Minister of the Ministry of Industry: "It's not,."

"Okay!" The Minister of Industry had not finished speaking, but the emperor stopped him:

"Since the death of the sixth prince of the Southern Border is the breeding method and the city of the sixth prince of the Southern Border in order to obtain the rice and wheat that can yield thousands of kilograms per mu, then there is nothing wrong with our Nalan Kingdom! But the sixth prince of the Southern Border did this. , his heart can be punished! The sixth prince of the southern border is not my son, so I will not judge the practice of the sixth prince of the southern border! The world has its own judgment.

But this time, the Sixth Prince of Southern Border has wronged Nalan Kingdom so much, which has caused a serious loss to our dynasty! First of all, dignity is lost! Second, other affiliated countries have no confidence in our Nalan country! Third, a lot of manpower and material resources have been paid, and the palace built by the late emperor has also been burned! "

When the emperor said this, his waist could not help but straighten up, and finally he really lifted his spirits!

Want money!

He is the most energetic!

The Minister of the Ministry of Commerce also looked at the emperor eagerly, and thought silently in his heart, the emperor, you need more money! More points, there are not many opportunities like this!

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border was furious, but did not speak.

The emperor straightened his back and continued: "The former emperor's palace! It took half the treasury's money to build it! In order to destroy the corpse and destroy the traces, you set fire to the sixth prince of the southern border! Now that palace is no longer usable! We have to build a new one! At the beginning, the palace was built with a total of 8,985,602 taels of silver! Although prices have risen over the years, I don’t want you much. Let’s round it up! Southern Border Six Prince, you just need to pay 9 million taels of silver!

Then slandering the Nalan Kingdom is a serious crime and a capital crime! The death penalty can be exempted, after all, the two countries do not kill to make friends! But there is no shortage of compensation left! If you calculate that we have a city in Nalan, then I want you two, you want our Nalan country, the breeding method of rice and wheat with a per-mu yield, then I want you to predict the earthquake in the southern border! you want."

The sixth prince of the Southern Border heard this and said directly: "Impossible!"

The Southern Border State has a method for predicting earthquakes, which can be predicted in all likelihood, so that every time the Southern Border State encounters an earthquake over the years, it can avoid casualties among the people, and all countries are envious.

In the past, it would cost a lot of money to ask the Southern Border Country to make predictions once a year! One million two times!

However, it is not every year that the earth moves, and later countries have stopped inviting them.

The emperor sneered: "Impossible?! Then you will apologize with death! Tomorrow, I will send troops to attack the southern border country! I will not stop until the southern border country is pacified!"

Lin Tingxuan immediately stood up: "Wei Chen is willing to go to war! Defend the dignity of the country! The prestige of Nalan will never be violated!"

Other generals also stood up and echoed: "The ministers are also willing to go out to defend the dignity of the country! The prestige of Nalan will never be violated!"

The Minister of the Household: "The troops and horses have not moved, the food and grass will go first, and the Wei minister will go to prepare the food and grass after the court! Step on the southern border and defend the prestige of Nalan!"

Bingshu Shangshu: "After Wei Chen came down to court, he went to prepare a battle plan! Step on the southern border and defend the prestige of Nalan!"

Other officials also agreed: "Wei Chen told the Department of Armed Equipment to count the weapons! Step on the southern border and defend the prestige of Nalan!"

"Weichen donated 100,000 sets of summer clothes to our soldiers, defending the country, conquering the southern border country, and defending the prestige of Nalan country!"

"Wei Chen donated wound medicine. Step on the southern border and defend the prestige of Nalan!"

"WeChen donated food. Step on the southern border and defend the prestige of Nalan!"

One after another, "Tread the southern border country and defend the national prestige of the Nalan country!" Deafening!

The hearts of the messengers from all countries are shaking!

So united!

And the emperor of Nalan Kingdom can simply respond to a hundred calls!

The princes present, who are not wandering in the courtroom, most of the officials responded to the monarch's words!

However, most of them are fake flattery.

Let's talk about attacking another country. If such a thing is discussed, more than half of the people will oppose it.

But they saw that more than half of the officials in Nalan State agreed!

The remaining small part hesitated for a while before agreeing.

And those who shouted loudly for the first time were all officials above the third rank, and the first and second rank officers shouted with the most confidence.

This shows what?

This shows that the Nalan Kingdom is probably more prosperous and stronger than it looks on the surface!

Otherwise, most of the courtiers would not respond like this!

Moreover, the high-ranking courtiers are the most aware of the hidden strength of the court.

Nalan Kingdom now has the confidence to win the Southern Border Kingdom!

The princes of all countries have a thousand thoughts.

As for the Sixth Prince of Southern Border, he was really stunned!

There is a saying that people have to bow their heads under the eaves!

He took a few people in a foreign country. If Nalan insisted on using these perjury to wrong him, he would kill him directly, and then ask his father for something.

That's really dead proof!

After all, he is neither the heir nor the elder in the Southern Border Country, so it is said that he cannot inherit the throne.

So he didn't know what the Southern Border King did, and he didn't even know that he secretly colluded with the Saintess.

The lord of the Southern Border is not a belligerent. He only wants to rule the Southern Border to a peaceful and prosperous state.

War with Nalan?

No, no dare!

The Sixth Prince of Southern Border has no choice this time!

Although he clearly knew that Nalan Jinnian was deliberately planting this time!

But there is no way, only to use the strategy of slowing down!

"These people are not from the Southern Border Country, and this prince doesn't know them! Also, this prince never poisoned his concubine! This prince needs to go back to the Southern Border Country to find out whether these people are really Southern Border. People, find out who is trying to kill this prince's concubine! When the matter is clear, if it is not someone from Nalan who poisoned this prince's concubine, this prince will personally come to plead guilty! Is the matter unclear? Chu, King Nalan wants two cities when he opens his mouth, so much money, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Okay, Nalan country is the master, and Nanjiang country is attached, so as not to say that Nalan country bullies the affiliated country, I will give the six princes of Nanjiang two months to find out the truth and compensate Nalan country, otherwise I will definitely send troops, Take down two cities and defend the dignity of Nalan Kingdom! I believe that the Sixth Prince of Southern Border also does not want the lives of Southern Border to be ruined and become a sinner of Southern Border!"

The emperor also knew that the sixth prince of the southern border could not agree immediately, just like he just opened his mouth to ask for the breeding method of rice and wheat that can yield thousands of catties per mu, and it is impossible to do it in the city!

It would be unrealistic to really kill the sixth prince of the Southern Border here. In that case, other countries would have excuses to send troops to Nalan.

Nalan State has the ability to level the southern border country, but it is still a bit difficult to fight against the four countries.

But a Beiming country is difficult to deal with.

What's more, the four countries happened to be in their heydays.

The most important thing is that the emperor is not warlike and does not want to see the lives of the people go to waste!

The emperor is the kind of person who doesn't bully me, I don't bully others!

If people bully me, I will fight back and not be afraid!

Don't cause trouble, but don't be afraid of trouble!

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