordinary prince. This is a man who can bend and stretch! He has always done things regardless of his identity!"

Di Junxian didn't say anything, how could he just let go of his identity, he saw more than that.

What he saw was the love of Nalan Jinnian's opponents, and what he saw was Nalan Jinnian's protection of the royal family!

Protect this land!

Nalan Jinnian put down his body like this, more than once!

He had seen it before.

In this country of Nalan, he is here

Can you really rule the world in your lifetime?

Even if the other three countries were unified, it would be difficult for Nalan to win.

The sixth prince of the Southern Border thought of his plan, so he said to several other princes: "We are standing here and it will be in the way. Your Highness, the third prince of Xihua, do you want to sit in your room? It's so noisy, I can't sleep anyway. !"

The eyes of the third prince of Xihua flickered, and he nodded: "Alright!"

The third prince of Dongling moved in his heart, but did not speak.

He waited for the Sixth Prince of Southern Border to call him.

Di Junxian has the same mentality.

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border naturally greeted the two.

It was also a few people who walked into the courtyard of the envoy of Xihua not far away.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the backs of several people when she bent over to take the bucket handed over by the guard.

The eyes are cold!

He just gave them glances for less than a second and continued to put out the fire.

Everyone is still fighting the fire!

The fire was finally put out after two hours!

It's not really saved, but it really burned until nothing was burned, and the fire on both sides was suppressed and did not spread, so it was extinguished!

Everyone was so tired that they sat on the ground and didn't want to move!

The spring is cold and the weather is still very cold in the middle of the night, but everyone is sweating profusely and their clothes are soaked!

Of course some were sweaty and some were soaked in water!

Wen Nuan directed some wives and maids in the kitchen to carry buckets of meat porridge over.

There are also buckets of buns.

These were already made long ago, but the wooden barrels went to fetch water to put out the fire, and there was nothing to pack. Now that the fire is out and the barrels are empty, they are sent here!

But it's just right, the porridge has just cooled down a little, and it's a little hot, but it's just right in the mouth!

The maids divided the porridge and steamed buns into everyone's hands, and after eating a bowl of hot porridge, everyone felt a lot more comfortable!

Then I ate a few steamed buns on this porridge, and my strength slowly returned.

Wen Nuan said to everyone: "Everyone's clothes are soaking wet, and the hot water has been boiled in the kitchen. Let's go get a bucket of hot water, take a shower, and change into dry clothes! Don't catch a cold!"

The hot water of the masters has been delivered to each courtyard by the servants.

The rest of the hot water in the kitchen is for the guards.

Although there are many people, but because they are all boiled, they are filled with big buckets, and it is not very cold!

One bucket per person is enough.

The Seventh Prince was about to take a hot bath when he heard the words, regardless of his exhaustion, and stood up: "Aunt Seventeen is still thinking of going!"

When everyone heard it, they were naturally grateful!

Then everyone went back to take a bath and change clothes with their tired bodies.

The warm kitchen also prepared ginger soup and gave everyone a bowl.

When it's over, it's getting brighter!

Warm and gentle and they go back to the room to catch up on sleep. Although they have to meet the capital at dawn, it is good to sleep for an hour.

After Nalan Jinnian finished grooming, she asked people to inquire, and she rested at ease when she knew that Wennuan had fallen asleep.

Nuan hadn't slept much for almost two nights, so naturally he went back to the house and lay down for a while.

It's just that so many things happened, I didn't fall asleep for a while, I was thinking about how to deal with the next thing, I fell asleep after thinking about it.

It's just like I just fell asleep, and it's dawn, it's time to go back to the city!

So the mighty team quickly returned to the city!


in the palace

The emperor is leading the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty in the early morning.

What happened in the palace has been reported back to the capital.

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