When Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian and his party returned to the capital, he arranged for the seven princes and the three of them to send messengers from various countries back to the inn to settle down, and personally sent Nuan Nuan back to the Anguo Gongfu.

Outside the gate of Duke Anguo's mansion, Nalan Jinnian was standing outside the carriage, trying to help warm the cloak, but there were many people watching, and he didn't move. He only said to the warmth: "Put on the cloak, don't catch a cold! You don't have to worry about the Sixth Imperial Concubine of the Southern Border, I will handle it! You are tired these two days, so take a good rest, eh?"

Nodding warmly: "I see! You also pay attention to rest!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "You go in, I'm busy!"

After speaking, he turned on his horse and rode away quickly.

It's really busy!

Tomorrow is the third day.

Nalan Jinnian, who has never suffered such a big loss in 20 years, is angry. Up to now, he has been suffocating his stomach, and he has not attacked!

It was also because he was in front of the warmth that he did not have a seizure.

At this moment, his face was extremely ugly, and anyone who saw it knew that it was a precursor to a storm.

They were still sitting in the carriage to be gentle.

The gentle people are used to Nalan Jinnian's meticulous advice on warmth.

Wu Jingmei is rare, she couldn't help joking: "Sister Nuan, King Jin is really kind to you!"

Wen Ling was sitting in another carriage. She had already got off the carriage. She just heard this and looked at the warmth with envy, but it wasn't really good!

He smiled warmly: "When my mother is free, I will find you a husband who treats you better!"

Wu Shi was really too busy to prepare for the marriage of the two gentle sisters.

Wu Jingmei blushed: "Nonsense! I won't tell you!"

Then he jumped off the carriage!

The others laughed and jumped out of the carriage.

Wen Nuan got off the carriage and found Lin Tingya, and said to her, "Don't worry, King Jin will handle it! It will be fine!"

Lin Tingya was really worried, she definitely seemed to be causing trouble for Lin Tingxuan.

"I see! From now on, people from outside really can't be casually recruited into the house!"

In this regard, Wen Nuan nodded: "Well, eating a pad increases one's wisdom. Everyone grows up by constantly correcting mistakes in his life! It's just a matter of learning lessons."

Lin Tingya has a good heart, and she grew up as a nun, so her life experience is a little less.

Of course, if you were born in an ordinary family, you would be nothing without experience.

But Lin Tingxuan can be said to be a high-ranking person now, and the two of them can be said to be orphans, helpless, so they cannot be careless.

Some were when she took in Yingmei that day, and she was there, so she would definitely stop her.

But he can't be by her side all the time and know what's going on with her.

Anyway, growth always has to pay a price, otherwise it will not be easy to remember!

Who's life is like this!

Wu Jingmei, Wen Qian, and Wen Ling were all thoughtful when they heard Wen Nuan's words.

For the next day and night, Nuan did not see Nalan Jinnian.

morning of the third day

This day is a day to explain to the Southern Border Country.

Wen Nuan got up early and went to the morning with Wen Jiarui.

The princes of various countries also entered the palace to ask to see them on this day.

The Southern Border Country is waiting for an explanation, while the others are watching the excitement and seeing if they can get some benefits.

That day, the sixth prince of the Southern Border and the princes of various countries gathered together, just to show Nalan Jinnian, it was a threat.

Even if he wants to form alliances with people from other countries, it is impossible to discuss it in front of so many people. Of course, this kind of thing is private and secret.

But he found a few of them privately, but no one was willing to give a positive answer.

No one is stupid, this kind of thing can be answered easily.

Southern Border Country did not know what the plan was.

The Southern Border Kingdom entered the palace with the sixth prince of the Southern Border and an envoy, that is, a diplomat such as the Minister of Honglu Temple.

Warmly glanced at it, but did not pay attention.

Then he glanced at Nalan Jinnian, pursing his thin lips tightly, his face was stern, the dark shadows under his eyes were heavy, and he looked like someone owed him millions.

But Nuan knew that he was pretending like this!

She felt a little relieved, and when she saw it, she thought of how to solve it.

The emperor will come soon.

Everyone in the hall saluted.

After the emperor sat down, he opened his mouth and said, "All the Qing families are exempt from the ceremony!"

The emperor's expression is not very good!

Like don't mess with me!

Manchao's civil and military hearts froze for a while. Could it be that the murderer who poisoned the Sixth Prince Concubine of the Southern Border has not been found yet?

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing unconsciously grasped the purse containing the five cents of money: No, the white-eyed wolves in the Southern Border Country must not be allowed to go to the Nalan Country for one cent of the money for a while!

It's spring, and all places are waiting for the treasury to allocate money!

He doesn't even have enough points, these are used to make fun!

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce regretted that he didn't learn martial arts when he was a child, and he was the champion of martial arts, and now he can secretly solve all these bad guys.

The sixth prince of the Southern Border and the envoy felt relieved when they saw the emperor's expression.

I saw that the identity of the phantom was not found.

That's right, how could the phantom's identity be found out?

The envoy of the Southern Border Kingdom said loudly: "King Nalan, three days have passed, it is time to give us an explanation to the Southern Border Kingdom! Our sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border died in a foreign land, and the bones are incomplete, so the Nalan Kingdom has to give an account. Bar!"

The officials in the hall were angry, who is to blame?

At this time, it was time for the imperial censor to speak: "My own people guard the spirits, eat a meal, and set our palace on fire. The sixth prince and concubine of your country can come to Nalan country alive, the old ministers think it is a miracle!"

The Minister of War sneered and said to Wen Jiarui in a "quiet" voice: "I'm ashamed to say, what's not complete, it's not shameful!"

Wen Jiarui replied in a "whisper": "What are you losing, you have no face and no skin! Oh, no, it's a fake face and fake skin!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing also interjected "quietly": "There is no one who wants to be embarrassed!"

The envoy of the Southern Border happened to be close, and when he heard it, his face turned black with anger, and he just wanted to say something.

The Minister of Rites smiled at the envoys of the Southern Border: "Don't take the right seat, the Master of the Southern Border, they are not talking about the people of your Southern Border country! They are talking about those shameless people!"

The envoys from the southern border can't send it if they want to attack!

That's right, they didn't name names!

Although the Southern Border Sixth Prince was angry in his heart, he pressed it down. He was not as aggressive as before, but showed weakness. He said sadly:

"King Nalan, I am waiting sincerely to congratulate King Nalan on her birthday, and I know that the eighth princess of your country is going to get married, so I thought about giving her a wedding before leaving, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen! I don't ask for anything else. , I just ask Nalan Kingdom to hand over the real murderer and give us an explanation for Nanjiang Kingdom, so that this prince's concubine can rest in peace! Southern Border Kingdom has paid tribute to Nalan Kingdom every year for more than a hundred years, but there are only many, There is nothing less, it is not too much to ask for an explanation now, right?"

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