The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 971 Do you really think they have no one in Nalan?

The emperor is in trouble!

I heard that the palace was burnt down, but I don't know what happened to it!

Unexpectedly, someone impeached Nalan Jinnian.

The Minister of Industry stood up and said: "Your Majesty, King Jin brought envoys from various countries to the hunting grounds to hunt, but I didn't expect that the sixth concubine of the Southern Border was poisoned! Moreover, the palace was on fire! All the bones of the sixth concubine of the Southern Border were taken It's gone! King Jin has the intention to entertain the envoys well, and let the envoys from various countries think that it is a good thing that our Nalan Kingdom is polite and considerate! But we must also protect it! It is the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border who was poisoned. I am afraid that the Southern Border Kingdom will not I will let it go! If it is not handled well, it may even lead to war between the two countries, how can this be good?"

This time, Lord Censor couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty, King Jin is reckless with bringing the envoys to the palace this time!"

Of course, he only dared to say such a thing!

Many officials also echoed: "It's really reckless! You shouldn't take the messengers to the hunting ground! Hunting is a dangerous thing! Let them stay in the capital well, there are many guards, watch them, and wait for them to be safe. Just leave Nalan Country!"

"The trouble is big this time, and the envoys from the southern border will definitely be relentless! It's not even necessary to take advantage of the opportunity for the lion to open his mouth! Other countries must be appeased! Why did King Jin take them to the hunting ground?"

The Minister of Military Affairs said a fair word: "I don't know that people from that country framed our Nalan country. Since the people behind them have a plan, even if King Jin doesn't take them out, this kind of thing will happen! "

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing: "Yes, those who come and don't want to leave, you know they will make trouble, and those who should come will always come back! Some things are hard to guard against!"

The Minister of Works: "But King Jin took people out to give others a chance! If you stay in the inn and someone is watching, okay, why is it so easy to be tricked? Even if we catch the murderer this time, let's The country of Nalan also wants to appease the countries! Compensation is a must! Mr. Fang, the flood season is coming soon, and you haven’t allocated the money for this water conservancy project to the Ministry of Industry! You always say that the money is not enough, and now you have to compensate the countries. Wouldn't it be even more insufficient? If the Southern Border Country sent troops to seek justice, wouldn't it be even more insufficient for a war?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing became angry, and after a long while he said stubbornly: "You know that it must be our Nalan country who lost money! Can't it be that the southern border country lost its wife and lost its troops?"

The third prince secretly rejoiced in his heart, this is the time when the seventeenth uncle can make mistakes!

And this time it turned out to be so wrong!

Of course, the third prince believes that Nalan Jinnian should be able to handle it well, but this matter can be regarded as a compromise of the prestige of the seventeenth prince!

He has always respected the uncle Nalan Jinnian on the surface, and he also thought that Nalan Jinnian would do more for Nalan Kingdom and make Nalan Kingdom more prosperous!

It is best if the Southern Border Kingdom can have a bit of backbone this time, the two countries can fight, and Nalan Jinnian will lead his troops to clean them up!

If you win, the territory of Nalan Kingdom has expanded again!

If he loses, Nalan Jinnian's prestige will be greatly reduced, and it is no exaggeration to say that he is a sinner of Nalan!

How can he still inherit the throne?

Either way is good for him!

So the third prince also said: "Master Cao and Master Fang are right, those messengers who stayed and didn't want to leave are actually uneasy and kind, and some things are impossible to prevent! It's resolved, don't worry, adults!"

The emperor was very annoyed: "Okay! It's a fact that King Jin should take the messengers to the hunting ground. It has already happened, but it can't change anything! All Aiqings should think about how to solve this problem!"

When the third prince heard the words, he couldn't help but feel chills in his heart. The father and the emperor really loved the seventeenth prince to the bottom of his heart!

He really doubted that Uncle Seventeen was his father's own!

The Seventeenth Emperor has caused such a big disaster, without a single word of blame!

The third prince was dissatisfied and dissatisfied, but he still pretended to say: "Father is wise! It should be so! My son thinks that we must find the murderer behind the scenes, and we Nalan Kingdom will not take the blame!"

The emperor nodded: "The third prince is right!"

The governor of Shuntian immediately found out and said: "The envoy was poisoned, and the subordinate officials did not supervise them effectively. Weichen implore the emperor to let the subordinate officials investigate this matter thoroughly! We must not let those bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods slander our Nalan country!"

Dali Si Qing immediately said: "Wei Chen is willing to cooperate with the Lord Yin of Shuntian to investigate this matter thoroughly!"

The Minister of Punishment also immediately said: "Wei Chen is also willing to investigate this matter thoroughly with the two adults, and let those people know that our Nalan Kingdom is not so easy to bully!"

This matter will eventually fall on their heads, and the three might as well take the initiative to stand up!

So the emperor can also be happy!

Of course, they really want to investigate this matter thoroughly!

This is all bullying!

Do you really think that they have no one in Nalan?

The third prince also stood up: "My son is also willing to serve!"

"Okay! The three Aiqings will assist King Jin to investigate this matter thoroughly! We must find the murderer behind the scenes, and return Nalan Kingdom to his innocence!" The emperor was really happy when he heard the words. Nalan Kingdom only has such a responsible minister, and will be more More and more prosperous!

If something happened, what's the point of accusing me of ignorance?

To stand up and solve problems is the key.

The emperor looked at the third prince and said with a smile: "The third child is becoming more and more responsible! Just leave this matter to the three adults! You are the prince, and this time, there will be princes in all countries, so go and comfort you. them!"

Naturally, this means, appease them, don't let them twist into one, the lion opens its mouth!

It is best not to have any substantial compensation from Nalan!

Hearing the words, the third prince regretted his speech again. Why did he talk too much?

It's okay to investigate the case, after all, he doesn't need to do anything to get a credit!

But to appease the envoy?

He naturally knew what his father thought.

Father Huang always valued money, but he just didn't want to compensate.

But without compensation, how could it be possible to appease those envoys?

If I were them, I wouldn't want to let this opportunity go, and I wouldn't bite Nalan Kingdom hard!

The third prince responded bravely: "Yes! My son will surely appease the messengers of various countries!"

"it is good!"

The emperor was no longer in the mood to discuss other political affairs. He waved his hand and retreated from the court, and then asked the three of them to come to the imperial study to discuss matters.

It is the responsibility of these three people to investigate such matters, and they are also good at it.

Nalan Jinnian had ordered someone to send back some things overnight, all in the hands of the emperor.

The emperor also had something in his hands.

And the emperor already knew that the real murderer had actually been caught!

It's a matter of identification!

And how to use this opportunity to teach Nanjiang Kingdom a lesson, and by the way find out those nails that Nanjiang Kingdom buried in Nalan Kingdom!

No matter what this time, the Southern Border Country will not be able to eat and walk around.

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