This matter, for the time being, ended with the Sixth Prince of Southern Border wanting to find out the truth and then make compensation.

As for the fact that he will not pay compensation after he runs back to the Southern Border Country?

Nalan Jinnian said, just hit them directly, seize the two cities, and force them to pay compensation!

The emperor thinks so too!

As long as you can stand the truth, you can fight!

The emperor even ordered the rectification of troops and horses to reserve food and forage in front of the sixth prince of the Southern Border, to welcome the war in two months!

The face of the sixth prince of the Southern Border turned black, but he couldn't say anything!

Because even if Nalan Jinnian's evidence is fake, it's too real!

Especially the token that can prove his identity, Yu Pei, he saw that it was real.

I don't know how he got it!

Apart from Phantom, there was also the betrayal of Luo Qing and Ruan Ling, he couldn't think of anything else.

Of course, at the end, the emperor also explained: "Also, this time the envoys of the other four countries were shocked. Don't forget to appease the six princes of the Southern Border! Dear envoys, if you have any requests, just think of the Southern Border Kingdom."

The princes of various countries have responded!

After the court, the envoys from the Southern Border Kingdom did not stay for a moment, and immediately packed their bags and returned to China.

If he stayed a little longer, he was also worried that his life would be in danger.

This account has been recorded by the Sixth Prince of Southern Border!

The relationship between the two countries also began to slowly change.

The princes of Beiming Kingdom, Dongling Kingdom, and Xihua Kingdom returned to the post station to discuss with the envoys and decided to return to the country immediately.

Mainly, Southern Border Country and Nalan Country do not know if they will fight!

This matter can be said to have nothing to do with them, or it can be said to be related, depending on the attitude of the monarchs of various countries, whether they are watching the fun or want to take advantage of the opportunity.

After all, the Sixth Prince of Southern Border also threw an olive branch to them before.

Anyway, this is a big deal, and everyone will go back to the nest to discuss!

After all the envoys from various countries left, the emperor finally breathed a sigh of relief!

For them to eat, for them to live, and to protect their lives, this is a thankless task!

The emperor said to Nalan Jinnian: "In the future, our envoys from Nalan will stay in various countries for a year and a half before coming back!"

Nalan Jinnian did not answer such childish words.

The answer is all idiots!


The Longevity Festival is coming to an end, and the capital has returned to its former calm.

The first month has passed, and finally February has come.

Tomorrow is the day when two sisters, gentle and warm, get married.

Today, everyone came to add makeup to the two sisters.

The first ones to come are of course the people in my own family.

The newly acquired city in Dongling is now settled. Wang Xiao deliberately took a leave of absence to come back to participate in the marriage of the two sisters. He directly gave each of the two sisters 100,000 taels of silver, a box of gold and silver jewelry, and a box of antique calligraphy and paintings. Two boxes of high-quality fur, and a hundred pieces of silk and satin of various kinds, in addition to a shop in the capital for each person, a village with a hundred acres of fertile fields in the suburbs of Beijing, and a mansion in Ningyuan County.

Because it was still early, and all the people present were family members, Wang Xiao took it out directly and did not avoid anyone.

"Uncle's little care, not much, take it well! If you run out of money, ask your uncle to get it! Don't be embarrassed!"

Wang Shi disagreed: "Brother, you are giving too much! Add makeup, just mean what you mean!"

Wang Shi felt that Wang Xiao simply wanted to give all his family wealth to his granddaughter!

Looking at those things and the gift list tenderly, she also shook her head: "Uncle, I can't have so many things! All I need is this piece of fabric!"

Wenrou now has her own weaving and dyeing workshop. Some of the fabrics that Wang Xiao took out were from a famous weaving workshop in the previous dynasty. One of them was very rare, and it was worth thousands of dollars, and the craftsmanship had been lost, she thought. to study.

She has already seen the others, and she doesn't need them.

Wen Wen also said: "Uncle, we can make money ourselves, we have the money ourselves, we also have the money to buy gold, silver and jewelry, shops, houses and everything, I just need this pair of dragon and phoenix bracelets! I don't need anything else, this is me like the most!"

Wang Xiao said disapprovingly: "These things are not many, the uncle's little idea. Where do I still have it, I will leave it to the children who are not married in the future! You two sisters keep it, and the next brother and sister get married. The number is probably the same, but Sister Nuan will be more, because she is married into the royal family, and the dowry must be thick, and her waist is hard enough! She will not be underestimated!"

Wang Xiao knew that these brothers and sisters had a good relationship, so he said this directly, not afraid that they would be jealous of them as sisters and brothers.

Gentle is embarrassed to accept it: "Uncle's heart, Sister Rou's heart! But it's really too much! The family has already prepared a lot of dowry! Uncle and uncle leave it to younger brothers and sisters!"

Wen Wen nodded and said, "Yes, just give them to the younger brothers and sisters!"

Wang Xiao feigned angrily: "Okay! The elders have given them a gift! Keep them all, or I'll be angry! Guizhi, you let them keep them, these are all external things, and they are not worth any money! This is what the eldest brother did. Uncle's little thought! I really don't pay attention to such a little thing! I'm so polite with my uncle, don't you think of me as a family? Your children and grandchildren are my children and grandchildren, you can add makeup Can't you?"

The words have been said here, and it is not acceptable to accept it!

Hearing this, Mrs. Wang sighed inwardly, how come the eldest brother has no sons and half daughters!

"Okay, Sister Rou, Sister Xin, you just keep it. This is Uncle's intention, don't delay, keep it all!"

After all, Wang Xiao is a great general, a great general who leads thousands of troops and horses. He is angry, and even a hundred thousand troops are afraid!

The two sisters did not dare to say no to this when they saw this!

Wen Nuan looked at Wang Xiao and said with a smile: "Sister, please accept it! You don't accept it, isn't this preventing me from accepting my uncle's makeup in the future? Uncle, when I get married, remember to give more! I But if you want a hundred miles of red makeup, ten miles of red makeup is not enough!"

Wang Xiao couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Haha. Sister Nuan is still sensible, good! Uncle will not miss you! You are the most! Baili Hongzhuang may not be enough, Shili Hongzhuang must be enough, and the rest of you are there. You can earn it yourself!"

He pouted warmly and pretended to be dissatisfied: "Uncle and uncle are stingy, only give ten miles of red makeup! At least twenty miles of red makeup!"

"Haha. This is trying to dig up the old man of the uncle! The girl is outgoing!"

Wang Xiao said to the gentle and warm again: "Sister Rou, Sister Xin, you should learn from Sister Nuan! This way you won't suffer!"

Gentleness and warmth looked helpless, and said in unison, "We don't have a thick skinned sister Nuan!"

The atmosphere became active again, and the two sisters also accepted Wang Xiao's makeup and thanked them.

Looking at those things, Wen Ling was really shocked and envious. She remembered that when Wen Liang married Guo Qianni before, she already felt a lot about Guo Qianni's dowry.

At that time, Wen Ling also laughed at Wenxin and her sisters. She also felt that Wenxin and their sisters would not be able to get a dowry when they got married!

Now, the makeup that an uncle gives is several times that of Guo Qianni!

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