The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 974 Where's the Evidence?

There are a few words on the note: Tianzi Mountain Seven Star Flower Broken Heart Fruit

Then Nalan Jinnian picked up another bottle and poured out a note that read: Poison the sixth prince concubine.

Then Nalan Jinnian took out a broken tile from the basket in Lin Feng's hand.

This broken tile looks like some bottles were broken.

Nalan Jinnian showed the interior of the shard to the Sixth Prince of Southern Border, and a few words were engraved on the inside of the shard: Approaching the Lord of Hui'an County

Next, Nalan Jinnian took out the same fragment, the content of the message sent by the nails of the Southern Border Country.

Nalan Jinnian was very patient, and she showed it to everyone the same way.

Because not many, that is, three or two!

It's all the content of the letter from Yingmei and the drugstore.

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border groaned in his heart!

Why haven't these things been destroyed?




Nalan Jinnian continued: "These are just physical evidence, there are still witnesses! Brother Huang."

Nalan Jinnian shouted just like that, and the emperor immediately said, "Let it pass!"

Five people were brought up in no time!

The envoys of the Southern Border and the Sixth Prince of the Southern Border were shocked when they saw them!

Of course, no matter how his heart trembled, his face wouldn't show.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the governor of Shuntian Prefecture: "Sir, come and ask questions!"


The governor of Shuntian responded immediately, and then stood up: "Yingmei, you shouldn't be called the Phantom! The Phantom of the Southern Border, right? Say it! Why did you poison the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border?"

Yingmei was covered in blood, and her whole body looked very painful. She said weakly, "My master asked me to poison me."

"Who is your master? Why do you want to poison the sixth concubine of the Southern Border?"

"Sixth prince. If the sixth prince and concubine died in Nalan, you can ask Nalan to make compensation."

"Which country's sixth prince are you talking about?"

"Southern Border Country."

"You are from the Southern Border Country? How can you prove that you are from the Southern Border?"

Phantom took out a token: "I am the dark son of the sixth prince, this is the identity token."

The Sixth Prince of the Southern Border couldn't listen anymore, he was simply angry!

How could the phantom betray himself?

He immediately said: "Billy maid, it's just nonsense! King Nalan, this Yingmei is from your Nalan country, what do you call her, she will naturally be what she is! What a phantom, if you want to add a crime, there is nothing to worry about! Lan Guojun, if you don't want to make compensation, you don't have to wrong this prince! This is not over! Our Southern Border Country is not so bullied!"

The emperor smiled: "Don't worry, the sixth prince of the southern border, isn't there a few more people here?"

The next Shuntian governor asked again.

This time, it was Luo Qing and Ruan Ling who were caught playing dead that day.

Both were equally bruised.

"Who are you, from which country?"

"I am Luo Qing in Nanjiang, one of the next saintess heirs."

"I'm Ruan Ling of the Southern Border, the Poison King of the Southern Border."

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border said excitedly: "Liar! Fake! Fake!"

It can't be them!

How can you be so obedient, obediently report to your family!

The governor of Shuntian Prefecture ignored him and continued to ask, "Who instructed you to assassinate King Jin in Tianzi Mountain? What is the purpose?"

Luo Qing: "His Royal Highness the Sixth Prince. Grab Hui'an County Master, and then you can ask about the breeding methods of rice and wheat that yield thousands of pounds per mu."

"Ruan Ling, did you concoct the Qixing Heartbroken Poison that poisoned the Sixth Imperial Concubine of the Southern Border?"

"It's me! In this world, besides me, who can prepare this kind of poison? But the Sixth Prince Concubine didn't die, she just took the fake death medicine!"

The sixth prince of the Southern Border jumped with anger: "Nonsense! Nonsense!"

"How to prove your identity?"

Both of them took out a jade pendant.

Luo Qing "Take this jade pendant and go to the southern border country, and everyone will know the identity of my saintess."

In the main hall, the princes of all countries were shocked!

This is real?

These people are too obedient!

Manchu civil and military officials were also shocked.

They didn't know the matter, and they all thought that the envoys of other countries deliberately poisoned the sixth prince and concubine of the Southern Border Kingdom and framed them in the Nalan Kingdom.

I never thought it would be directed and acted by someone from the Southern Border Country!

There were only a few people who were not shocked.

The Sixth Prince of the Southern Border had his lungs exploded and could no longer listen:

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense! King Nalan, these princes do not know any of these people! How could this prince harm his sixth prince concubine! These people are not from the Southern Border Kingdom at all! King Jin, you find someone to pretend to be. People from Southern Border Country, framed this prince!"

The envoy of the Southern Border also said: "The monarch of the Nalan Kingdom, are you looking for a few people to pretend to be from our Southern Border Kingdom? What evidence is there to prove that they are from the Southern Border Kingdom?"

The emperor sneered, he couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't bear it, and he continued to bear it: "Six princes of the southern border, don't be impatient, keep listening!"

The last two are people from the drugstore.

The governor of Shuntian continued to ask questions, which was similar to the above, but asked who they were.

How many years have you been stationed in Nalan?

Who is the master behind!

How do you contact the Phantom on weekdays, and how do you send the news of Nalan Kingdom!

They all answered one by one!

Including their identities in the southern border country, and then how to forge their identities in the Nalan country!

The transmission of messages naturally relies on the small bottles containing medicinal wine and pills, or engraving on the inner wall of the bottle, and the medicinal wine cannot be seen.

Before it's too late, just put a note in the bottle.

The medicinal materials purchased by this pharmacy are all medicinal materials from the Southern Border Country. After all, there are many medicinal materials in the Southern Border Country. Many pharmacies in the Nalan Country do business with the Southern Border Medicinal Material Traders. Their pharmacies are not large pharmacies, and they are not very popular people pay attention, which is convenient for them.

Zhu Qinghua roared: "What nonsense! This is simply framed and framed! I didn't expect Nalan to be such a big country, a country of etiquette, to do such a despicable thing! None of these people are from the Southern Border Country! What evidence do you have to prove it? Are they from the Southern Border Country?"

The voice was so angry and loud that it shook the dust off the roof!

Nalan Jinnian directly threw the identity materials of those few people in front of the sixth prince of the Southern Border: "The witnesses are all there!"

The Sixth Prince of the Southern Border kicked these documents away, and sheets of paper were scattered one after another.

"These things are fake! These people are not from the Southern Border Country at all! They slandered the Southern Border Country! They are talking nonsense!"

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "Where's the evidence?!"

Yes, these people are fake!

And really everyone is dead!

Some evidences are also fake, such as those notes are fake, Nalan Jinnian wrote it himself.

But the words on those bottles are true.

Those data lists are also true.

This was found during a search of the pharmacy, and of course much of the evidence was destroyed.


Nalan Jinnian was just using his own way to treat his own body!

The governor of Shuntian added at this time: "The identity tokens are all taken out! These people are brought back to the Southern Border Country, and some people can recognize them! The sixth prince of the Southern Border said that they are not from the Southern Border? Then show the evidence!"

The Sixth Prince of the Southern Border was furious, how could he now find evidence to prove that these people were not from the Southern Border Country!

It is estimated that killing these people is what they said!

The Minister of Punishment: "It seems that the fire in the palace was also done by the sixth prince of the Southern Border to destroy the corpse! In order to obtain the seeds of rice and wheat that our Nalan country produces thousands of kilograms per mu, the Sixth Prince of the Southern Border sacrificed a lot! But yes, sacrifice one Sixth prince concubine, in exchange for so many things, it's a breeding method and a city, and it's worth it! It's a pity that it was exposed!"

Today is a birthday for my child, there is only one chapter, and another chapter will be added tomorrow~

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