The emperor also nodded with a heavy face and said: "It's not too much! It must be given to the sixth prince, and an explanation to the Southern Border Country. I don't know what the sixth prince wants?"

Whatever your request, our Nalan Kingdom will double it!

When the envoys from various countries heard this, they thought that the Nalan Kingdom had found nothing and began to ask for compensation.

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border was about to express his intentions.

The Minister of the Ministry of Housing took the lead: "Your Majesty, the Nalan Kingdom will not take the blame! The sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border was poisoned, and the servants are incompetent! This is obviously because the guards of the Southern Border Kingdom did not protect their own people, why? We need Nalan to explain! After the end of the Longevity Festival, if they don't leave, it's their business, and we don't need to be responsible for their safety!"

The envoy of the southern border was about to say something, but the emperor waved his hand: "Nalan is a great country! It has always been a courtesy, friendly relations, mutual assistance and mutual benefit with other countries. We have helped the southern border country a lot these years! The sixth prince concubine of Jianguo has an accident in our Nalan country, and it is necessary to find out! It is not our Nalan country's style to not help this time! Nanjiang country is our vassal country, and there must be a Explained, so as not to affect the relationship between the two countries!"

These words will go back to the annual tribute that the Sixth Prince of Southern Border just said!

Don't say it as if they were the only ones who paid tribute, and Nalan didn't do anything.

In fact, as a vassal of the Nalan Kingdom, in the past hundred years, the Nalan Kingdom has also helped the Southern Border Kingdom a lot.

In terms of sea alone, since Nalan opened its coasts and traded with overseas, Nalan's navy has been guarding the caravans of the southern border country every year. To the rescue! I don't know how many times I have experienced this, and many soldiers have sacrificed for this!

Then there was a war in the southern border country, a natural disaster, and the Nalan country also sent money and food!

Otherwise, the Southern Border Country would not have gotten rich so fast in these years! In the past, the Southern Border Country was not rich and powerful now!

Now that I am rich and powerful, I don’t want to pay tribute, I don’t want to have this affiliation!

Do you think it's amazing that they go to the palace every year?

Could it be that they received their tribute in vain from the Nalan Kingdom?

The people whose soldiers went to save the southern border country were saved in vain?

The lives of their Nalan soldiers are not worth the money?

In order to save the caravans of the Southern Border Country, the damaged sailors, and the families of those sailors, the imperial court is still raising them!

The emperor looked disgusted, and stabbed back lukewarm!

The face of the sixth prince of the Southern Border froze, and naturally he could hear the irony inside and outside the words of King Nalan.

It's just that the small kindness and benefit of the Nalan Kingdom can be compared with the tribute they have made from the Southern Border Kingdom for more than a hundred years!

Besides, Nalan Kingdom is too unreasonable, knowing that Southern Border Country is small and has a lot of people, if you win the city, you will accept it as soon as you say it, and you will not leave any feelings behind!

Anyway, no matter how much favor, everything is still clear after more than a hundred years of tribute!

After the emperor finished the translation, he said to the sixth prince of the southern border: "The sixth prince of the southern border, tell me what you want to explain, just say it directly!"

"King Nalan really understands etiquette! If you lose the sixth prince concubine, you can't make up for it! But you people from Nalan country poisoned the sixth prince concubine of this prince, so it is right for you to make some explanations!

First, this prince wants that maid named Yingmei, this prince wants to take her away, and this prince wants her to recite scriptures for the sixth prince and concubine every day!

Second, this prince's sixth prince concubine is kind-hearted. There are many floods in the southern border country. Every year, how much food is lost due to flooding. Every day in the rainy season, the sixth prince concubine is asking God to bless you from flooding, so that the people can have a good harvest. ! I don't ask for too much, I just hope that the wish of the Sixth Prince's Concubine can be realized! As long as the Nalan country provides the southern border country with the breeding methods of rice and wheat with a yield of thousands of catties per mu, the wish of the sixth prince and concubine will be fulfilled!

Thirdly, before the sixth prince married this prince, she was also a county master with a fief. The city she lost in the Southern Border Kingdom on the Longevity Festival was actually her fief, and the Nalan Kingdom returned this fief to the Southern Border Kingdom. The sixth prince will also rest in peace in the sky.

This prince doesn't ask much, just let this prince's concubine rest in peace! However, the envoys of other countries were shocked because of this, and the King of Nalan should also compensate for the shock! "

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty trembled with anger when they heard the words of the Sixth Prince of the Southern Border!

This is simply the mouth of a lion!

The emperor nodded: "It's really not much to ask for!"

After that, he looked at the princes of other countries: "King Lanling, the seventh prince of Beiming, the third prince of Dongling, the third prince of Xihua, you are also shocked, what compensation do you want?"

Amber waved his hand: "Mr. Nalan is right, eat well and live well in Nalan, and the hospitality of Nalan has been very thoughtful! There needs to be compensation there! We don't need it!"

Di Junxian smiled: "This prince is not frightened, so I don't need it!"

Even if the third prince of Dongling and the third prince of Xihua wanted it, they all said they didn't need it!

But they said they didn't need it. Is Nalan Country too embarrassed not to give it?

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border: "It is still necessary to suppress the shock, otherwise it will be rumored that the Nalan Kingdom has no manners! The Nalan Kingdom will just be bred by them with a rice breeding method that yields thousands of kilograms per mu! It doesn't cost money! The people of all countries will Thank you Lord Nalan!"

The emperor nodded: The Sixth Prince of Southern Border is right!

He looked at Nalan Jinnian: "The Seventeenth Emperor, what do you think of this compensation?"

Nalan Jinnian said indifferently: "Brother Hui Huang, if it is really the people from Nalan who killed the sixth prince concubine of the Southern Border, this compensation is reasonable! But everything is just directed and acted by the envoys of the Southern Border. In a scene, trying to defraud the city of Nalan and the breeding methods of rice and wheat that yield thousands of kilograms per mu, it is absolutely shameless! Why should we pay compensation in Nalan! If you want to pay, it is their southern border country!"

Just as the Sixth Prince of Southern Border was about to say something, Nalan Jinnian shouted loudly, "Someone will present the evidence! Bring up those nails that buried Southern Border Kingdom in our Nalan Kingdom!"

Lin Feng walked in with some information in his hand. Behind him, guards pressed a few people covered in blood and walked in!

Lin Feng bowed respectfully, and then said: "Your Majesty, this is the evidence that the sixth prince of the Southern Border country poisoned the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall!

"Isn't it? The Sixth Prince of Southern Border Poisoned His Sixth Prince's Concubine?"

"This heart is too dark! This is to deceive us, the breeding method and city of Nalan Kingdom, really can do anything! You can poison your own prince and concubine today, and will you be able to kill the Southern Border Kingdom tomorrow? The monarchs have all been killed and replaced!"

The sixth prince of the Southern Border jumped in his heart, and he said angrily: "If you want to add a crime, there is no excuse for it! Nalan country doesn't want to pay for it. I didn't expect it to be so despicable and slander this prince!"

Nalan Jinnian walked to Lin Feng's side, picked up a bottle of medicinal wine, and then took out a note from it and spread it out to the princes of various countries.

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